Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Where Art Goeth I Shall Follow

Art Project #1

Ran across the monthly newspaper The Columbia Reader and saw they were holding the annual HaikuFest poetry contest. Only had a few days left until the deadline so not much time to ponder and count syllables on my fingers. The theme this year was to focus on glimmers of light during the Covid quarantine.  Here's my best effort that I submitted today.


Rhinestone, leopard, plaid,
Camo, cartoon, basic black
Masks now high fashion

Among the heartache
They still sang from balconies
Italian courage

Winter hummingbird
Lovely visitor provides
Surprise distraction

Cooking shows are my
Guilty indulgence during
Covid quarantine

The secret is out
Angels not just in heaven
They work in healthcare

Art Project #2

Saw an art contest on Facebook that called to me, perhaps due to the $1,000 honorarium prize.  It is to design a cover for, of all things, a utility box.  The focus needed to be on "A Healthy Future For All of Us" along with diversity. Well, that could be interpreted pretty broadly.  

I went through my acrylic pour painting files and selected one.  Had to fit the jpg file onto a template to determine what it would look like when wrapped.  Submitted the template along with a short essay behind the meaning of the art. I described it as all sorts of diverse colors flowing together to create a piece of art which is representative of the community.  Or something to that effect.  Let's cross our fingers to see if my submittal is chosen as one of the winners!

Here's the painting:

And here's the wrap:

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