Monday, March 10, 2025

Fasting for the Win!

Decided to tackle my eating habits to cut out the sugar and late night snacking. Ran across an intermittent fasting tracker and decided to take the plunge. 

It's been a little over a month and I've eliminated 95% sugar from my diet, along with white carbs, pasta, rice, and potatoes.  I also started walking every day (weather permitting) and lifting dumbbells.  I drink more water and black coffee with no more flavored creamer.  My eating now consists of veggies and fruits, protein, very limited cheese, wheat bread on occasion, avocado, seeds, almonds, and homemade protein shakes once in awhile.

The fasting portion has been relatively easy, especially since a good portion of the fast you are sleeping.  Was doing a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour eating window but I just switched it up to 17-hour fast and 7-hour eating window. I usually eat breakfast/lunch around 11am then eat dinner between 5pm and 6pm and start my fast, which has eliminated my evening snacking.  If I want a snack during the day, I eat celery with hummus - in fact, made from scratch hummus with less salt and it turned out incredible!

And the great news is so far I've lost 23 lbs! Also feeling much better without all that sugar in my system!  I don't feel hungry and don't have the cravings for crap food.

I plan to continue with this program until I meet my goal. And of course I'll have to buy a whole new wardrobe which will make this all worth it!!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mice and Moon and Birthday Oh My!

Received a gift certificate for Michaels for my birthday so swung by last week to browse.  Ran across some Christmas mice marked down 80% so picked up a few. Stripped them down, dug out the pile of fabric, and made them clothes.  Aren't they cute? Made hats out of acorn tops - one of them had a knob on top that looked just like a bird so I went for it.  May just swing by tomorrow to pick up a few more!

Had a little hummingbird visit who hung out on my metal flower sculpture. Sweet!

Snow came to visit last week. Thankfully it was just for a day.

Full moon was beaming like the sun the other night. 

Happy birthday to my youngest son Sam tomorrow!  He's turning the big 30 - hard to believe he's 30 already!

Mr. Thirty with his girlfriend

Kudos to son Jordan who just did his first commission sketch. He drew a tattoo for a client based upon his input. Turned out great and he made some cash!

Happy President's Day tomorrow and Happy Day Off for me!!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Check In for February

Going back to work has really interfered with my personal life, including blogging!

Christmas was great having the boys and Candy over for breakfast and gifts.

The new year brought Manny to OHSU for surgery to remove the remaining amount of tumor.  Chemo and radiation had reduced it by 95% so just a small amount to be removed. The biopsy showed negative for any cancer on the edges so he is now cancer free!  

Todd and I turned 61 on January 30th. We met up like last year at the Fiesta Bonita to celebrate, which of course included the hats!!

I spent my birthday getting my hair colored adding lowlights so it wasnt so bomb light!  My hair goddess Abbie even gifted me the service so that was a nice surprise.

Sam and his girlfriend Shelly took Manny and me to dinner the Saturday after my birthday.  We were going to the new restaurant in Castle Rock, Amauros, but the parking lot was so packed we went across the street for Mexican.  Good times.

This last week the Blue Jacket Divas met up at Riggos Latin restaurant to surprise Sally on her 80th birthday. We had a good time visiting and celebrating Sally. From the pictures, she had a good time as well.

My friend Marie asked me to repaint an old birdhouse and create a memorial rock to place on the burial spot of her pet lizard Mushi.  Painted the birdhouse using Dallas Cowboys colors as she's a cowboys freak!

For my birthday I bought myself a new dog, who I named Stella. Isn't she cute? No potty problems, no chewing, and already trained!

Have a great week everyone!  Here's a beautiful pic of the sky for you to reflect and count your blessings!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Almost Christmas!!

Took advantage of my free time before starting my new job to crank out 30 hand painted cards for my friends and family. Didn't take the time to snap a picture of each one: however, did capture my workspace along with the pics my family sent me of the cards they received.

I have a big bag of lip gloss that I bought from Ross for about $3.99.  In light of the holiday season, decided to sport the red gloss. Now, I never wear red - every time I've tried the color was too dark, too brown, and just not flattering! But this red gloss was different - had more of a blue tone, was sheer, and was the first red to work with my skin tone. Love it!!

Earlier this month met sis Luna at Guse's coffee shop. It's been in business for years but I'd never checked it out. Great coffee, great company, and it was a perfect visit!

The Blue Jacket Diva's met up at the local Latin restaurant Riggo's for a holiday get-together last week. We ate a lot, laughed a lot, and played the gift game. We never have enough time to visit with each other - I think we need to plan a full day or overnight stay just to catch up with each other properly!!

Cleaned and filled the hummingbirds feeder and the hummers have been out in force!!

Started my new job on 12/9 and love it. Manny said it seems I've been in a better mood -definitely lifts my spirits by having returned to being a productive member of society! 

Finishing my Christmas shopping and plan to be all set for breakfast with the boys on December 25. To get in the spirit, I've watched three versions of A Christmas Carol, Miracle on 34th Street, Christmas in Conneticut, and It's a Wonderful Life. Nothing better than black and white classics to set the stage for the holiday season!!  🎅🤶🧑‍🎄🎄

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December Already?

November was focused on landing a job! Was referred to a Seattle insurance agency by my former boss. We actually met up in Tacoma for a lunch at Matador, including a few of my previous co-workers.  Been so long since I had a girl's meal. 

Had a first interview, assessment, second interview, then I received the offer!  Fully remote with better pay than my last job!! Looking forward to starting on December 9th!

I think my stress was hovering on the back burner as once I accepted the offer, the cold crud hit me big time. Congestion, coughing, sneezing- the whole shebang. Thankfully I'm on the downhill slide - today was a good day as I was able to cough without wetting myself!! And the winter bug helped me shed 7 pounds!  Unfortunately, I shared the bug with Manny but he's getting through it fine - just the typical man symptoms with exaggerated whining and embellished achyness.

A couple weeks ago son Sam begged me to clean his house - for pay - so couldn't pass it up. I've cleaned it before so I knew what to expect - lots of dirty dishes leading to the question of "clean or toss?"  Spent over three hours and Sam gave me a 20 out of 10 score.

Not actual kitchen - example for reference 😉

Thanksgiving was a quiet day spent with Jordan, Candy, Sam, and Jordan's childhood friend John. Went instant all the way - mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, jarred gravy, and store bought pies. Did roast the turkey from scratch.

Spent Friday simmering the turkey carcass to make stock then used some of it today to make turkey corn chowder. Yum!  Here's the recipe if it's calling you!

Decided to paint my Christmas cards this year. Bought a package of 50 brown paper cards and envelopes at 40% discount. Spent yesterday penciling in the design and today began painting.  Seven cards done with another 23 to go!!

Christmas Cards in Progress

Let's try to keep the stress level down this December!! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Baby Squirrel to Moonlit Beach

Still hitting the street looking for a new job. Had one interview and assessment for an investment firm and waiting to hear the decision. Today I have an interview for a Spa Manager - may be the perfect fit for me with my dedication to fashion and makeup!

In the wildlife category, came home one day and discovered a baby squirrel eating peanuts at the base of our big tree. Was even able to pick him up! Placed him in the tree to see if Mama would show up; unfortunately, that didn't occur so I placed a request looking for squirrel help on Facebook. People were coming out of the woodwork wanting to care for the baby orphan! 

First person had experience and her husband works right across the street so we delivered the little critter directly to him. Knowing the squirrel was being properly cared for let us sleep much better.

Pigeons galore! Today I counted over 120 who came to feed. Perhaps it's the rain that's the reason for the increase in numbers.  We typically have 30 or so pigeon piglets so this many is surprising.

Grabbed an old painted canvas from the garage to redo it. Originally painted an ocean sunset scene; after a discussion with art expert Sam, decided to revise it into a moonlit scene. Love the way it turned out!

Sunset scene - Sam referred to the yellow reflection on the deck as a "pee stain!"

Revised moonlit painting.

Found an additional black and white photo to watercolor and embroider.

Sam, Jimmy, and Christian, along with Hazely, stopped by to help us with a light fixture issue. Those three are hilarious!  Jimmy flaunted his new pink hair, which he dyed for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Finally tackled a job on my to-do list - clean and organize the garage! This is actually the after pic - moved and stacked containers against the wall, tossed out tons of garbage, and made the Christmas decor accessible.  Only 70 days to Christmas!

Couple of months ago we were at Manny's dentist. They had a huge abstract rug that was beautiful and similar to the acrylic pour paintings I create. Took a picture, Googled it, and found the rug on Amazon. Isn't it gorgeous?

Last week our newer neighbor lady flagged me down to give me a couple snack packs of Lay's new flavor potato chips. Didn't realize she worked there but appreciated the thought. Two days later I opened the front door and there was a huge Target bag filled to burst with a variety of chips! Yummy surprise!

That's the excitement for now!