Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happy Halloween 2022!

It's been an eventful Halloween season!

Last weekend went to a Halloween/Jimmy birthday party at his girlfriend Lexxi's parents. Lots of food, drinks, and costumes! I dressed up as a punk rocker borrowing spiked bracelets and lace gloves from Candy. They even had a huge Budweiser pinata filled with candy, booze bottles, and lottery tickets. Lots of laughter!

Friday night Manny's friend Tom invited us for dinner at the local Elk's club. To my surprise, it was a Halloween party; unfortunately, we didn't know so there I was in my street clothes, darn it. Taco bar and some darn tasty drink specials. Ran across one of my friends from high school which was a pleasant suprise.

Saturday night Jordan and Candy invited us to join them at their regular Halloween hot spot, The Evergreen Tavern in Rainier. A few years I joined them and won first prize as a crazy cat lady. Sam decided to attend so I ended up putting a new zipper into his friend Tyler's Spiderman costume so he could wear it. I rocked it out as an 80's chick. Always had short hair so it felt weird to now have length to tease and spray my do for the 80's perm height! 

Jordan was dressed as a serial killer butcher and Candy as a sorceress. Jordan made his mask from scratch, which included one of those plastic open mouth devices and fake hillbilly teeth. We had a great time!  Sang karoke, enjoyed jello shots, and laughed as Jordan and Sam performed their brotherly antics. In the end, Jordan won first place and Sam third so it was exciting! It's always entertaining when both boys are together!

We were leaving the Tavern around midnight when I ran into another one of my high school friends who was just arriving. Too coincidental but this area is a small town!

Spent today recovering from a sleep hangover. Just felt tired so separated naps with various movies. Manny spent time in the kitchen making a braised roast with veggies and it turned muito bom!! The broth was so savory. 

Took last Friday, Monday and Tuesday off for vacation so I wouldn't lose the time at end of the year. Grabbed a few Christmas items from the dollar store so will spend some time crafting.

Have a magical Halloween all!! 🎃💀👻 It's going to be Christmas before we know it!

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