Monday, October 5, 2015

The Great Pumpkin, Pete Carroll!!

I was fairly productive this past weekend.  On Saturday I cruised to T-Mobile in Vancouver to replace Sam's phone, which he had accidentally set in a glass of water.  Picked him up a new phone (on his dime) then browsed around the mall before heading back home.  Saturday evening I simply relaxed, read, then hit the hay.

Sunday I got ready to begin my new project - decorated pumpkin for the contest at work.  I originally was going to have Sam paint Batman on my pumpkin but then I decided to go for a Seahawks theme. This would obtain the guest votes from not only athletic kids but parents as well.

I stopped by Michael's to see what called to me in the craft aisles.  Not much so headed over to Walmart to pick up some craft supplies.  I must have wandered for two hours, digging through the craft, sports, and fabric aisles.  When done, I headed home with my bag of goodies to begin creating a masterpiece (in my mind anyway!)

I painted the pumpkin dark blue with glitter spray on top.  I had originally picked up a Seahawks painted face mask for humans that seemed to be easy to use on the pumpkin. Well, that didn't really happen. The face kind of blended in with the blue paint so it was carefully removed in order that the logo could still be used; unfortunately, some of the blue paint came off so I decided to slap some lime green on the front to cover the bits of orange pumpkin poking through.

Next, the Seahawks emblem were placed on the front of the pumpkin.  Digging into my favorite paint box - my nail polish - I painted around the emblem area with silver and glitter paint.  I then painted a 12 with green paint and dotted it with glitter polish before skewering it with a dowell.  My next step was to paint a silver and glitter 12 on top of the lime green mini-football from Walmart. 

Taking a break from painting, I then sewed a Seahawks flag and secured it to a dowell, inserting the 12 dowell next to it. 

Getting close to being done, a silver stadium wig was attached to my pumpkin before plunging the flag dowell into the skin and gluing the football to the top.

This whole pumpkin decorating contest took a few hours but it is looking pretty good - perhaps even contest winning.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!


After finishing up Mr. Seahawks Pumpkin, I then moved on to my bedroom. many clean clothes that I had been ignoring, piled onto the loveseat in my room.  Watching a movie, I made my way through the clothes to put them away, hang them up, and be done with it!. 

That was the extent of my weekend! 

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