Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Odds and Ends

My Sunday was spent:

Baking banana/berry bread;

Playing with my app Photo Grid and discovered the following, which was a big time sucker:

Watching The Way We Were. Sam stopped by at the end and was chit chatting so much I wasn't able to work up a tear during the final scene when Barbra sweeps Hubbell's bangs,

Spending time in the very cold wind at Willow Grove, where I found some cool driftwood along with a beautiful carnation:

It was a good day!!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Metal, Makeup, and Munchies

This morning turned into the craft hour. Made two metal scrap pieces using a canister I picked up last weekend in Castle Rock along with other metal parts in my craft pile. They both turned out cute.

Finally decided to shower around 1pm. Nothing makes a person feel refreshed than a shower followed by makeup and hair.

Ended up going to Sam's then we headed over to Silver Star for a snack and visit. Followed that up with a trip to Walmart.

Made my way back home and now relaxing watching Inglorious Bastards, a great flick. Took a break and whipped up a batch of Cheerio treats with chocolate on top, just like Mom used to make. Yum!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Lotsa Lakes and Laughs

Lots happening but if I can write on my blog once a week I'll be happy.

Let's see, Sunday afternoon I made my way to Lake Sacajawea for a meet and greet.  We were meeting at Lions Island and it was a beautiful, sunny day. Parked my car, then started walking toward my destination. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a older man, white hair sprouting out of a bandanna and scraggly white hair shooting out of his face. He was dressed in biker leather which was emblazoned with Vet logos, American flags, and the like. Lord, please don't let this be the man I'm meeting. I slowly walked by and he said "just going for a walk?"  I said yes then asked if he was Lake Guy. I almost fainted with relief when he said "No."
Yeah not my type

At that point anyone in the world would have been a step up from that oddball.

Thankfully, the real Lake Guy was funny, charming, and friendly.  We spent over two hours walking the lake and talking about everything under the sun. He's been in the same job for 22 years, owns his home, has ambition, and was a gentleman.

Monday after work we met for dinner. Wednesday we drove to Kalama to check out an antique store run by the wife of his best friend, who unfortunately passed away three years ago. I happened to be Facebook friends with her and her shop, although we had never met. Sweet lady and the store was awesome.

After the shop we strolled around Kress Lake, then we had dinner together. Was a lovely evening.

Thursday Sam stopped by after work and brought me a Nipp's burger for dinner. So I've made out like a bandit for dinners this week!

On Wednesday I arrived to work and found a nice surprise - a card for Admin Professional's Day and a $25 gift card. Now that I'm not a boss, it's cool to be on the receiving end of these gifts!

And here it is the weekend once again!!  Bummer the rain is back but such is life in the Northwest!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunny Side Up

It's sunny today so that makes me smile!

My neighbor has a couple of chickens and she asked if I'd be interested in some eggs. Apparently the majority in her house don't care for the eggs due to the color. I immediately said "Yes" as there is nothing better than farm fresh eggs.

Aren't they beautiful?  The colors are something out of Gourmet magazine. Looking forward to cooking some to see how they taste.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Goodwill Glitter

Sometimes Goodwill has hard to beat bargains. Last weekend I was browsing and found three 99 cent dresses - one a Calvin Klein! 

Also picked up a 99 cent long dress with a beaded top. Wasn't interested in the dress - just the top. I've always loved the beaded shrug/jacket look over a t-shirt. Casual yet funky.

I removed the top from the dress. Then I slit it up the middle and removed the lining. Only thing left is to hem the front edge - by hand - because I don't want to break my sewing machine needle.

Haven't decided yet if I should make it short sleeve or not, which would mean more hand sewing. But pretty good for 99 cents!!

Work in progress

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Flower Dem Brows!

As I've gotten older, my brows have become a wee bit thinner. Once in awhile a gray hair will pop up. For years I've used brow makeup to nudge them into shape which means I'm always in search of the perfect product. Pencils end up the wrong shade - too orange, too dark, too thick, too thin. Powder too light, wax slips off, brush too difficult. Surprisingly, one of the better items I've used has been a pencil from Wet-n-Wild for 99 cents. 

That is until I tried a new brow marker from Drew Barrymore's Flower line.  It's the Vixen tattoo pencil - perfect taupe color, easy to apply, and doesn't budge. Pretty sure I've found me a new favorite!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Evacuation and Easter Lilys

Today I came home for lunch like any other day. Ended up receiving a text from work that they were evacuated due to a possible gas leak. Whoa! It had turned into a sunny day so leaving work early sounded like a great idea. Alas, there was no leak so I had to return to the job. And just like that the rain started so a day in the sun was just a pipe dream.

Sam had stopped at my house after work and was bonding with Lily when I came in. She has been such an easy dog to babysit. No barking, gets along with Stubbs, and behaves. It's going to be hard to see her go.

Went out to country guy's place tonight. We went for a walk on their property, full of woods. Reminded me of my childhood. Ran across Easter lilys so had to take a pic.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Double the Dogs!

Friday here again!!

Starting today, I'm babysitting my friend Marie's dog Lilly while she is in Hawaii. Thankfully, she is a good dog and is getting along great with Stubbs - or at least they are keeping out of each other's way!  Stubbs has become a mini-me version of Lilly, which is cute.

It's been a busy week.  Monday country guy came over to visit, Tuesday I went out to dinner with QA guy from St. Helens - ex cop, pleasant, but I'm feeling the friend zone with him. Country guy invited me to his place for dinner on Wednesday. Daffodils on the table and he even bought spicy V8 and lime beer for me because he knew I liked it.  Elk burger for dinner, which I hadn't had in a long time and it was tasty.

Last night Jordan and Candy stopped by and brought me Chinese food. Yummy! 

Staying home tonight to take a break!! Had offers to go out but declined them all as I just needed to veg!

Happy weekend!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh!

I'm blessed that I'm able to laugh at any screw up that occurs to me in life.

For example, yesterday I met up with a blind date who treated me to a pizza lunch. After lunch we went for a drive and he showed me the 120 acre farm where he has lived since he was a kid.

Picked up coffee then sat by the Cowlitz River to chat. My stomach had started churning but I was trying to contain myself. That wasn't working. I told him I wasn't feeling well, which could have stemmed from the spicy pizza pepperoni, so I had to get out for some air. I ended up whoofing my cookies on the river bank! And if you know me, you know I am not a quiet barfer - more like a lion roaring as he upchucks from the bowels of hell!! On top of that, the barfing was so bad I wet my pants! And not just a trickle - a full blown, soaking gusher!

Poor guy was coming near me asking if he could do anything as I'm yelling "stay back!" Seriously could it get any worse?!

Finally done, I had him take me to my house. We pulled up and Sam was in the driveway with his buddies. Sam came over, introduced himself, and asked him who was his favorite actor. He didn't have one so Sam had to reply "You expect to date my mom and you don't even have a favorite actor??!"  He then told him that I was one in a million, The Mom, and if anyone hurts me there would be hell to pay! This being said as I'm sitting in my wet pants after the guy just watched me barf. It was a surreal moment.

Sam left and I bid adios to the guy, after apologizing for what occurred. He was so nice and even wanted to see me again but we just weren't a match.  He was a little too country for me.

Once I got past the embarrassment of the day, I decided that it turned out to be quite the humorous story which will live on in infamy in my tales of dating.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Macaroni, Makeup, and Monday

Monday I had energy coming out of my ears!  After work I cleaned the kitchen then decided to trim and bathe Stubbs. Oh he was not happy getting his nails clipped, that feisty little buggar.

After grooming my pup, I made a batch of mac and cheese for dinner - homemade. Yum!

Was texting Jordan after all that and just had to share the following:

Spent time last night watching You Tube makeup videos. A few are useful but the majority are simply entertainment. The amount of foundation these video hosts apply is beyond belief!  If you are looking for free entertainment, take a gander at some of these DIY videos.