Friday, June 28, 2013


Thursday, June 27, 2013

R&R for Work and Life

Today is the annual company picnic, which hopefully will remain dry.  Unfortunately, due to working out of town, the picnic is held an additional 20 minutes or so past my work location.  The highlight of the picnic is the employee t-shirt being given away displays a logo designed by none other than moi!  My prize for submitting the winning design was a free day off with pay, which has already been used for one of my sick days last week. 

It's hard to believe it's the end of June.  Next week is the 4th of July then the 5th brings a mini-vacation for Michael and I.  We are headed to Ocean Shores for the weekend for some much needed R&R.  Michael has been my support, backbone, and cheerleader over the last year for everything from my father's death to work trials and tribulations to my son's graduation.  It's been wonderful having him in my corner; his intelligence and insight allows me to see a situation from all angles.  His sense of humor keeps me laughing through life's ups and downs and his dedication to keeping me healthy and happy has been greatly appreciated.  I'm looking forward to a super vacation with my man and can't wait to remind him how truly blessed I am to have him in my life!!!

Yes, more doodles from the Diva!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Erin!!

Happy birthday to my little sis Erin today!!! Make it a fabulous day!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Embracing the Joy!!

My forced recuperation period has allowed me to participate in one of my favorite hobbies - reading!  I picked up a couple of books - Calico Joe by John Grisham and Every Day a Friday by Joel Osteen.  First started Calico Joe but now I've turned my attention toward the Friday book. 

One of the quotes from the back cover states "It's not what happens to you or what you have or don't have that is important; it's how your mind is set and the decisions you make."    One of the first chapters states that it is my choice to greet the day as joyful or greet it with negativity.  I'm going to greet every day with joy, as if it's a TGIF day!!

Here's to everyone having a joyful day today!!! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is There A Steroid for Bad Talk Shows?

The doctor has ordered it so unfortunately there is no choice but for me to rest for the remainder of the week.  The last 3-4 nights have involved being woken up around 2am wracked with dry, horse, wheezy coughing jags.  No amount of OTC medicine has helped and the coughing continues all the while my body yearns for rest.  This morning I cried "Mercy", gave up, and went into the see the doctor.  She prescribed antibiotics, steroids, and anti-coughing pills to get my breathing and health under control.  The hardest pill to swallow?  She forced me to take the rest of the week off from work to rest and recuperate.  Being a very active Diva, this forced relaxation is wrenching but, since the doctor ordered it, I must comply.  Thanks to a great team at work who will pitch hit for me while I'm out, drowning in The View, The Chew, and The Talk!!

RIP Mr. Gandolfini!

James Gandolfini, awesome character actor - dead at 51 of a heart attack in Italy.  The Sopranos, The Mexican, The Juror - he was memorable in all.   Your talents will be missed!!!

Flowers and Furry Legs

Look what greeted me when I looked out my kitchen window this morning!  In my backyard is a planter with three fake birds boinging around in what I thought was a patch of weeds.  Lo and behold, a spattering of Lilly's are coming up!  Was a nice surprise.
On a more disturbing note, the Chinese came out with the following stockings for women, to be used as a "deterrent against perverts and rapists."   Maybe not good for protection but humorous just the same!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Insightful Blog

One of my friends passed along this blog The Militant Baker.  Included in it is a cool column titled "Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls....So I Will."  Read it - good stuff!!

Cough Then Cry

For the last few weeks I’ve been battling this cold/allergy smackdown and it’s getting undeniably old.  This weekend an unbearable cough set in along with bouts of puking.  Monday morning brought me up and ready to face a work day; however, during my commute brought continued coughing rages along with significant urinary leakage.  Arriving to work (and leaving a pee spot on the car seat) the bathroom was my first pit stop.  Once I got into my office it was apparent the coughing and leaking would not be subsiding; in order to maintain my dignity and not bestow a perfume of eau de ammonia around my co-workers, it was best that I hit the road for home.  Either that or spread a layer of kitty litter on the seat of my office chair, which may not be the most welcoming environment for our employees.
My new cryfest movie
Keeping the cough at bay with severe cough formula medicine along with menthovapor Halls cough drops, the next step was to bundle in a blanket, stretch out on the couch and watch a movie.  Instead of comedy or action adventure, I’m more of a thriller/drama type of gal, especially the ones that pull on one's heartstrings.  A few years back, my sons caught me in a cry fest watching Pan’s Labyrinth, a memory they occasionally bring up if they see me crying.  “Mom, are you having another Pan’s Labyrinth moment?”  
Well, I’ve now found myself a more up-to-date movie as a replacement for old Pan’s and it’s called “The Impossible”.  Asian tsunami true family story with Oscar-nominated Naomi Watts about parents and children being torn apart by a natural disaster then brought together.  Numerous moments of cry-inspiring scenes where I was fully engaged with my tissue.  At least it worked on keeping my urinary leakage at bay, possibly due to the fact that any bodily moisture was being expelled through my eyes!! 

Here’s to comedies and urinary tract control in my very near future!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the great fathers out there along with my Dad in Heaven!!!

A Sunny Day for Graduation

Well, my two children have now both graduated from high school - yippee!!!  I'm so proud of both of them.

Yesterday was Sam's graduation from Kelso High School.  Of course we had a moment of panic while he couldn't find his dress shoes at home.  Students had been warned they would not be able to graduate if they did not have on the proper attire; luckily, he was able to borrow a pair from his friend's father.  We made our way to the high school, parked then Sam went his way while Michael, Grandma Arlene and I made our way to the stadium seats.

We scored great seating - shady and in prime view of the graduation area.  In front of us there were wave upon wave of reserved bleachers wrapped in blankets, tarp or duct tape with signs proclaiming the last names of graduates such as "Connors"; "Smith"; "White", etc.  Family members had to get up early in the morning to secure these reservation spots; we all agreed that it simply was  not fair.   The stadium began to fill to the brim and still several of these reserved spots had not been filled.  This definitely seemed to be an unfair advantage and one that should not be allowed.

At the stroke of one, a bagpipe player came out while the graduates made their procession to the seats.  School administration and student speeches came and went then finally the diploma ceremony began.  Name after name was called then finally (close to the very end) Sam's name was announced.  Yee haw!!  I was sure the waterworks would begin but my happiness overrode my urge to cry.

After the ceremony, we located Jordan before taking many pictures.  We then made our our way to Pizza Hut to break bread and continue the celebration.  Once home, we cut the cake then Jordan left with his dad and Sam left with his buddies before catching the charter bus for the all-night graduation party.

Congratulations Sam! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feeling Up!

Michael and I watched the movie "Up" last night - me for the first time.  By the first half I was crying my eyes out it was so sweet!!  A real classic and now one of my favorites!  Today I'm still feeling a bit weepy, but I believe that is due to my youngest son graduating from high school today.  Another moment in time!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

TGIF and Abundant Graduation!

Last night I stopped at Walmart to pick up a few items; of course I partook in my favorite mode of relaxation - wandering the aisles and looking for clearance treasures.  While I was in the clothing section, a young lady with broken English stopped and asked if I would give her some advice.  She said she was graduating today with her GED; she had a to wear a graduation gown but she wasn't sure if she should wear jeans or a dress.  I told her it was a moment to celebrate so she needed to wear a dress.  We looked around the Walmart dress section, where there were limited possibilities.  She asked if she should go to the Maurice store, which was close by.  I told her definitely; she needed to look at the clearance section to pick up a skirt and blouse because more than likely she would get 40% to 70% additional off the clearance price, a deal that is almost always running in Maurices.  She seemed excited; I wished her additional congratulations and she went on her way after thanking me profusely.  It was a sweet moment and I was happy to be part of someone's important life moment.

Speaking of graduation, today is Sam's rehearsal in preparation for his high school graduation on Saturday.  We just learned he received an Art Department award so that is a fitting cherry on top of his high school art career.  Here's to a wonderful celebration tomorrow!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Secret Among the Ferns

Sometimes there are surprises during the workday that simply make you smile.  This moment was one of them. 

The view from my work window is a landscaped area filled with ferns.  Last week out of nowhere a small group of wild kittens popped up, tussling with each other among the greenery.  A few of my co-workers tried to capture a kitty for themselves but the bundles of fur were too elusive and quick. At some point, Mama Cat showed up and herded her tribe on to another area.    Yesterday, Mama Cat once again used the ferns as her babysitter, leaving her kitties to wrestle while she catted around elsewhere.  After watching them for a bit, my attention turned back to the computer; the next time I peeked outside, the cat family was gone. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy 100th Birthday Mrs. Cameron!!!

Have you seen that commercial where people are given a blue dot and told to place it next to the age of the oldest person they know?  Well, Hazel Cameron is my blue dot!!  She's my stepmom's mother and she just turned 100 on Saturday.  Happy 100th Birthday Hazel!!!   Doesn't she look fabulous??!!

Happy 100th birthday Hazel, shown here with my aunt Mary Jane!!

Just Another Superhero!

Stopped at Walmart yesterday and I had my own "Walmart moment"! Too much!!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Well, the cold is gone but now the allergies have set eye is swollen and gooey this morning! Enough already!! But to look on the bright's Friday!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Looking Good for Bad Reasons

There are many of us (myself included) who love seeing pictures of "Stars Without Makeup"!  For some reason seeing celebs their natural state makes them more down-to-earth and similar to the rest of us.  I just ran across a new article about makeup artist Melissa McCarthy titled Porn Stars Without Makeup that puts a new spin on this concept.

It's hard to look at these fresh-faced women being made into something sexual and thinking about what they do for a living.  How did these girls get involved with this trade?  Growing up, in my mind I always thought if someone had good looks they would be given an extra chance in life to become successful, rich, and  happy.  So why go into the porn industry?  Is it that lucrative?  And are these women so damaged they turn to porn due to their low self-esteem?

A 2012 study of 177 porn actresses by the Journal of Sex Research showed the following:

Compared with a control group, the porn actresses were much more likely to be bisexual (67 percent vs. 7 percent). They also started having sex at an earlier age, had more sexual partners in their lifetime (not including partners in their line of work), said they enjoyed sex more and were more concerned about contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Additionally, porn actresses were more likely to have had a problem with alcohol and to report having used 10 different types of drugs in their lifetime. They also reported more marijuana use during the past six months compared with other women.

But the researchers found key differences between porn actresses and other women that contradict the "damaged goods" stereotype. The porn stars were no more likely to have been victims of childhood sex abuse than the control group, the study found. What's more, the porn actresses reported significantly higher sexual satisfaction, positive feelings, social support and spirituality. it appears these porn stars may have higher positive feelings but this may be acquired by their higher than average drug and alcohol use.

In the end, it's hard to look at these before and after makeup photos without thinking of the reason behind their transformations.  They aren't doing it for themselves; they are doing it to earn a dollar in a very degrading manner.  And it's really kind of sad.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Spirit Moves But the Body Protests!

Today is the first day that I'm finally getting back to being healthy!  The last two weeks have been a combination of travel and work activities all topped with a sore throat, cough, and cold.  Ick!  My walking has been sidelined and the only food calling me are my old favorites - mac and cheese, crashed egg sandwich, and soup.  Now that my sore throat is 90% gone, I'm determined to make a fresh start to getting back on track with my healthy eating and exercise plan.  As well as writing more on my blog; unfortunately, when one is stuffy, sore, and coughing til they wet their pants, the creative spirit simply doesn't call!