Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oy Vey My Life

Just when you think you are on the downside of a stressful four months of cancer treatment and leave, another life changing obstacle slaps you in the face!

Had set my return to work date; however,  they said the log in system needed to be updated and the team to where I would be assigned was still pending so my return to work date was pushed out by a week.  Had a teleconference with HR on the 22nd to go over the details. Unfortunately, instead of being assigned to a team I was laid off as my position was eliminated! Over six years employed so this was a shock! Thankfully, there is severance pay along with unemployment and sharing of COBRA so that's a plus.

So now it's time to reflect on my upcoming career choices and if I should focus on HR, insurance, or something entirely different. Been browsing the openings on line and perhaps something will pop up and call my name.

Here's an acrylic pour painting with crushed glass that I finished a couple of weeks ago.

Last weekend found this almost new set at a garage sale - they are a perfect replacement for my battered wicker chairs.

Painted my nails with a marble vibe.

New wildlife visitor who has come by a few times on a peanut hunt.  Lucky to capture this cute picture with his tongue out.

Repainted the metal globes and Mr. Squirrel found them to his liking!

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