Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Unexpected Surprises Make for A Great Day!

Today was a good day.
Had a follow up appointment with my doctor this morning. Had bloodwork done and she was going to go over that with me. Was scheduled for a pap smear but they had to reschedule it for February, which was okay by me.

First stop was the scale - ugh. Normally hate getting on that darn thing; however, my clothes have been feeling loose so figured I may have dropped a few pounds. Well how about 30 pounds! Yep, since my last appointment in September (and since my move in with Marie) I've dropped 30 pounds!  When I lived on my own I did a lot of "emotional" eating, which has now gone by the wayside. I drink almond milk now, rarely eat red meat and cheese, eat a lot of vegetarian, and I don't snack at night anymore. So apparently that's the secret!

Also brought up my snoring to the doctor. I don't feel like I'm losing sleep as I wake up rested (even when I wake up at 2am or 3am, which happens often.)  Steve thinks I may quit breathing at times and has been hounding me to find out if I have sleep apnea. So finally discussed that and the doc sent a referral to the sleep clinic. So we shall see.

Bloodwork and blood pressure was excellent, received a tetanus shot,  kudos for quitting smoking, and I was on my way out the door in less than an hour.

At work received an email that our office could now wear business casual every day! This means JEANS!!  Whoop whoop!  Knowing me and my set-in Diva personality, will probably still wear skirts and dresses on the regular.

Here's to a fab Tuesday filled with great news!!😊😊😊

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