Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reunion - Chapter 2

After recuperating a few hours from the family reunion, I made my way over to the historic Monticello Hotel to meet up with my 1982 classmates from R.A. Long High School.  There were a ton of us there!  In earlier reunions, it was, of course, about who married whom, where people were living, how many children, etc.  For the 30th reunion, the tide has turned and classmates appeared to be grateful to relive memories with everyone no matter the background, simply being thankful we were alive and well.  We've experienced a few deaths of classmates in recent months so perhaps that spurred the attendance, along with the continued publicity of the event on Facebook. 

Along with my twin brother, it was nice to meet up with some of my close pals from high school - Lisa, Marie, and Carri, along with seeing old neighbors and frequent friends from Facebook.   I have to give a special shout out to classmate Sue H., who confided to me she loves the Diva Blog, going so far as to email it to herself at work so she could read it daily within the electronic rules of her job.   Now that's a true House of Diva fan!!

We may have been fatter, have crow's feet, were gray, and bald but this didn't matter.What mattered is we met again to celebrate one of the most iconic moments of our life - high school - and there were no longer cliques or divisions.  There was simply a gang of friends getting together to hug, enjoy each other, empathize about the bad, relive the good, share email, commit to staying in touch, and look forward to our 35th reunion!

P.S. Big Kudos to my brother Todd who worked so hard behind the scenes to make this event successful! 

Darby, Todd and Pam - the hosts with the most
Jamie and Russ

Jamie, Lisa and Russ with yearbook in hand

Me familia - Todd and Angie

Lifelong buds Carri, Lisa, Marie and  Diva

Packed lounge

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