Friday, September 30, 2016

Looking Forward To A Good Night's Sleep

Oh it was a busy day!  Got my hair colored and cut and it looks sooo much better!  Browsed a couple of thrift stores afterwards then came across some ladies who lunch dressed out in 1800's garb walking through downtown. Apparently they were part of a quilt show happening at the fairgrounds.

Next stop was Michaels then Ulta before getting on my manicure.  Nails look so much better.

Came home and returned to the liquor bottle decor.  Finished off three more and my creative spirit has now been spent. Looking forward to a good sleep tonight.

Liquor Bottle First Thing in the Morning!!

Who's happy?  This girl!!  Not working today - went in at 630 for my blood draw then started crafting before it's shower time.

Painted three liquor bottles yesterday and decorated them this morning. So cool that two have lights!  Put the first coat on four more bottles - should finish the paint so they will be ready to decorate this afternoon.

Hair cut and colored around noon today so looking forward to some relaxation time!   Also need to get a manicure as my nails are so sad after all the crafting.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Week of Veggies, Bottles, and Hummus

Started my new food plan on Monday and so far it's going well.  Eating lots of salad, chicken, Hard boiled eggs and tonight for dinner having salmon courtesy from Steve. Whipped up some homemade hummus with Cappellini beans on Monday which turned out pretty darn good.

Started working on a new project using another piece of tile that wasn't used for the sewing machine. Still in progress.

Also hit up the bar at work for empty liquor bottles as I ran across some cool crafts for those during a Pinterest surfing frenzy. Soaking a few in hot water right now to get the labels removed.

Had a last vacation day to use so I took this Friday off.  Need to get my blood drawn for a doctor's appointment next week. Also penciled in hair color and trim as this bush needs some help!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday Mermaid

Finished up last night and this morning my driftwood mermaid. The piece of driftwood Steve found for me in Nehalem during our beach trip looked like a lady lounging. I stained it on Saturday then began painting it Sunday afternoon, sitting on the back porch in the sun.

It started off as a lady then turned into a mermaid.  One area looked like an arm; however, once it was painted it had grown into a leg-arm so turned it into a shell cov  That happens sometimes...stepping back, reviewing it from all angles, then accepting if something doesn't work and changing it so it does.

So thus the mermaid. It may not be perfect bit I sure enjoyed making it!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Felt Like A Sunday!

Spent the day today taking no shower and crafting. Painted a shelf type project I picked up for $2.50 at the local thrift shop.  Then moved on to painting an old frame to add a ship's captain picture I found. Okay it looks like Santa but I love it! He looks so ragged and wise.

Ended the day painting another piece of driftwood. Looked like a lady lounging and is turning out as a mermaid. Still in progress so pictures will have to wait!

Three Beers Does This Diva In!!

Took Sam along to dinner last night with friend Susan, daughter Ashley and her friend Heather at local tavern Porky's. Ashley was our designated driver. Finished there, Sam departed and we met Susan'So other daughter at Mill City Grill, where I'd never been.  Nice place. Wrapped up there about 11:30 and was dropped off at home.

Still awake, I continued my jar painting project - a starry night with tiny lights.  Left it to dry and proceeded to finish off the chocolate mini doughnuts from Friday night.  Not a good idea.  My stomach was rumbling and twisting and I ended up in the bathroom woofing my cookies.  Ugh.

Ended up in bed around 2 am so it was a late night.  Crawled out of bed around 10 this morning and put together the starry night jar.  And popped some aspirin!!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Big Mama Bloat

A weight loss contest begins Monday at work and, due to my competitive nature, I of course signed up.  One of the employees is a trainer so she's putting together a food plan for me to follow.  Which means this is my last weekend of eating sugar and all sorts of naughty food before the journey to skinny begins.

In light of that, last night my dinner was homemade clam dip and chips topped off with Hostess mini chocolate covered doughnuts. Starting at 8pm.  Devoured in front of the TV while I watched Orange is the New Black. Followed by a deep conversation with son Sam which lasted until 1am.  Hopefully my motherly wisdom wasn't downplayed due to the bits of chocolate around my mouth, the dribble of dip on my shirt, and the faint odor of clam wafting out each time I uttered my opinion.

This morning I woke up and got out of bed.  Or should I say rolled out of bed. All that food resulted in the bloat fairy coming to visit - hard core without even leaving a buck, or diuretic under my pillow.

My body is swollen like a blue whale with PMS. My face is puffed out to my ears.  My fingers, chubby in their own right, have expanded to resemble plump German sausages nestled together in search of spicy mustard.

Getting ready to meet the world will be hard today. I'll be forced to dip into charcoal black eyeshadow to use as a contour on my cheeks.  Doubtful I own a muu-muu so the search will be on to find pants that can be slipped over my water-logged girth.

My face resembles a child in need of a kidney transplant so I must find a reasonable back story for explanation. Bee allergy?  Preparing for a role ala Renee Zellweger?   Not sure I'll be able to easily mutter 'clam dip" as an excuse for the puffiness that has come over me.

Here's to new starts and less bloat on Monday. didn't I have some Spumoni ice cream that needed polished off???

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

And A Fond Farewell To You Too!

Well it's not the end of the day until someone calls you a "cheeky little bitch."  Had a discussion with an ex- employee and he ended the conversation by tossing out that little jab. And didn't even use an English accent!!

Is it Friday yet?

Monday, September 19, 2016

Project 4,685 Completed!

Finally finished the sewing machine cabinet project tonight, which included the following steps:

  • Peeled off the raggedy veneer from the top then sanded it;
  • Painted the cabinet;
  • Picked up tiles to paint;
  • Painted the tiles;
  • Didn't like the first paint job so wiped it off and painted it again;
  • That one didn't work either so picked up some stone tiles to try;
  • Tiles too big so back to paint the mosaic tiles again;
  • Finally acceptable so attached the tiles to the top;
  • Grouted the top tonight and now it's curing.

Finally can put this project to bed!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Saturday morning was another crafting event followed by errands with Sam before meeting up with his buddy Jimmy at a home-grown pub, Hop-N-Grape for lunch.  It was surprisingly really, really good. Comfortable, roomy atmosphere and the food was excellent.  I got a prime rib sandwich with Mac and cheese as my side - probably the best version I've ever had in town. Creamy, cheesy, and delicious.

After lunch I headed home to continue crafting while watching Orange is the New Black as I'd picked up the first two seasons cheap. Entertaining and now I'm hooked so I see a few more seasons on the horizon.

I finished painting my sewing machine tile last night, varnished it today, and glued it to the top tonight. After 24-36 hours I will be a key grout and finished the rest.

Using leftover stone tile, I painted a beach scene and quote.  Tried to frame it but found out the frame was a wee snug so ended up gluing the tiles to the frame.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Happy Hour and Hounds

Had a nice treat yesterday when sis Eilene and hubby Gary let me know they were down the road at the fairgrounds for a dog show.  I swung by after work for sister chat, puppy cuddles, and a great Cosmo.  Visit was not long enough so planning a weekend trip to their house to continue our laughter.  Love you guys!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

We Be Glowin

Yesterday one of my co-workers asked me how I was doing and when I replied great she said it was obvious because I had a glow about ne.  That I just seemed to be glowing.

Later that evening, a friend said I looked really happy and I was just glowing. Wow - two glows in one day!  How did this come about?

I can only chock it up to my being happy.  For quite some time the happiness, the joy, and the peace simply was not in my life. But now it's back with a vengeance, which can only be attributed to God's grace in my life.

Nothing feels better than to be happy and content with oneself and that's finally happening in my life for the first time.  There used to be days, weeks, months spent being down, depressed, and defeated.  There's now happiness and contentment which is such a greater feeling.  And obviously it makes me glow!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Before and After Can Be A Miracle!

Last night I redid the ugliest barstool. Painted it with chalk paint and stenciled the top.  Turned out awesome!

Began on the sewing machine cabinet.  Sanded the top then painted it griege and the drawers chalky teal. Painted the tile mosaic with alcohol ink, didn't care for it so wiped it all away with rubbing alcohol.  Repainted it - better but still undecided.  Might just be back to repainting it a third time tonight with some lighter colors.

Had our company picnic yesterday.  Gorgeous weather, lots of people, and I didn't burn anything, myself included, when I had grilling duty!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Hit and a Miss

The hit - a sweet wicker chair picked up at Goodwill for  $2.99.  Threw on a pillow and it fit right in the porch!

The miss - I tried to paint a barstool I had and it just didn't work.  This may because I painted it coral, then added some white.  Seemed too light so rubbed some brown on it. Added the stencil to the seat, then sanded it all over before rubbing black all over.  Ugh.  It needs a redo.  Perhaps I will blast the whole thing with spray paint.   Or stick it in the garage out of my sight.

Monday, September 12, 2016

It's All For the Dogs!

Looking at my nails, with craft paint underneath and stains, I decided it was time for them to go.  After work I had them yanked off and replaced with a gel manicure on my short stubbies.  Anything that impedes my crafting just has to go!!

Tonight was focused on sewing. Picking up some fabric at Joanns, I made two runners.  One went on the outside table and one went on a cabinet.  I also made a pillow for a co-worker - the fabric looks just like her dog!!  Couldn't pass it up after spying it.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Crabs Have Come to Visit

Finished the crab driftwood painting with mini crab trap on it. Looks cool and reminds me of the vintage crab pot I found on the beach - twisted, rusty, but full of character!

Dangerous With A Little Paint

After church met up with some of the gals for Mexican lunch. So good but plenty of leftovers due to the fact I was hungry and couldn't keep my hands off the chips and bean dip!

Once home, I dug out my wall paint and covered up the white polka dots all over the wall from my history of pounding nails willy nilly all over the place. Paintbrush in hand, my next job was to paint the inside of the front door.  Not the greatest job but it will have to do for now.

Finishing up two loads of laundry and stenciled the second burlap bag while watching Hitchcock's Rope.  Tomorrow Monday again but the good news is that it's shutdown week, which means jeans and shorter days!!

Sunday Morning Chair

Up bright and early and recovered an old chair cushion that was on the back porch. Fits in nicely!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Beach Soothes My Weary Soul

As most know, I love the beach. The waves, the sand, the raging surf, the sunset, the smell of moisture mixed with salt, the shells, my bare feet grinding into the gritty wet sand before lugging heavily through the dry dust, the seagulls that bicker between each other to see who will win the crab washed up from the sea, the morning walks that relax me so much a nap is needed before lunch has even arrived, the way the salty spray turns my hair into a shaggy, windswept mess, and the feeling when gazing at the expanse of the ocean that one is so tiny compared to the universe yet God is so great to have created the world.

I daydreamed about living at the beach.  The more I thought about it, the more I knew that living in that setting would remove it's magical qualities.  The beach would become routine, expected and normal.  Perhaps all those  special wonderful feelings I currently get would day by day dissappear, metamorphosed into an every day existence.  And that I could never stand.

So for now let the beach keep its uniqueness, it's unapproachable beauty, and it's magic.  This will only keep the visits that much more memorable.

Pause for Painting

After working on the porch today, I spent this evening painting.  When we were at the beach Steve found me a bunch of driftwood.  One of them looked like a whale so I went for it and painted it that way!  Turned out pretty good.

I also stenciled a burlap bag with a crab and some French verbiage.  Will hang it on a chair in my living room.  Digging me some burlap lately.

Porch Feels Pretty Oh So Pretty!

Working on the back porch and I think it's pretty much done. Added some Big Lots cafe curtains last night, moved some pictures around, and cleaned it up.  Turned out cute!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bullets and Baseball

A busy and memorable day was Wednesday!  The majority of the day was spent in active shooter training presented by the local police.  This involved videos, classroom and real life scenarios including shots fired with a pellet/BB type gun.  Informative and intense!  I was hit several times with the pellets, including right in the neck which is threatening to morph into a faux hickey on my neck.  Yuck!

I also got to shoot the gun which was invigorating.  We played the part of an active shooter and tried to hit several participants.  

When the training was over, we loaded on to the bus to make our way to Seattle for the Mariner's game.  Long-time friend and die-hard Mariners fan Shelly was my plus one.

It was great.  Good food, fun people, and because we had some extra tickets we found a dad and his two daughters who were on the last row of the nosebleed seats and asked them to join us in the suite.  It made us feel good to make a family so happy.

Bad side - home very late so it's gonna be a long and sleepy day today!!

P.S. Received a ton of compliments on my shirt yesterday so that sew job was a score!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sew, Sew, Sew Your Shirt!

Instead of a night of crafting, it became a night of sewing.

Tomorrow for a directors outing we will be attending a Mariners game.  Alas there was no Mariners shirt in my closet.  I ended up stopping at the VF Outlet on the way home from work and snagged one for  $4.99.

The only problem?  It was short sleeved.  We also have for most of the day tomorrow some training that requires us to wear long sleeves.  To that end, I whipped out a lime green stretchy scarf in my closet which matched the logo outline on the black shirt.

I cut sleeves from the fabric and used it to lengthen the short sleeves.  Also cut the collar to be a V-neck.  It now looks more like a jersey.  Pretty impressed with myself, although during the sewing the bobbin was giving me so many fits that I had to take a break.  After dinner, it was easy breezy and the shirt is done.

Looking forward to tomorrow's events and a long day!

Realizing There Is A Better Way

Sometimes your best laid plans do not turn out the way you want.  It can be disappointing and frustrating but you learn to accept it's because there is a better way which will occur.

For example, last night I was working on the back porch.  I had a big hunk of fishing net and the idea came to me to hang it on the porch ceiling.  Which meant using the stepladder to go up and down, up and down numerous times to pound in nails to hang the net.  Then again to hang it.  Threw some driftwood and shells on it, stood back to see the end result and went "ugh."  Didn't turn out as it was envisioned - lopsided, not big enough, and not pleasing to the eye.

Took a break to eat dinner, say a few prayers to calm my frustration, then went back out and removed the netting.  Ended up using the fish net as a drapery scarf in my updated bathroom, where it looks perfect!  Only issue now are the numerous nails in the porch ceiling that have to be removed.

Relaying this story makes me think how similar it is to life.  One has grand ideas, works hard to put them into place, and it ends up a big disappointment.  Taking a long look at what happened, praying then tearing it down and building it into something much more simple can turn out far better than expected and can bring you happiness.  At times there are still some residual issues you need to clean up based upon your original plan, like those nails that have to be pulled.  Once that's done, it's smooth sailing.  It's all acceptance of the fact there is a better way.

Here's to having and accepting a better way in our lives so the end result is fabulous.  It's gonna take hard work, mistakes, and plenty of prayer, but the end result will be worth it!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Family Room No Match for the Diva!!

It's been a busy Sunday!!  Finished the bathroom then moved on to the family room.  Cleared pictures off the walls, moved furniture around, then hit the road for Goodwill and Walmart.  Scored a sweet beach picture that needed the frame painted, a shower curtain to serve as a tablecloth, a few discount pillows, a throw, and a rug.

Came home, painted the frame, had Sam move in a table I had on the back porch, hung pictures, and plumped the room.  Also hauled in the heavy crab pot and buoy and, after finding the stud, hung it on the wall.  I'm thinking it all turned out pretty well and I'm excited to have a table back in the room.

I'm beat!  Still have cleanup to do but that may have to wait until tomorrow.  Hard to believe I return to work tomorrow!  It's been a very relaxing and fruitful vacation.

Beach Boudoir

Cleaned and remodeled my downstairs bathroom this morning, including a better fitting seat!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Gray and Great

Painted my fireplace gray today. Turned out great!

I also painted my dark brown antelope head the same gray, which lightened it up.  Along with that, yesterday I dyed the piece of coral from Seaside an alcohol ink red.  Tossed it into a glass jar with sand and it looks perfect.

Living Room Redo

Back from the beach Thursday afternoon and spent Friday recovering!  Which really means crafting.

I uncovered all my shells and doodads from my beach trip and decided to make a wall grouping in the living room.

 Picked up an oar as I was leaving town and wasn't quite sure how to paint it, if at all.  I first added some white then sketched in a sailboat. Got Sam's opinion and it ballooned into more colors.  That was too strong so covered it with white, then turquoise then more white.  Ugh.  Ended up painting mocha stripes on it and called it good.  Surprisingly after all those changes it works!