Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oy Vey My Life

Just when you think you are on the downside of a stressful four months of cancer treatment and leave, another life changing obstacle slaps you in the face!

Had set my return to work date; however,  they said the log in system needed to be updated and the team to where I would be assigned was still pending so my return to work date was pushed out by a week.  Had a teleconference with HR on the 22nd to go over the details. Unfortunately, instead of being assigned to a team I was laid off as my position was eliminated! Over six years employed so this was a shock! Thankfully, there is severance pay along with unemployment and sharing of COBRA so that's a plus.

So now it's time to reflect on my upcoming career choices and if I should focus on HR, insurance, or something entirely different. Been browsing the openings on line and perhaps something will pop up and call my name.

Here's an acrylic pour painting with crushed glass that I finished a couple of weeks ago.

Last weekend found this almost new set at a garage sale - they are a perfect replacement for my battered wicker chairs.

Painted my nails with a marble vibe.

New wildlife visitor who has come by a few times on a peanut hunt.  Lucky to capture this cute picture with his tongue out.

Repainted the metal globes and Mr. Squirrel found them to his liking!

Monday, July 8, 2024

From Trauma to Tassels

We are on the downstretch for Manny's cancer treatment but not without events.  

He was scheduled to obtain his chest port for the intravenous chemo; however, his tooth/face began swelling. We had a chemo doc appt on Monday, June 10 so he reviewed his symptoms and sent him straight to the OHSU ER. They hooked him up to strong antibiotics and scheduled him for surgery the next day.

On Tuesday surgery went well and they cleaned out the abcess infection, which had blown out to his mandible and neck. The team removed his ventilator and were wheeling him to the recovery room when the doctor saw he was struggling to breathe and was turning white. His tongue had swollen out of his mouth and they were unable to get an oxygen tube in so they were forced to perform a tracheotomy!  

He ended up in the hospital to Saturday recovering. He was unable to talk until Friday (which is his favorite hobby!) 

The next two weeks involved Manny recovering from the crises with me changing out his trache bandage each day. 

He was finally able to get the port surgically placed on the 28th and began the intravenous chemo on July 1st. We were expecting him to experience nausea but surprisingly that has not happened. He has been doing exceedingly well during all of these treatments.

July 4th we hung out at home but the neighbors were shooting off a variety of fireworks so we didn't miss much.

On to my crafts!

Tassels made from salt and pepper shakers.

Sewed curtains for the living room.

Painted a vintage window and hung it outside.

Made a set of curtains to hang above the mirror in the kitchen.

Reupholstered a chair that was gifted to me by sis Erin, using $1.99 fabric from Goodwill.

Last but not least - summer has arrived! Was in the 90's this last weekend and will continue this week with 99 on Monday and Tuesday! Blessed to have air conditioning!