Sunday, April 5, 2020

Saturday Activities Before the Calm

Yesterday battled allergies than jumped into the shower to kickstart my ambition.  Only goal was to stop at the store for hair dye as my gray halo was shining brightly. Marie and I decided we were down for a walk so we threw on sportswear, grabbed our masks, and headed out to Walmart.

It was clear the store is now monitoring the number of customers as they had set up a line for entry. We whisked right in with no wait. My gosh darn mask was giving me fits and kept sliding off my ear which inspired me to pick up some brightly colored fat quarters and cording (no elastic to be found) to make my own masks. That is on the agenda for today.

Recycle bags in hand, we began our March back home. We were just a block away when the sprinkles started. Snuck a peek at my Samsung health app and it said we had walked almost 10,000 steps - over 4 miles!!!  Felt so good made a pact with myself to walk every day!

Grabbed the mail and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a package for me! From Hawaii!

Tearing into the padded envelope, inside was a lovely certificate with pictures, a letter, and a Hawaiin medallion necklace. They were prizes for being selected as one of the Haiku contest winners sent from the chief judge who lives in Hawaii. Wow - so surprised at the beautiful gift and his lovely words.  It was definitely a bright spot in this Covid 19 environment.

Decided to round out our day by ordering fish & chips takeout from the Shell station. Marie has gone on and on about how awesome the fish is from there so I figured it was time to see if it lived up to her boasting. And you know what? It did! Very tasty, light coating, and not greasy.

The final touch to my day, the last accoutrement to top off my Saturday was.......laundry! Yep, finally washing the three loads being hoarded in my room!  You can't appreciate the unexpected and exciting unless you have the routine and boring now can you?

Before heading into bed, spent some time searching Play Store for a sleep app.  Found "Calm" for free. I can fall asleep but tend to wake up through the night. Happy to say the Ocean Waves sound I selected helped me wake up only once briefly.  This just might be the ticket!!

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