Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Despite two doctor visits, including the ER, my current bout of coughing and wheezing has not yet subsided.  Therefore, I hit another doctor up tonight to get some additional treatment or perhaps even a Valium just to make my life easier.

Along with being prescribed more steroids and an antibiotic, the doctor said I now have thrush.  What is thrush you ask?  It's a yeast infection in the mouth!!!  Please Lord, why is this being inflicted upon me??  Apparently certain illnesses, stress, or medications (like the steroid inhalers that I use) can disturb the delicate balance, causing the fungus candida to grow out of control, causing thrush.  Thankfully I got it in the early stages so the oral rinse I must now use three times a day should make quick work of this new condition.

However, now that I'm on antibiotics for my cough, I'm worried this will lead to a yeast infection of the vaginal areas, which is common with antibiotics.  I truly hope this situation doesn't come to pass as a girl can only take so much!!  If that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger, I'm in serious Arnold Schwarzenegger contention at this point!!

Here's to making 2012 a much healthier year, which much less stress, than 2011!!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you have no idea what my Christmas Day trip to the ER did to me! My body was so stressed out over my cyst-rupture ordeal, not only did I get a stress-induced visit from our candida friend, but a cold sore too! I feel broken on this final week of 2011. =( I'm with you.
