Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day in May

Mother’s Day weekend turned out pretty well.  Saturday sister Julie was in town so she stopped by so we could catch up; we also had lunch at one of the few restaurants in Lexington – Lexie’s Pizza Pub.  Was a nice visit.

Sunday Jordan and Candy took me to breakfast; they also gifted me with a pair of shoes holding plants.  Too cute!!  That evening Sam treated me to dinner at Parker’s in Castle Rock; he insisted he take a selfie of us together, which he promptly posted on Facebook saying Happy Mother’s Day to his beautiful mother for whom he is very thankful.  Awwww……my boys warmed my heart!!

Said a special prayer on Mother’s Day for mom in heaven.  Still miss her every day. 

Other than that, have not been up to much activity.  It seems like the weekdays blur into commuting, working, commuting, getting home, making dinner then getting laundry and assorted other chores done before crashing into bed.  Weekends are spent on the normal grocery shopping, errands, oil changes, etc.  Have not been to the gym but need to get back into that habit.  Thinking about joining a different gym than my regular – one at the local mall which is closer to home, open 24 hours, and includes a lot more equipment and amenities.  Need something to motivate me to get off my butt!!