Thursday, October 31, 2019

November 1

Hard to believe it's this day again so soon
You would have been 88 today
But you'll stay in my mind
As 65 forever

Wonder what you would have been like
If you were still alive
Would you still sing? Play cards? Sip Mickey's beer from those funky green bottles?

Would you dye your hair blonde, brunette or even red
Or slip on heels that we giggled
and called 'fuck me pumps'

Remember how we would laugh
Rolling in hysteria over the
silliest of reasons because you
never needed a reason to laugh

You were such a thoughtful listener
Never judging, always supporting
Even if our trials or tribulations
Made no sense

How full of life
you remained even when
the shaking grew from your pinky finger to your entire being

Lately the urge to call you has come in waves because there are moments when the only person who would truly understand is you

You continue to be missed but
more than that I continue to be blessed
By having had the gift and legacy of you
As my mother

Happy Birthday Mom! ❤

Happy Halloween 2019

Believe it or not, Halloween has arrived!

Spent this morning recreating the mermaid look for work where they hold a costume contest every year. Last year took home first place for my Crazy Cat Lady creation and had high hopes for my lady of the sea attire in this year's contest.

Co-worker Pam was decked out in gypsy fortune-teller garb and had even decorated her cubicle in the same theme. She laid out pumpkin frosted sugar cookies to share with all. Was this because she was so generous or simply a ploy to bribe others to vote for her cubicle as best decorated? Hmmm.

At 11am those of us who dressed for fun gathered for a picture. Then at noon we all enjoyed a company-paid lunch. Typically I take my lunch starting at 1pm or 2pm so taking it at noon really made me daydream of naptime!

First world problem encountered today was the bathroom. You see, never had to take a bathroom break the last two times I sported the mermaid get up. Do I pull the top down or pull the skirt up? Well, flipped the coin and pulled it up. Relieved myself then began the slow, agonizing process of pulling it back over my hips.  You'd think gravity would be in my favor but alas it was not. Spent 15 minutes tugging, pulling, grunting, and sweating trying to get that damn tail back into place without busting a seam! At one point panic set in so went in reverse to see if it would glide over my chest. Yeah, that didn't happen and only resulted in my wig falling off and bruising my boobs!

Finally achieved success and hauled myself out of the stall.  Took a vow to not make that mistake again, which resulted in ignoring my urge to go around 2:30pm and holding it until I arrived home about 4:30pm. You've never seen a mermaid move as fast as I did when I made it to the house and raced for the bathroom!

Enough bathroom talk and back to the costume contest. The votes were tallied and winners were announced at 3pm.  And score!  This diva received grand prize of first in the costume contest and was awarded a $25 Amazon card! Whoop whoop! Tinker Bell placed second and gypsy Pam won first in the cubicle decorating race.  The pressure will be on next year in order to keep my winning streak alive!

Tonight Marie sneakily wrangled me into carving her pumpkin. She said "Can you clean it for me and I'll carve it when I'm done working in the yard?" Ok sure why not. Pumpkin gutted then she springs on me "Gee I'm not creative and don't really know how to carve a pumpkin." Slick move. So I wound up carving the sucker, which, to be honest, was pretty enjoyable.

Marie is a diehard Halloween fan, so much so she decorated the outside and the inside of the house.  Lots of bulbs set up on auto timers, tinsel spiders hanging from the ceiling, and a bevy of orange and purple lights casting a festive glow.

This is the first time in over 20 years I'm experiencing Halloween in a different environment than the 500+ trick or treaters where I previously lived.  We are just relaxing, bowl of candy at the ready, with barely a knock at the door. It's been two hours and less than 10 kids have stopped by.  It's like a parallel universe compared to being camped out on the front porch for five hours as a steady stream of people in a variety of costumes hustled up to grab a goodie.

Hoping everyone had a memorable Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Next Time Will Smoke the Ganga and Leave the Hair Products Alone!

Finally watched the LUS curly girl video sis Luna sent me. Pretty informative. They went step by step into how to do one method of curling your hair by using the LUS treatment along with twisting the strands then diffusing it. Seemed pretty simple to me!

Of course had to try the technique with products on hand. Washed my hair then separated it into sections while it was wet. Squirted some curl cream and gel into my hand, rubbed them together, then massaged the goop into my hair. Took about one inch sections of hair and twirled them into a twist. Proceeded to do my whole head with this technique.

Hair in twists, left it alone during makeup time. Then came the diffusing. First, put the heat on low but that was taking forever so cranked it up to high. Hung my head to the side, then upside down, then upright. Was taking so very long to dry that had to quit to get dressed and get to work, hair still wet.

Took forever for my headful of creamy, gel covered twists to dry.  When the wet seemed to be gone, ran my fingers through it to separate the strands. At this point they seemed more like dreadlocks than curls. What made it worse is my attire for the day was a tee with cute flowing kimono wrap. Add in the hair and I began to resemble a die hard granola groupie of Grateful Dead. Just needed to throw a Bob Marley poster in my cube and my transformation would be complete!

As the day progressed couldn't stop playing with my hair like a child with a favorite new toy. Co-worker asked if I was doing something different to my hair. Different because I'm now booking my flight to Jamaica tonight in order to fit in different?  That's the only logical explanation for the mess I was trying to pass off as a style.

By the time I made it home, the twists began to look oily which is unusual as my hair is dry. Threw it up into a pony and called it good for the night.

So lesson learned - just because one can make a homemade concoction doesn't mean it will work and in fact can transform one's outward appearance significantly!!

If you are interested in the product the video link is

Hanging with the PoPo

Last Thursday night was driving home via the freeway. Took the trusty Longview exit and zipped along the fairly empty highway towards home. It's 55 mph but of course normal speed is 60 mph. Cruising along and out of my little eye does appear but a cop on the side of the road I did fear.

Yep, he turned those lights on and pulled me over. Ugh.  Threw my cell phone under my purse then grabbed my license and proof of insurance as he strolled to the passenger side. Rolled down the window and handed him the goods. He first told me we were being video recorded. Okay, whatever you are into man! 

He was very polite and asked if I realized I was going a little fast. I agreed I was and he confirmed my speed was 68 in the 55. Ooopsie!  Made my day when he said he wasn't going to write me a ticket and just needed to run my license. Woo hoo!

He was gone for quite some time.  During his absence wild ideas began to culminate in my mind. Was my new car stolen? Was there some long lost warrant out for my arrest? Is he going to take me down and tase me? Will I be forced to come out water bottle blazing (not a gun owner) aka Patty Hearst to defend my freedom?

Alas no such fantasies came to fruition. He brought my license back, told me to slow down, drive safe, and have a good night. 

Probably waited a good five blocks before digging the cell phone out from under my purse. Old habits are hard to change! 😉

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mammograms, Mermaid, and Monster Bash

Took care of a few health issues on Friday. Started off with a mammogram - women tell wicked stories about these breast procedures, likening them to medieval torture chambers. Nothing could be further from the truth! Fast, easy, and painless. This year even wound up with a free pair of pink socks since October is National Breast Cancer month.

Friday afternoon signed up for my free flu shot at work. That was also quick and painless. I told the technician I had received free socks that morning so where was my flu shot gift. Sadly, he pointed to a bowl of Dum Dums as my parting gift.

Saturday attended Sam's girlfriend Kaitlyn's daughter Khloe's 5th birthday party at the bouncy house in the mall.  Hadn't been to the mall in months because there just isn't anything there. Happy to see a thriving kid's entertainment business there now to pick up traffic in this shopping relic.

It was nice meeting Kaitlyn's family. All spoke well of Sam which of course was no surprise to me. Khloe's party had a unicorn theme, including a unicorn cake.  Lots of kids made me thankful my two boys are grown. 😉

Khloe on the right

After the party, ran home to prepare for the Monster Bash party which was scheduled to start at 8pm. Had to finish sewing my mermaid outfit - replaced the shirt sewn into it with a more shiny mermaid shirt I had made. Looked better. Then showered and loaded my face up with green, blue and pink makeup along with mermaid scale tattoos. Slicked hair into a pony, tugged on and bobby pinned the mermaid wig and was ready to go.

Marie dressed as a devil and we met up with Jordan and Candy (pirates), Lisa (pirate), and Johnny (Pope.)  Tons of people and lots of outfits.  Was driving so nursed my drink all evening.  Nacho bar was excellent and even better Sam and Kaitlyn showed up toward the end as Picachu and Pokemon trainer. Received a lot of compliments on my home-made costume, including several requests for pictures.

It was a long night - got home around 1:30am. Marie had definitely tied one on - poor girl wound up getting sick and spent all day on the couch. Only hangover I had was a sleep hangover so I joined in on the crowd and spent my day alternating between napping and watching Netflix. Pets were in the same frame of mind so they joined in on today's napping theme.

Tomorrow jean's week continues at work along with Halloween on Thursday. Will be breaking out the mermaid fashion for one last day. 🧜‍♀️

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Going Natural

Now that my hair is longer, it's become a bit more of a hassle to fix. Takes longer to dry, longer to flat iron, and I thought there has to be a better way short of chopping it all off.

Decided to try and test out the "natural" style for my hair. Which means using a diffuser, encouraging the curls, and mainly wearing my hair naturel as opposed to beating it into submission.

Part of this involved lots of research on Pinterest and You Tube. Best ways to enhance curls, dry hair, condition, gel, cream, wax, layers, air dry, silicone, coconut oil, and so on.  This morning after washing my hair I immediately slathered
Paul Mitchell firm hold gel throughout my strands. Let my hair hang sans towel while I did my face. Gingerly diffused my hair on hot setting but low speed. Well it did encourage some of the curl. I was hoping for coils and ringlets but wound up with messy beach bum hair.  Trying to get the perfect waves/curls to form throughout my whole head, not just in certain sections.

Sis Luna suggested curly girl products she uses  - Love Ur Self or LUS. Looks promising.

Tomorrow is Friday which is awesome! However, it also means I have a bright and early appointment for my mammogram at 8am followed by a flu shot at 1pm!  Here's to welcoming the weekend by being groped, poked and prodded!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hocus, Pocus, Big Cats, and Beds

We watch this movie every year. Watched it so many times - so good! Can't believe you haven't seen it!

With these phrases echoing in my head from friends and co-workers, I took the plunge and picked up a $5 copy of "Hocus Pocus" a 1993 film starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimi, and Sarah Jessica Parker. High Hope's in store and thinking I had really missed on on a classic for all these years, I pressed play last night to watch it.

Oh no. So bad. So very, very bad. And not just because it was from 1993. Plain and simple bad acting, stupid storyline, and lack of humor. Skip it!  I wish I had!

There once was a movie named Hocus
Great reviews brought it into my focus
Tried to watch it last night
Bad acting such a fright
Discovered the movie was a big Jokus!

Last night Marie brought in the stray cat she named Romeo to visit. She had ended up befriending him then took him to an organization to be neutered where he also received a flea bath, shots, and a checkup at no cost. Well, this is a large cat. Flame point Siamese. Twice the size of my little Stubbins. And he likes me. This behemoth  feline scooted up on the couch to lay next to me. Ended up begging and pleading to get him to move. 

However, he's not as friendly with Marie. I tried to take a pic of them together and you can see how that turned out. 😳

Yesterday picked up tickets to the 2019 Monster Bash at the Monticello Hotel. It's a local Halloween party and if I remember correctly I've never been.

Today after meeting bestie for breakfast, swung by Joann's Fabric.  Needed material to make a different type of shrug to go with my mermaid outfit. Found some killer shiny material along with a mermaid wig.  Can't wait to put it all together!

After Joann's, Sam picked me up and we hit the storage unit to get my bed. The futon I was using wasn't cutting it so decided my bed was the best bet. Unfortunately, the set up is kind of weird since it's adjustable so could only grab the mattress.  

Came home, traded out the futon for the mattress, unloaded the futon in the storage unit, then Sam dropped me off at my rig. Headed over to Ross to browse.  The light pink rug recently purchased there was molting- pieces of string all over and Stubbs was chewing on it. So took it to storage as well. Ended up finding a fake fur blush pink rug that fits in nicely and is not shedding.

After Ross stopped by Walmart for a few groceries. At this point had been running around since breakfast - no makeup, leggings,  hair in ponytail, and was sweating and feeling grubby. However, fit right in at Wally World!  Picked up the essentials, including plain Almond Milk. I'm now a convert to this stuff - haven't had any cow's milk or butter since moving to Marie's. Not that I've given up dairy - still dig my cheese and yogurt!

Finally made it home, unloaded bags, cleaned my room, started laundry, ate dinner, and am now in bed, which feels really divine!  Here's to everyone having a wonderous sleep and starting Monday off rested and relaxed!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Goodbye to 223

I'm not there
But the house still stands
Soaked with memories of
Two little boys running
Up and down the stairs
Heading toward the candy drawer
Hidden in the kitchen

Traces of Buddy, Fred, Ethel, Spike and a few more dogs who called its space home
Two marriages took place within its walls, both starting with high hopes yet failing just the same

Two little boys grew up and flew the confines of mom's house
Where there was once a tumble of teenage friends with unlimited appetites
Had evolved into a house with empty bedrooms
And a woman in her fifties with only her little dog and memories to fill the space

I won't be there this year
To greet 500 trick or treaters
That home of 21 years
Now belongs to someone else
No, I don't want to drive by
And see the gray color it's been painted, the first tree planted chopped down or the updated landscape design
For to me it will always remain
The home that held just a mom
And her two little boys

Mermaid and Mini Dogs

This week was rather memorable.  First off, I think I was promoted - think being the operative word.

They are reorganizing the commercial line titles and it seemed my duties fell into a higher level. Although no one has told me, all of a sudden my email signature block popped up with a higher title. Hmmm...was this just slipped in as a type of game i.e. What's Your Line?  If you can spot your new title you get to keep it? And is there a dollar amount associated with this promotion? It's all a mystery but one that should play out to a finish this week even if I have to jump in to solve the story.

Marie and I were invited to a Halloween party for Saturday. The excitement of what to wear was overtaking our week! We threw our resources together, borrowed from others than hit Goodwill. Found a mermaid tail  blanket sort of thing that could easily be turned into an outfit. 

Ended up sewing a mermaid inspired tee to the blanket, attached a wrist cord to the tail, threw on a sparkly shrug, iridescence makeup, a shell in my hair and voila! Mermaid city had arrived.  

Marie dressed up as a flapper girl.  She picked up a furry cardigan from Goodwill which I stitched into a shortened shrug.  She even dyed her pink fringe dress red at the last minute. We also spent an hour Saturday afternoon preparing crescent wrapped little smokies to take to the Halloween shindig. 

Unfortunately, time was not on our side and we wound up running late for the party. And it was in Toutle so it was a bit of a drive. Plus we drove slower than normal in fear of deer being on the dark, lonely country roads.

But arrive we finally did. Party was held in a big barn arena with lots of hay bales, peach moonshine, and cornhole. Let's just say we were expecting heels and champagne but ended up with beer and Romeos. However, the weenie wraps were a hit and I even broke out my karaoke version of Patsy Cline's "Crazy" so the evening was not wasted!  Actually took a ride on the barn swing attached to the beams of the arena in all my mermaid regalia to top off the night. A party is only as entertaining as what you bring to it and we brought our best!

Left the backwoods of Toutle around midnight. Took the dark roads slow and thankfully so as we ran smackdab into a family of four deer on the road. We smiled at them, they smiled at us, then made their way across the road with no injuries to either party.

Finally stumbled into bed about 1:15 am. Currently riding the couch wrapped up in a warm blanket, gnawing on a few leftover lil smokie wraps, which is a perfect place to be this Sunday afternoon.