Thursday, February 25, 2021

Doctor, Dial M, and Many Males

This week one of my most favorite activities occurred - my doctor's appointment!  Even had to get three vials of blood drawn Monday to prepare for the occasion. Oh it's so much fun being weighed, poked, and prodded!

Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought. Blood work was great, lungs clear, and lost a little weight. The highpoint was when the doctor said it was time for my regular colonoscopy. Huh?! I told her no...I had just had it. Well, it was actually over five years since my last one. Drat!  Oh the joy of looking forward to drinking that gut wrenching liquid and having the probe investigate my colonic inards!!!

Received a surprise in the mail today - my 2021 HaikuFest Judge's Favorite certificate! 

I shared my Hitchcock rocks on a couple of painted rock groups to which I belong.  One person called them Alfred Hitchrocks, which I thought was perfect!  I ended up painting a Dial M for Murder rock which turned out okay. Not horrid but not the greatest. Also finished my An American in Paris rock.

Another Facebook group to which I belong is focused on movies from the '30's and '40's.  Someone asked everyone to post a movie which included all men and no women. Oh there were answers upon answers with people listing a ton of films.

To take a different turn, I rephrased the question requesting people to list movies which starred only women. Alas, this was a task for which the struggle was significant. After four days, only two movies have been listed - The Women and a German movie which I've never seen. And all movies were allowed to be listed, not just those( from the early days. Such a sad yet insightful look into the patriarchal bias of Hollywood.

And tomorrow is Friday, which has been a long time coming. This week has been super busy but slower than a frog swimming in a tar pit!

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