Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mardi Gras Me!

This week arrived the annual company party.  I have attended a company party every single year since my career began, which means about 26 or so parties.  Wow!

This year had a Mardi Gras theme, which meant a mask.  I made my own mask using scrapbook paper, feathers, glitter crown, and sparkles all over.  It turned out fabulous but alas I did not win the mask contest!

It was a fun night enjoying good times with my co-workers, especially in the photo booth!!

Feelin fabulous with my friend!
My mask

Just another animal at the party!
My great co-workers!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cleaning and Curls

Organization has been in my blood lately which resulted in my cleaning my room, moving some furniture around, and pairing my pile of shoes.  This was the last weekend of duck hunting season, which means I'll finally be able to see Steve in person rather than just talk on the phone.  Along with cleaning, my other activities have involved finishing up my Mardi Gras mask for my company party and watching a variety of movies with Sam and his buddies.  Tomorrow night is the party and I'm looking forward to wearing not only the mask but the dress I made.  Hopefully this week will fly by fast because come Friday I'll be ringing in birthday No. 51

Here I am in my cleaning clothes this past weekend - good old overalls.  I've also been curling my hair lately.  Normally when I curl my hair I do it in one direction - back.  However, I read an excellent tip that you should curl hair front then back then so on.  Love the way the curls turn out this way!

On to painting my nails tonight to prepare for tomorrow's shindig!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

From Funk to Fabulous!!

The other day I was in a funky mood, driving home. Just wanted to go home and go back to sleep. But then I saw it - the beautiful sky!  Look at this view!  Filled with pink, my favorite color.  It's like God was sending me a message, uplifting my spirit.  And you know what?  My funk was gone and I felt much better when I arrived home!!!

Sewing and Cleaning - Just Another Weekend!

It was so nice this week to be back close to normal!  Was able to return to work, hit the gym and actually clean the kitchen without being exhausted.  Also this week I began preparation for the annual company party, which has a Mardi Gras theme.  Digging out some fabric, one evening this week I made a purple gown, sash with multiple colors of fabric, and a gold shrug to wear with it.  With no pattern - but it turned out great!  The outfit is very festive and the colors match the party theme exactly.  Can't wait to wear it!

This weekend my focus is on cleaning!  Being sick sapped my strength and my room was seriously neglected.  That's going to be my main focus along with having the boys move a few items around for their mom.  In addition, yesterday I placed for sale on Facebook Michael's very large fish tank.  It was sold within the hour and will be picked up today so that will remove a huge obstacle in my family room.  Then I can set about moving furniture around in that room.

Here's to a very productive weekend!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Cheers to TGIF and Good Health!

Ahhh...Friday once again!  This has been a hard week!  I've been battling the cough/cold bug for the last week; the picture on the left below is me going to the doctor on Monday.  After receiving a diagnosis of bronchitis, I was loaded up with antibiotics and was able to return to work on Wednesday.  The feeling much better pic is from yesterday on my way to work.

Unfortunately, my Steve caught the bug and has been suffering as well all week long.  He's hitting the doc today and I'll be visiting him this weekend to play nursemaid.

Here's to us all being on the upswing this weekend!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy 2015!!!

This New Year's had all the ingredients for being fantastic; unfortunately, I've been battling a cold/flu bug so that brought me down.

Steve picked me, along with Stubbs, up Wednesday morning and we cruised to his family's beachhouse, the "Husted Hilton" in Cannon Beach.  So lovely, very close to the beach with tons of windows.  Steve made us a wonderful New Year's Eve dinner of salmon and crab.  All was well until I threw up in the middle of the night (no, not from the food)!  New Year's Day we had breakfast out at the Lazy Susan, a cute little cafe with awesome food.  We then spent the day relaxing and watching the Oregon Ducks cream the opposing team.  

Friday arrived sooner than I thought and I continued to battle the cold.  Coughing, sneezing, and fever; Steve was such a trooper while I suffered through my sickness.  We arrived home Friday evening to visit with Jordan, who decided to move home, and Sam, who may also move back home. So much for my empty nest!!!

Today I've spent in bed, napping and watching television.  Right now I'm watching The Happening and sipping hot water with lemon and honey.  Here's to a healthier day tomorrow!!!