Monday, April 3, 2017

Sunshine and Wicker on this Monday

Highlight of my Monday was snagging some free wicker furniture!!

Co-worker Tiffany was moving from her place and there was wicker porch furniture that had been left by one of her previous roommates.  I had seen it before and told her if she ever got rid of it I would take it. Well that's just what happened!!

Tiff moved out officially last Friday.  Today after work we made a rendezvous at her old place in hopes the wicker remained. Score it did!!!  Now to get it into the car.

It was obvious we were not engineers as we struggled to fit a loveseat, two chairs and a table into the car. We pulled, we pushed, we wrangled.  The best we could do was fit the couch, one chair and the table. Tiff was kind enough to take the other chair and haul it to work so it can be taken home tomorrow.  

This was how my drive home played out. 

Once home the furniture was unloaded and placed on the front porch. Ended up moving existing decor around then decided to go all out and brave the downstairs closet for pillows and throws. 

This closet seems to be the one where we toss everything. About a year or so ago I actually cleaned it out; however, once again it has become akin to the proverbial junk drawer with all sorts of odds and ends winding up in that tiny space. 

Digging through the closet amounted to me laying on my stomach over a variety of items. Mismatched shoes, cast off clothes from the boys, boxes, and a stuffed snowman softened my bones as I reached toward the back to grab a perfect pillow. I grabbed, I flung, and finally it was time to get myself up out of there, which was a lot easier said than done. 

Gripping the wall, my body moved slowly to my knees while visions of tomorrow's headline rose in my thoughts. "Middle-Aged Woman Breaks Leg in Hoarder's Closet."  Or better still "Trapped Woman Perishes After Choking On Christmas Snowman."  Yep such is my life. 

The good news is I made it out alive and continued on my redecorating.  Fluffed up the wicker, added throws, burlap, driftwood and pillows, and the task was done. Moved the previous bench, a wooden number with the carving of two horse heads (a castoff from horsey sister Eilene, which never fit into my beach theme) further down the porch. Placing a large driftwood plank on the seat, an aqua throw was carefully folded to camouflage the battling horses.  

After a final sweeping, the deed was done. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Now to figure out where to put the second chair that will be arriving tomorrow.  Please say a small prayer that nothing will be needed from closet hell which will require my return to the abyss.

On a side note, the sun was out today, which puts me in a much better mood. Despite a regular intake of Vitamin D and B12, gray rainy weather just doesn't sit well with me.  Perhaps spring is finally here. And the best part?  Son Sam stopped by and mowed my front yard with a promise to mow the back yard and weedeat tomorrow!!  Life is certainly good!!

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