Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dating in the High Tech Arena

I've been spending a lot of time emailing and chatting with new men.  As always, humans are interesting creatures!  It makes me think back to the old days of dating.

In my twenties - Dating was all about the bar scene and phone calls.  You met each other then began chatting on the phone.

In my thirties - Newspaper personals were a big deal and the Internet dating scene was just happening.  On line dating sites were few and far between and they were all free.  You emailed a few times, talked on the phone, then met up to see if there was any chemistry.

In my forties - High tech is all the rage.  Between on line dating, Facebook, websites, etc., you are meeting all sorts of people through the Internet.  On-line personals, in most cases, cost money.  And how we used to exchange emails, texting has now become the standard, especially with younger men.  I wondered why that is then realized - younger men have grown up with cell phones and learned how to input data to a computer before they were old enough to receive typing lessons.  So they text more easily than they type!  I, on the other hand, am a bit more text-challenged!  I can whip out five paragraphs on an email much faster than I can text two lines.

All in the all, the result is still the same - people meeting people to see if there is a connection.  Which, no matter how effective the high tech arena, will never substitute for actual human interaction or chemistry!

1 comment:

  1. I saw a contest on some tv show a while back where two young guys texted a message to each other and two old guys telegraphed the same message. Whichever team completed the message first won.
    The old guys with their clicking telegraph won.
