Friday, July 18, 2014

The Strange, The Smelly, and the Super

I am so very glad it's Friday!!!  This week was full of odd occurrences and strange happenings!

On Tuesday after working out at the gym, I stopped off at Safeway to get gas and pick up a few items from the store.  I was getting ready to leave the parking lot when a thin, crazy woman went tearing behind my car up to the truck parked a few spaces over.  She was carrying a glass vase with flowers and a balloon.  She was desperately trying to get into the truck but it appeared her friends didn't want her to get in.  She ended up dropping the vase, which shattered all over the parking lot and the balloon went flying into the sky.  She then took off like a bat out of hell toward my car; lucky for her she veered away and continued running while a security guard went chasing after her.  She was so wild-eyed!  At that point a girl in the back seat of the truck jumped out and into the front seat then the truck sped away from the lot, but not before I could jot down their license plate number, which I gave to Safeway management.  Quite the excitement and another reminder why I rarely shop at Safeway, especially this particular one because it seems it is always crime-ridden.

After a few whiffs of stink in the garage, which I chocked up to a full garbage can needing to be taken out, Sam mentioned to me that he thought the freezer might be out. Ugh! Making my way to the garage, I slowly opened up the freezer and whoa.....serious stink city!!  Yep, the freezer had stopped, thawing everything (including chicken and beef) to a stinky, soupy mess.  Grabbing some garbage bags, I took a breath then cleaned out two bags worth of thawed yuck.  Had to back away a few times in order to hold back the vomit the smell was so bad.  Then I cleaned it out with bleach and left it to dry.  Two days later it seemed the putrid was still in my nose!!

Then this week there was awesome blessing - my Michael may be coming home soon!  He is doing so well with his current treatment and therapy that we are now counting the days until we can be together - at home. God has blessed my man and we can't wait for him to return to our "normal" life rather than a hospital setting!

Can't wait to be under one roof!!!

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