Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome to the Tavern of Bad Vibes

Last night I met up with my new beau at a different pub for relaxation and the traditional viewing of the darts game (I don't play...I just view.  A dart could be downright dangerous in my hands!)  While I was getting ready to go out, my hair wasn't behaving, my clothes were giving me fits, and my face just didn't contain any sign of oomph.  I attribute this to being Friday along with the fact I had to assist in firing a minimum of three people this week, a task I'm required to perform but still tugs on my heartstrings.

I arrived at the tavern and pulled into a prime parking spot right out front, which I took as a good sign.  Alas, that wasn't the case.  As soon as I walked in, an older coot of a man said "you look like you've had a hard day!"  WTF??  Hello to you too, you drunken old fart!!  Unfortunately, I knew the old codger spoke the truth.  My blessing of the parking spot was quickly forgotten as I made my way to my guy.

Have you ever been someplace and just had a weird vibe?  That's all I can say about this place....a weird vibe came over me.  The crowd wasn't that friendly, the service was mediocre, and I just wasn't getting a warm, fuzzy feeling that I normally got when I entered the regular dart establishment.  Along with viewing the dart competition, I spent my time people-watching and discovered there are some serious odd ducks out there.  The bar counter was filled with ancient, scraggy men for whom this was obviously their hangout of habit.  A group of younger bucks in their twenties entered the bar later in the evening so this balanced out the age difference.  There was an undercurrent of dissatisfaction, perhaps even anger, in this bar; I could easily see a fight breaking out at any moment.  I chose to remain huddled at my corner table to avoid any punks who may want to ruin my evening.

The highlight of my evening was keeping my eye on a behemoth gal playing pool.  She wore a white tank top sweater and very tight jeans.  This outfit also included a large muffin top pouring out of the belt of her pants.  Her shirt was simply too short to cover her white, fleshy belly as it hung over her waistband and she made no attempt to conceal it.  Her pants were so tight it resulted in her sizable stomach folding over in the middle, obliterating her belly button.  She frequently bent over the pool table to make a coveted shot, which further encouraged the tank top to rise and the belly to tumble.  Her appearance would have fit right in with the People of Walmart website!  It's times like that I wish I was the host of Ambush Makeover, which would have given me an excuse to rush over, pluck her from the fashion nightmare, and recreate her as something lovely. 

As the dart game was ending, an older woman came toward me and asked if she could sit at the table next to me.  She was very friendly with intense eye contact, to the point that at first I thought I may have met her in the past. Then it hit me - she was either wasted or bit bonkers.  And she made me sad - to be an older woman, obviously on her own, who sought out new friends at a melancholy bar with bad vibes.  As we gathered our things to leave, she shook my hand for the second time and said "God Bless You."  She admitted it was an odd phrase to say to someone you just met, let alone at a bar, but that was just the way she was.  And I accepted that...I will never turn down God's blessing no matter what shape or form it is given.

My evening with my guy ended before 10pm; I was tired and simply felt my bed calling me.  Tonight we are scheduled to get together with friends and I'm looking forward to a much more positive evening!

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