Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dreaming of Jersey Shore

Dreaming.  I don't dream very often but last night I had a doozy.  I had taken some Tylenol PM because I'm tired of waking up at 4am every day; this may have been the key to my REM disturbance.

In my dream, I was partying with the Jersey Shore crowd and dating one of the guidos, Ronnie.  Yes, WTF?  Ronnie and I walked into the house; he was taking classes so he showed me his books and asked me to help him with his homework.  Obviously I was the "smart" one the relationship.  I remember telling him that one of the books was the basis for Breakfast at Tiffany's; he shook his head and didn't have a clue to the movie I was referring.  Snookie, JWow and Mike the Situation were all chatting with us.  We then all left this house and went to a beach house where Ronnie and I started necking.  Some other older character pulled me aside and said "if you are getting with him you better use these because he's been around" and shoved a handful of condoms at me.  Thankfully, the dream ended up before the romping began!

Yes, it was bizarre.  I decided to look up the meaning of the topics from my dream via Dream Moods and discovered the following:

Celebrity - To dream that you are having sex with a celebrity, indicates your drive to be successful. Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with or what makes this celebrity famous for clues as to where and in what you want to achieve success.

Books - To see books in your dream indicate calmness. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. In particular, to see an open book in your dream, means that you are able to grasp new ideas with ease. If the book is closed, then it represents your allure and mysteriousness. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The dream may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you need to devote more study to. Alternatively, the dream could be telling you not to judge a book by its cover.

Condom - To see a wrapped condom in your dream represents your one-sided viewpoints. You are not allowing others to voice their opinions. It also symbolizes sexual possibilities.

Homework - To dream that you are doing homework symbolizes the lessons that have learned or are learning. Pay attention to the assignment in your dream and figure out how it can be applied to your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your anxieties about your ability and performance. If you have a homework assignment that is due in real life, then the dream may just be your preoccupation and worry over the assignment.

Hangin wit my Jersey peeps!

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