Going back to work has really interfered with my personal life, including blogging!
Christmas was great having the boys and Candy over for breakfast and gifts.
The new year brought Manny to OHSU for surgery to remove the remaining amount of tumor. Chemo and radiation had reduced it by 95% so just a small amount to be removed. The biopsy showed negative for any cancer on the edges so he is now cancer free!
Todd and I turned 61 on January 30th. We met up like last year at the Fiesta Bonita to celebrate, which of course included the hats!!
I spent my birthday getting my hair colored adding lowlights so it wasnt so bomb light! My hair goddess Abbie even gifted me the service so that was a nice surprise.
Sam and his girlfriend Shelly took Manny and me to dinner the Saturday after my birthday. We were going to the new restaurant in Castle Rock, Amauros, but the parking lot was so packed we went across the street for Mexican. Good times.
This last week the Blue Jacket Divas met up at Riggos Latin restaurant to surprise Sally on her 80th birthday. We had a good time visiting and celebrating Sally. From the pictures, she had a good time as well.
My friend Marie asked me to repaint an old birdhouse and create a memorial rock to place on the burial spot of her pet lizard Mushi. Painted the birdhouse using Dallas Cowboys colors as she's a cowboys freak!
For my birthday I bought myself a new dog, who I named Stella. Isn't she cute? No potty problems, no chewing, and already trained!
Have a great week everyone! Here's a beautiful pic of the sky for you to reflect and count your blessings!