Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'll Pass on that Store Discount!

This morning I overslept, which never happens.  I awoke at 6:51; normally I'm up at 5:15.  The good news was the boys had a dentist appointment at 8am so, although I had to rush, it wasn't as bad as it could be.

We arrived at the dentist where I sat and waited for the boys.  The good news?  Younger son had no cavities.  The bad news?  Older son had a ton of cavities.  I mean a ton.  As in the dentist mentioned he had set a record there were so many.  On top of that, younger son must have his wisdom teeth removed this summer.  Can you hear the cash register ringing?  I could!

When I dropped the boys off at school I realized we had forgotten to get a doctor's note for their tardiness, which meant I had to quickly write an excuse up for them.  I then hit the road to work.

I made it to work and it was another day of getting an abundance of tasks done.  Work over, I arrived at home to find little Stubbs had broken in the new furniture by puking on it.  Ugh.  At least it was just a little bit of yellowish gunk. 

After vomit duty, I cruised over to Ross to look over a few household items.  I picked up a nice tray to put on the ottoman so there was a place to put a cup of coffee when the computer is in use.  Upon paying, the clerk said "Are you a member of the Tuesday club?"  Uh, what was the Tuesday club?  "Oh, that's for 55 and older."  OMG are you kidding me lady?  I must have had a very bad hair and makeup day for that woman to wonder if I was older than 55!!

I think it's time for bed!  Here's to a better tomorrow!!

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