Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Mind Says Thirties but The Back Says Not!

This week has been exhausting with a capital E!  After a week of backache and pains, I finally broke down and made a doctor's appointment on Monday.  My lower back had been in distress for almost a week - there was no reason for it, simply got out of bed and was in pain.  It was ignored, it was deluged with Tylenol, but alas nothing worked so the doctor was my last resort, mainly for prescription pain killer.

Meeting up with the doctor at the urgent care clinic, I described my lower back agony, which had began spreading to my gluteus maximus area.  After getting big points following his comment of "are you in your thirties?", the doctor prescribed muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory painkillers.  He also put me on two days of bed rest to recuperate.

On top of my back ache, a cold decided to descend upon my pain-riddled body.  Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in a drug induced fog, including but not limited to a nose running like a faucet, chronic cough, and numerous naps.  The only excursion made from my bed or the couch was a short trip to Walmart on Wednesday, wearing the same sweatpants that adorned my posterior all week.  It was not a pretty or pleasant-smelling fashion moment!

Sharing in my back pain, literally, was sister Julie, who was also experiencing the same ailment.  Perhaps we had a "twin" sister bond, and my pain was her pain.  We traded texts regarding our agony, home remedies, and of course plenty of whining.

Today brought a return to work, along with the ability to shave (more aptly described as weed whacking) my legs once again, which had been ignored for a week because bending over was out of the question.  My back is much better but my cold is still hanging on.  In fact, the cough has intensified, including the old "wet your pants when you hack" syndrome. The highlight for today was performing sexual harassment avoidance training in a packed room when you aren't sure if the room was uncomfortable due to the topic or because the participants could smell the perfume of urine and cough drops exuding from my being.  The end of the day couldn't come fast enough!!

Here's to another workweek ending tomorrow and my aches and pains disappearing very soon!!!

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