Sunday, January 15, 2017

Snowy Wedding in Oregon

Despite the snow and the ice, I was able to make it to Steve's niece Chelsea's wedding tonight. Steve actually picked me up then we drove back to his house in Portland to hang out before getting dressed for the wedding.

Steve cleaned up really well.  First time I've seen him in a suit - nice gray pants, vest, jacket along with lilac shirt and tie plus it included his favorite accessory - suspenders!

His parents rode with us to the wedding which was located at the Oregon Golf Club.  Majestic spot with a fabulous view of Mt. Hood. With all this snow, there were a couple of days they were worried the club may cancel the wedding. Thankfully that didn't occur.

The wedding was a classy affair. Bridesmaids in tasteful black dresses, groomsmen in black tux, and the bride was gorgeous in a sparkly beaded dress with poofy skirting. It reminded me of the ballet pictures by Degas.

The ceremony was fairly short, then the 200 guests went in for cocktails and appetizers before dinner began. The appetizers were yummy, especially because all I had eaten was a protein juice drink. There was a cheese and crackers table, beef or chicken skewers, coconut shrimp, and these tasty chopped pear topped bruschetta.

After about an hour or so we were ushered into the reception area for dinner, which was also excellent. Lots of toasts, lots of dancing, and a small cake cutting followed by a champagne glass filled with three different flavors of cake pops.

All in all it was a very classy and entertaining event. Tomorrow morning we meet for a post-wedding brunch followed by Steve returning me home!

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