Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!!

Here's to having an awesome Halloween!!  I so enjoy dressing up for this occasion but since my work dress code is fairly conservative (a tradition I thoroughly enjoy breaking), I may just have to make do with the witches hat headband I picked up over the weekend.  Enjoy your holiday!!!


Monday, October 29, 2012

It Didn't Feel Like a Day Off Today!!

Today was originally planned as a vacation day so I could take oldest son to the doctor.  It was an appointment that had been set weeks ago so I figured nothing would interfere.  Wrong.  It just so happened that I was called for jury duty.  I called in the court hot line number last Friday and found out that I, along with the rest of Group No. 2, had to show up bright and early Monday morning to perform our civic duty.

Although I was excited to trade in my precious vacation for a paid jury duty day, the thought that I had to finagle a way out of it was none too appealing.  Having previously been on a jury, I knew my odds weren't very good.  Those judges and court clerks can be pretty hard core when it comes to enforcing a criminal's rights for a trial of his peers. 

After being appropriately screened through the Hall of Justice entrance, I made my way to the second floor to settle in for the wait - for everyone to arrive, for attorneys to settle in, and for us to be called to the courtroom.  Slowly yet steadily, the rest of Group No. 2 entered from the elevator to the waiting area.  Rather than filled with cushy chairs and benches as in my previous visits, the lobby appeared to now hold pew donations from the local Salvation Army church - light oak wood, stiff seated with absolutely no cushion other than my own personal fat reserves encased in my butt.  Not only were we reporting to perform our American duty, but we were going to receive ass bruises in order to the remember our very own legislative experience.

To my surprise, Group No. 2 was a rather diverse crowd.  Rather than the usual 80% retired, it was a mix of some older, some working age, and some very young.  Assorted as it was, the group still complained the same - don't want to be here, had to miss work, missed out on sleep, etc.  All that and a hefty $10 per day (plus mileage!) didn't do much to lift the pew-seated group.  The majority of us were nodding off when out of the blue - unexpected excitement!

Outside of my vision, we suddenly heard a man exclaim "Shit!  You ain't getting any of my money you dirty whore!"  Wow.....where did that come from?  The dirty-mouthed hoodlum continued to shout profane-laced insults and injury to someone; since we heard no response, it became apparent he was on the phone (or the object of his disgust was browbeaten into silence.)  With divorce court also in session today, I assumed this was the reasoning behind his expletive-filled rant.

Finally, the court clerk beckoned us all to check in, obtain and pin on our "Jury" buttons, then take a seat in the courtroom.  All of Group No. 2 sat poised and waiting, crossing fingers in hope their name was not picked.

Of course, lucky girl that I am, my name was picked.  I made my way to the jury box and sat.  Cushy chair!  This must have been the end reward for the previous pew punishment!  Once everyone was seated, the judge (who by the way finalized my first divorce) began outlining instructions to us as the jury.  In front of us sat the very pathetic defendant along with his bald-headed attorney and the blond, black-suited prosecuting attorney.  The judge outlined the case was a violation of restraining order and domestic violence case.  When he asked if there was anything that may prevent us from serving on the jury, I raised my hand and explained my need to transport my child to a much awaited doctor's appointment.  He said he'd let me know after attorney questions.

The prosecuting attorney then peppered us with numerous questions, a task which took over an hour.  Do you have issues with the law?  Do you have issues with cops?  Were you ever a victim of a domestic violence case?  Did you ever have a restraining order?  This process seemed to be never-ending, especially since several of the jurors went on and on and one, obviously in the hope of being disqualified or because they simply liked to talk.

One Sam Elliott look-alike who sat in the back of the room raised his hand on several occasions.  I don't like attorneys.  I don't like the law.  I don't trust cops.  By the way, I work graveyard and I'm tired.  Oy vey!!  Enough!  

Another younger girl asked numerous clarifying questions.  What do you mean by child?  Can you define that?  And what do you mean by drinking?   Do you mean alcoholic?  And let me tell you about my minimum wage job.  Paleez just excuse her now!!!

Behind me an older, gray-haired (and possibly wigged) woman raised her hand repeatedly to show she had experienced incidents in line with the questions.  Yes, I had a run in with the law - back in 1942 I received my one and only parking ticket!  Oh, yes there was domestic violence in my family - my second cousin's third husband twisted her arm and this traumatized me. 

During the juror questioning, the defendant made no movement whatsoever.  He didn't look at us, he simply sat and stared down at the table.  His attorney would question him now and then and he would simply grunt a short answer.

Following the prosecutor's questioning, the defense attorney interrogated us but for a much shorter time.  It was becoming increasingly warm; the judge mentioned the HVAC system was being fixed.  I sat there and mentally slapped myself for wearing a fleece jacket while the thermostat was hitting 80 degrees.

Finally the interrogation was over!  The attorneys then met up at the judges bar to quietly discuss their selections.  The time had then arrived - the paper was given to the judge and he announced who was excused from selection.  Sam Elliott was gone.  The younger gal was gone.  The wigged lady, to my astonishment, stayed.  But I was gone, along with about 20 others.  Those attorneys really cleaned house!! 

Booking out of the courtroom, I grabbed my note for work and took off for the car.  Jumping in, I cranked up the air conditioning and drove home, where I promptly changed into a tee shirt before grabbing Son One and taking him to his appointment. 

It was bittersweet being tossed off the jury because, truth be told, I find court cases quite interesting.  My jury appointment is for the current full two weeks - perhaps something horrendous will be in my near future.  If I have to fulfill my civic duty, it would be nice to have a Law and Order episode while doing it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shoe of the Week?

According to the Daily Mail U.K., Berlin designer Iris Schieferstein crafts high-priced shoes from dead animal parts. Of course we realize a good majority of shoes are made from leather aka dead animal parts, but this designer takes the concept literally.   Makes me think of Annie Oakley - a horse hoof with gun heel?   Not sure you could find me hoofin it up in these heels (pun intended) but her creativity must be admired.


Sunflower Surprise

After being off from work on Tuesday, I walked into my office Wednesday morning to see the unexpected sight of.....sunflowers!  What a sweet surprise!  They were swaddled in clear plastic and placed in a glittery bow-wrapped vase filled with blue baubles and water.  When I unwrapped the flowers to place in the vase, I saw a handwritten note attached to the bouquet, which read:
I'm so thankful because you are a very nice and thoughtful person.  I'm so appreciative.

Wow!  The flowers were from an employee for whom I had recently counseled and given advice.  Not only did they put a smile on my face, but they brightened up my office!  I had a busy Wednesday catching up on work from Tuesday, but each time I looked at those sunflowers, the day didn't seem quite so rainy!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Important Point Made Through Glitter

Life takes a turn when you realize you are getting together with your friends not for good reasons but for sad ones.  Saturday found me in this role.  My group of friends, dubbed the Blue Jacket Divas, found ourselves gathered to mourn the passing of our friend and BJD member Perla's husband, Richard.  We have not seen each other in such a long time so it was a bittersweet moment - smiling with hellos and hugs but then shedding tears over such a sad event. 

It was a beautiful funeral - songs Richard loved, pictures, sharing of memories, and at the end Perla stood and gave a recap of his disease and passing.  I admired her strength as she told Richard's story, her husband of 23 years. 

One attendee who shared her story was late to rise.  The group was done rising and giving remembrances; it wasn't until the pastor was ready to speak again that she rose her hand.  Instead of staying in her seat, she rose and walked to the front.  She wore a glittered blue top, tight pants, and, although she wore four-inch high black boots, she was quite tiny.  She shared her memories of Richard then went on to speak to us all.  She said it seemed she only came in to town to celebrate weddings and funerals and in face she had taken a plan and driven 20 hours for this funeral.  She had outlived two husbands and had seen her share of hard times but through it all were her family and friends.  She said she didn't want to wait to see people only during the good or bad times - she wanted to seem them all the time and for that she made a promise to visit more often.  She expressed how thankful she was for the people around her and how much they meant to her.

I think her speech hit me the hardest.  It made me realize that we need to make time for our friends, our family, and to tell them how very much we love them before it's too late.  Perla shared that Richard had made his peace before passing and perhaps this is what the glittered woman urged us to do now.  Don't wait until you have to drive 20 hours - make a phone call or a quick trip to spend time with your loved ones. 

Although it wasn't spoken, I think the next time the BJD's get together it will be for no reason at all, except for a celebration of friendship. 

R.I.P. Richard.  And much love to our Perla through her sorrow.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Week of Fashion Statements

Last week was homecoming and Sam was definitely in the school spirit.  He dressed up and each day was more amusing than the next.  This perhaps laid the groundwork for when he surprised me yesterday with two pierced ears!   Yep, he showed up at home with two rhinestone-that-look-like-diamond studs in his ears.  Quite the fashionista statement so who was I to complain, especially since I've got a few piercings myself!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Only 69 Days Until.....Well You Know

This past weekend was a milestone....I saw my first Christmas commercial of the season.  Wow...and Halloween hasn't even occurred.  Only 69 days until Christmas....time to start shopping!!!  Or think about shopping!  Or set aside some money to start shopping!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Here's the Competition!

Finally made my way over to my pumpkin competition yesterday.  Not a bad group of painted pumpkins!  I especially love the one with crown and tu-tu.  Keepin my fingers crossed for that $100 prize!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Think Pink!

In honor of October breast cancer month, I'm getting my annual mammogram today!  To be honest, it always seems to be a drag when this time of year rolls around.  However, despite what people say, it's painless, very fast, and is extremely proactive in keeping me healthy! 

If you are over 40, or have a history of breast cancer in your family, make your mammogram appointment today!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bring on the Cocoa!!!

It's been a rough week at work.  Lots of terminations, debates, explanations, and a variety of trials and tribulations, which can be very draining on an HR Diva.  Today oldest son has an appointment so I'll be in to work late; Monday is my annual mammogram so again I'll be in late to work.  And that's all fine with me.  My weekend is planned solely around relaxing, hanging out with my Michael, and taking naps.  Not leaving the house once is also in my future.  Plus, if the news is accurate, rain.  Which will mean a hot cup of cocoa and a good movie, which is the perfect prescription for me this weekend!


Have A Beautiful Friday | Friday | Forward this Picture

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Lorax

Well, it's that time of year again at work when they hold the pumpkin painting contest.  Employees paint a pumpkin then they are located in the lobby where guests can vote on them.  The winning pumpkin artist receives $100!   At first I was going to have Sam paint his infamous Batman on my pumpkin; however, when he backed out I was forced to do the dirty work myself. 

Last year I painted a rather creepy Frankenstein.  I discovered that the popular vote goes to cartoon characters such as Sponge Bob, Nemo, or Dumbo.  After searching the Internet, I decided on Dr. Seuss's The Lorax......seemed easy enough.  As always, it wasn't.

After working almost two hours on the thing, this is the final product.  Sam, the artist, gave his critique, which wasn't exactly glowing.  However, when Jordan walked through the door and said "Why is there the Lorax painted on a pumpkin?" it reaffirmed my pumpkin painting self-esteem.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

My Model

My results

Better add a caption in case anyone is confused

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Special Celebration at the Oregon Coast

Our weekend to Lincoln City and the Oregon Coast was fantastic!  We left Friday morning and cruised down I-5 through McMinnville to get our motel, the Starfish Manor Oceanfront Hotel.  I made the reservation so Michael and I could celebrate his 10-year anniversary on Friday of his kidney transplant.  The hotel I found on-line; it was rated one of the most romantic spots on the Oregon Coast and we could see why.  The rooms were small but filled with a microwave, fridge, dishes, sunken tub, fireplace, two-headed shower, robes, dimmer lighting and rose petals strewn across the bed.  It was located right on the ocean, plus no kids or pets.  It was heaven.

As we were checking out the room, I found an unusual item - a room journal.  Several couples had written down their experiences at the beach, including in the room.  Most were PG but there were a few that were XXX-rated.  Entertaining and of course I had to jot down our experiences.  As much as I wanted to write a long story in the vein of "Fifty Shades of Grey" I held back and simply included a G-rated paragraph.

We spent Friday in the heart of Lincoln City, outlet shopping, eating seafood, strolling on the beach, and in general relaxing.  Saturday morning we made our way back to the beach for a quick visit then hit the road for Hwy 101 toward Tillamook.  Both Friday and Saturday were absolutely gorgeous tee-shirt weather at the beach, for which we were extremely grateful.

We stopped for cheese samples and lunch at the Tillamook Cheese Factory.  We then continued on through Garibaldi,  Manzanita, Rockaway Beach then Cannon Beach to visit my brother's shop Dueber's for the first time.  Unfortunately, he wasn't working but we were able to see his bustling business and also receive the family discount for our purchases!  Thanks Jay!!

After the shop, we were hankering for some crab cakes.  We asked around and were told "next to the Dragonfly Gallery is where Angry Sue makes the best crab cakes!"  Well, that sounded like quite the testament so we made our way to the Dragonfly.  Our mouths started watering when we spotted a coffee and eatery sign; alas, upon investigation we discovered that Angry Sue had not made crab cakes in that area for over a year.

However, that bit of information did not deter us from our search.  We made our way back to the car then drove to Ecola Seafood Market and Restaurant.  It was very busy and very warm with lots of people; to be honest I was getting cranky!  We ordered four fresh crab cakes to go then made our way to the back of the market and waited.  Served piping hot in a brown box with homemade tarter and cocktail sauce, we hastily made our exit to the car then back on to Hwy 101 for home.  As Michael drove, I scooped up bites of sweet, soft, and creamy crab cake -one bite for him then one bite for me.  It was yummy and worth the wait.

We returned home Saturday night around 6:30 pm - tired with sandy shoes and traces of taffy, pumpkin nut fudge, and crab cake on our lips.  It was another memorable trip and a fantastic celebration!

Friday, October 5, 2012


A Weekend of Celebration!

The weekend is here and I'm ready for some R&R!  

Last night was my two-year service dinner with my company.  I didn't win a day off or free night's stay, but the taco bar dinner was sure yummy!  Michael was my date; in order to prevent having to drive two cars home, he took the train from Kelso to Centralia so we could ride home together.  Perfect solution!

I took today off and we are celebrating Michael's 10-year transplant anniversary by taking a mini-trip to Lincoln City for a one-night stay.  Beach, sand, and outlet mall here we come!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate Distraction

I'm sitting here trying to keep an eye (or a portion of one eye) on the debate but found this very humorous.  You've gotta do something to keep it entertaining!!