Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dreaming of Zombies

However entertaining they may be, dreams have a way of disrupting your sleep!  It's rare my sleep is filled with dreams but last night my subconscious must have been filled with episodes of The Walking Dead.  Zombies, running from society, protecting my loved ones from death or from being eaten...yikes!   At one point I was in Fred Meyer, grabbing the necessities of life - knives, water, bread, and the latest People magazine.  At some point I ran into my sisters Julie and Erin.  Julie said how fantastic was this that we could do anything we wanted in the store because the world was coming to an end, at which point she scooped her hand into the middle of a cake, took a bite and said "see?"  Erin's input was that my knives weren't big enough to fight off the zombies so I needed to further stock up on my arsenal.  All I could think about were I had to get back to where my sons were hiding because they may need food.....once a mother, always a mother!

Always investigative, I looked up the meaning of zombies in dreams and found the following:

Dreaming about zombies can be to do with something changing in your life for the worse, being in a bad situation that you can't seem to get out of, or not having your heart in something anymore. If you are hiding or running away from the zombies, then it could mean that you are avoiding something or denying that something is bothering you. If you dream of a zombie apocalypse, then it can mean that you are feeling totally overwhelmed by something in your life. If, on the other hand, you are fighting and killing the zombies, it can mean that you have been facing up to whatever is bothering you, but are still having trouble conquering your problems. (Unless of course you totally defeat all the zombies and win, which, funnily enough, never seems to happen in zombies dreams!!!) Fighting and killing zombies can also relate to excessive conflict in your life.



  1. Mom and I used to poke our fingers in the middle of meat packages for thrills in the grocery store...bad...

  2. I could seriously see enjoying that!! Like trying on clothes, getting makeup on the collar, then trading it for a clean one to buy! So bad!!
