Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We Are Surely Weathering the Storm

I'm currently in the emotional battle of my life while my Michael fights for his health.  An abundance of prayer is requested so he can win this battle.  I've been parked at the hospital since Friday, waiting for his improvement.  During the times I'm away, I spend it at home or his place in the evenings, relying on Excederin PM to help me through the night.  It's stormy weather and I'm praying hard for the sun to return.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Shall We Dance?

I think I've found my new workout plan!  Every day I've been walking at work and just started doing 8 1/2 flights of stairs; however, this looks like a lot of fun!  Not quite sure how it would look for a manager to be out dancing around the building but what the heck - you only live once!!!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Put the Mirror Down for Once Girl!

A day can't go by without news of Kim Kardashian.  Ugh.  This week's social media included a picture of her 16-year old sister wearing a new bikini.  Okay, she's a little young to be flaunting it all over but she's part of that family so it's to be expected (and probably a requirement by the family mother.)  The next day, Kim squeezes herself into sis's swimsuit and posts her own picture of how great she looks.  Uh?  Damn, Kim, let your little sister have the spotlight for once!  Why would you find it appropriate to flaunt yourself the day after your sister wore the same suit?  Did you even wash the suit before you put it on? There are millions of swimsuits in the world - next time let little sis flaunt her stuff and you take a day off.
Little sis workin it at the Versace mansion

Insecure big sis ruining her sister's bikini

Oh Weekend - So Near and Yet So Far

Friday is almost here!  It's been a busy week and one thing is for sure - I'm thankful for the sun.  The last few weeks I've been hitting the pavement at lunch, circling my work and extending parking lot.  I started with one loop, then two, then today I did one loop along with 8 1/2 floors of stairs.  Whew!!  Nice workout and it gives me a positive lift for the rest of the day.

Arriving home today, I was surprised to see both yards were mowed!  Whoopee!  Coming inside, the kitchen was clean and my dirty clothes were brought down from my room.  Sounds like both kids pitched in to get the job done today, which was mucho appreciated!!

On a side note, the one mystery all of us wish to solve, myself included, is where is the Malaysian plane? What happened to it?  Terrorists?  Bermuda Triangle? Group landing on an undiscovered island in the sea where they have all thrown away their cell phones to become one with nature?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

New Years and Nails

Another weekend winding down.  Friday after grocery shopping, I spent the evening watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  Not a bad movie but clearly laying the groundwork for movie number three.  A couple of items caught my eye.  The scarf Jennifer Lawrence wears is fabulous with a capital F.  It's kind of like a sweater that has been chopped up - one arm removed, sliced at a diagonal, and shortened.  Would be easy to create....if I had a sweater to match the look.  Will have to dig through my closet.

The second look that Elizabeth Banks wore reminded me soooo much of Christian Sirano's Project Runway haute couture dress.  Same ruffling, same layering.  She must have a wonderful time wearing all of those bizarre outfits, wigs, and makeup.

On Saturday I cruised to see my Michael.  I surprised him at dialysis then we did some running around all day before stopping at home to get ready for dinner.  On our first date we met at McGrath's fish house so we decided to recreate the moment.  We were even seated in the same section as during our first date and I even think we had the same waitress as two years ago!  Of course we had to share some crab cakes - not bad but they did not beat our favorite crab cakes from Cannon Beach.

After dinner we headed back to Michael's to watch New Year's Eve, one of those $5 specials from Walmart.  It was cute - directed by Gary Marshall with same sort of plot line as Valentine's Day. It was a nice end to a lovely evening.

This morning Michael surprised me with breakfast in bed.  We then watched Gravity together before I made a dash to Kmart to pick up some meds for my man, who is battling cold and congestion.  Of course during my visit a pair of cute clearance burgundy booties caught my eye so those made their way home with me.

Got home, finished a salad for lunch, kicked the kids in to high gear to clean the kitchen, and now I'm simply chilling as I watch Chopped.  I'm also fighting the urge to get another set of acrylic nails.  My poor little nails are so short and stubby....I love me some fake nails but don't love how damaging they are to my own nails.


Friday, March 7, 2014


Happy Friday everyone!!!  Here's to enjoying a relaxing and fabulous weekend!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Benefits of Being a Cockeyed Optomist

It may be due to eating better, it may be due to walking on a regular basis, or it simply may be due to the moon, but lately I've felt very upbeat and positive.  Any problems I may have are small in comparison to the obstacles other encounter.  My bills are paid, my house is warm, my kitchen is full, and my supply of makeup is never ending so nothing is wrong in the world!  On top of that an abundance of love is showered upon me every day.  God has blessed me abundantly and for that I'm truly grateful.

Make it an awesome day!!  Smile when you can, forgive those who wronged you, and take a moment to thank your lucky stars you are here celebrating another day given for your enjoyment!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oscar Chuckles

Here's a cute little clip of Idina Menzel on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon performing the Oscar winning song Let It Go. So cute and this clip makes me smile.


Here's also some Leonardo Decaprio pics that I found hilarious. Poor losing Leo.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Oscar and Veggies

Today wrapped up another fabulous weekend with my Michael, which included watching Gravity - good flick.  We finished off our time together with breakfast at Elmer's this morning, where I had one of my favorites - veggie omelet.  Heading home, I stopped by Goodwill in Salmon Creek to see if there were any bargains.  Needing groceries, my next stop was at Albertson's next door, where I loaded up on fruits and veggies.  I've been focused on eating more healthily so that means more green and less white, i.e., sugar, bread, and starch.

In order to save time, when I arrived home I chopped up all the veggies so they would be handy when it was time to make a salad, stir fry veggies or my new favorite, veggie omelet.  Michael gave me a big supply of plastic storage containers he wasn't using; they were perfect for my veggie organization.

The weekend is now coming to a close and the highlight is tonight's Oscars!!! One of my most favorite events!! It's a bummer I'm missing The Walking Dead but hey, it can be watched later via On Demand.  The Oscars also gave me time to paint both my fingernails and toenails, which were sad indeed.  I have to say Ellen DeGeneres is sooo funny!!!   I haven't chuckled like this in a long time during an Oscars ceremony.  Now I'm just waiting for the big cry-fest when they run the In Memoriam clip.