Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mermaid and Mini Dogs

This week was rather memorable.  First off, I think I was promoted - think being the operative word.

They are reorganizing the commercial line titles and it seemed my duties fell into a higher level. Although no one has told me, all of a sudden my email signature block popped up with a higher title. Hmmm...was this just slipped in as a type of game i.e. What's Your Line?  If you can spot your new title you get to keep it? And is there a dollar amount associated with this promotion? It's all a mystery but one that should play out to a finish this week even if I have to jump in to solve the story.

Marie and I were invited to a Halloween party for Saturday. The excitement of what to wear was overtaking our week! We threw our resources together, borrowed from others than hit Goodwill. Found a mermaid tail  blanket sort of thing that could easily be turned into an outfit. 

Ended up sewing a mermaid inspired tee to the blanket, attached a wrist cord to the tail, threw on a sparkly shrug, iridescence makeup, a shell in my hair and voila! Mermaid city had arrived.  

Marie dressed up as a flapper girl.  She picked up a furry cardigan from Goodwill which I stitched into a shortened shrug.  She even dyed her pink fringe dress red at the last minute. We also spent an hour Saturday afternoon preparing crescent wrapped little smokies to take to the Halloween shindig. 

Unfortunately, time was not on our side and we wound up running late for the party. And it was in Toutle so it was a bit of a drive. Plus we drove slower than normal in fear of deer being on the dark, lonely country roads.

But arrive we finally did. Party was held in a big barn arena with lots of hay bales, peach moonshine, and cornhole. Let's just say we were expecting heels and champagne but ended up with beer and Romeos. However, the weenie wraps were a hit and I even broke out my karaoke version of Patsy Cline's "Crazy" so the evening was not wasted!  Actually took a ride on the barn swing attached to the beams of the arena in all my mermaid regalia to top off the night. A party is only as entertaining as what you bring to it and we brought our best!

Left the backwoods of Toutle around midnight. Took the dark roads slow and thankfully so as we ran smackdab into a family of four deer on the road. We smiled at them, they smiled at us, then made their way across the road with no injuries to either party.

Finally stumbled into bed about 1:15 am. Currently riding the couch wrapped up in a warm blanket, gnawing on a few leftover lil smokie wraps, which is a perfect place to be this Sunday afternoon.

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