Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Realizing There Is A Better Way

Sometimes your best laid plans do not turn out the way you want.  It can be disappointing and frustrating but you learn to accept it's because there is a better way which will occur.

For example, last night I was working on the back porch.  I had a big hunk of fishing net and the idea came to me to hang it on the porch ceiling.  Which meant using the stepladder to go up and down, up and down numerous times to pound in nails to hang the net.  Then again to hang it.  Threw some driftwood and shells on it, stood back to see the end result and went "ugh."  Didn't turn out as it was envisioned - lopsided, not big enough, and not pleasing to the eye.

Took a break to eat dinner, say a few prayers to calm my frustration, then went back out and removed the netting.  Ended up using the fish net as a drapery scarf in my updated bathroom, where it looks perfect!  Only issue now are the numerous nails in the porch ceiling that have to be removed.

Relaying this story makes me think how similar it is to life.  One has grand ideas, works hard to put them into place, and it ends up a big disappointment.  Taking a long look at what happened, praying then tearing it down and building it into something much more simple can turn out far better than expected and can bring you happiness.  At times there are still some residual issues you need to clean up based upon your original plan, like those nails that have to be pulled.  Once that's done, it's smooth sailing.  It's all acceptance of the fact there is a better way.

Here's to having and accepting a better way in our lives so the end result is fabulous.  It's gonna take hard work, mistakes, and plenty of prayer, but the end result will be worth it!!

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