Friday, August 31, 2012


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Workin the Wide Belt

I've been really digging the belt with cardigan look lately!  I frequently wear a cardigan sweater over a sleeveless dress to work; I recently threw a wide belt on with it and it was very flattering.  I definitely need to add to my wide belt collection - right now I only have black and red....a purple or pink added to my collection would definitely match a large portion of my wardrobe!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Goodbye Dropped Calls!

Cell phones aren't a big deal to me; actually, being able to talk and text on the phone is awesome but having that next big high tech gadget doesn't top my priority list.  What is important is not having my calls dropped, which seemed to be happening frequently with my Straight Talk phone.  It's extremely frustrating to be in the middle of a serious discussion then realize that the call dropped and for the last two minutes you've been bouncing back deep thoughts with only yourself!  This led me to purchase, with my Michael's high-tech assistance, a new smart phone with a touch screen.  Nope, not an I-Phone but at something on the higher echelon of technology.  It also has a much better service range so those deep chats involving only myself should be a thing of the past.

I'm happy to report that I was able to transfer over my existing number.  However, my SIM card doesn't work in my new phone so I've been gradually adding in all my contacts.  Plus learning how the darn thing works; Sam has a similar phone so he has been very helpful to his dear mother as she fumbles her way through settings and apps and widgets and shortcuts.  My biggest challenge has been to get my Bluetooth, my lifeline to civilization while I'm on the road, set up on the new phone.  Guess I'll have to break down and read the manual!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Not for the Weak Hearted

Here are Sam's rewards from his dentist visit today.  For some odd reason he wanted to keep his teeth; when I asked him later why, he said they asked him if he wanted to take them home.  With his mouth full of cotton and head full of Valium he grunted "Huh" which they interpreted as "Yes."  So they placed his finery in a small cushioned box for safekeeping.  I did have to draw the line when he said he would be placing these teeth under his pillow and he better receive a generous payoff from the Tooth Fairy for all the pain he went through to obtain these teeth.    Not as much pain as Mama will be receiving once the bill has been sent!


How I Yearn for The Illustrated Nail

As I sat waiting for Sam at the dentist this morning, I thumbed through my recent Allure magazine, which contained a section dedicated to creative nails.  The flamboyant part of me desires to paint a story on my nails, using fluorescent polish, polka dots, flags, and smiley faces.  The business side of me knows I must keep this side of my personality buried, allowing only conservative or vaguely  bright nails to surface.  However, I can live vicariously through others and for this reason I was drawn to The Illustrated Nail.

The Illustrated Nail is an engrossing website which shows nails being used as a canvas for art.  There are Chanel logos, leopard print, mod edges, and minute silhouettes among many, many other intricate masterpieces. You could fill a year trying to replicate these designs for your own personal nail enhancement.  Daring fashionistas in less constraining work environments will be able to pull off these looks and to them I applaud.

Teeth Goodbye and Garage Sale

Last night my Michael surprised me by showing up at the house and cooking dinner.  So sweet!  It had been a long day at work and his efforts to make my evening easier was so appreciated.  Thanks babe!!
No work today as I'm escorting my Sambo to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth removed.  The dentist prescribed him some generic Valium; he took one last night and is scheduled to take two more this morning.  Hopefully he'll be able to walk into the dentist because at 6' 2", he's just no longer able to be carried by Mama!

With no openings while at Sam is at the dentist, I scheduled myself for a return trip to the dentist for a cleaning at 2pm.  Let's hope there are no cavities in my future!

Jordan and his buddies spent yesterday gathering their goods to have a garage sale today and perhaps Saturday.  I made it very clear that I will not be involved in this venture; I wish them luck but a garage sale is definitely not calling me this weekend!

TGIF Divas!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Cheaper Version of Brilliance

One of the products I recently fell in love with is L'Oreal Magic Lumi primer lotion.  I don't use it as a primer, more of a glow for the face before adding primer then foundation.  Unfortunately, I ran out of it the other day; when I stopped in Walmart to pick some up, they were out.  However, I found a reasonable substitute in Hard Candy Glow All the Way. 

Hard Candy Glow was available in a fairly large tube in light or dark bronze along with a pale pink named "Doll", which I decided to test drive.  It is an excellent substitute for the Lumi lotion - more than triple the size at $2 less in price.   Hard Candy Glow is slightly thicker compared to Lumi so only a small drop is needed to cover my entire face.  But don't get carried away with either product..... a Diva doesn't need a face full of nuclear radiation, just a little glimmer!!!


A Letter from the Past

My Aunt Ruth posted this little letter on Facebook for me, which she found in a storage trunk.  I wrote it to her when I was seven.  I remember being so into writing letters - to my grandmother's and obviously to my aunts as well.  I may not have been an artistic prodigy but it's obvious my lifelong commitment to perfect spelling started in my early years!  It's a shame I don't remember the pajamas; along with the written word, it seems my obsession with fashion was instilled when I was but a wee child! 

Awww, Life is Rough

After mowing the yard then hanging with his friends, Jordan kicked back in the yard to enjoy the sun.  Awww, the post-graduation calm before the real life storm begins!!!

Thanks Bobby!!!

Monday brought me a big surprise when my work partner-in-crime Bobby gave me a Diva mirror plaque.  He saw it at Big Lots and immediately knew it had my name on it.  Fabulous!!

Later he told me his significant other Russell likened me to Verla from a campy movie Girls Will Be Girls.  I had to Google her and was happy to recognize her from an episode of Project Runway.  How flattering to be compared to such a high style drag queen!!!

Drag Queen Verla

Happy Birthday Norma Jean!

On Saturday Michael and I celebrated his mom's 75th birthday in Portland at a family potluck.  His mom, named Norma Jean (lovin the Marilyn Monroe connection) looked fabulous in her purple party attire.  I was able to meet all of Michael's brothers and sisters along with many aunts and uncles.  The only downside?  No A/C in the party room!  The upside?  Being able to put faces with all the family names I've heard about from my Michael.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Luck Lil Sis!

Here's a pic of sister Erin in Nantucket as she prepares for the her demolition derby!  Kudos!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Family Legends Rock!

I was looking through my saved email in search of a password when I ran across a picture my brother Todd had sent me, which is linked to a popular family legend.  After clarifying a few points with Todd, I wrote the following since it is so very interesting.  (Shepard crew, if you have clarification or additional points, post a comment!)

Ike Barber hung
The Barber brothers, Ike and Bill, were notorious horse thieves and ne'er do wells. By 1882 the State of Illinois had offered a $6000 reward for their capture. In August of that year, the bodies of Charles McMahon, a wealthy farmer, and two of his hired hands were found murdered, and the Barber brothers were identified as the prime suspects. The specific crime which led to their ultimate downfall, however, was committed in Wadena in Fayette County, Iowa in September, 1882, where they shot and killed Marion Shepard, the town police officer (my great-great uncle).

The watch
After two weeks, they were finally run to ground and captured by a local posse near Tripoli, Iowa. After several months in the jail at Independence, the brothers were transferred to a lock-up in Waverly, Iowa to await trial. Before long, a large mob, led by Charles Shepard (my great grandfather), brother of one of murder victim Marion Shepard, assembled outside the jail and talk of lynching ensued. Charles led the mob by breaking open the jail with a sledgehammer the drug both Barber boys out to the woods and strung them up. The sheriff could do little to stop the crowd. Denying their crimes, the brothers were taken outside the town limits, and hung. Ike's last words were reportedly "Go on with the hanging (Livermore (Iowa) County Gazette, June 22, 1883).

My brother Todd actually has Charles Shepard’s pocket watch and it still runs.

Additional Back Story
Charles Shepard (Barber Bros. lyncher) had a son named Albert. Albert was fooling around with twin sisters. He ended up going to WWI; one of the twin’s wrote that she was pregnant with his child. The commanding officer never gave the letter to Albert. His father Charles’ and his young wife found out about the baby and adopted him, naming him Donald, who was my father’s dad and my grandfather. They kept this secret from Albert, who did not know that his new younger brother was actually his son! Donald and his real father Albert were raised as brothers and they had a very volatile relationship. After my grandfather Donald married my grandmother, Charles ended up confiding to her the true story, which she in turn told Donald. It wasn’t until Donald and Albert had another argument that Donald blurted out “You can deny me as your brother but you can never deny me as your son.”
Another Back Story
Charles and Marion Shepard has a third brother named Sam, who was in the mob to lynch the Barber Brothers, although Charles was the leader. So my Sammy is named after my great-great uncle!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What Happens When I Shop Alone!

While I was in Walmart yesterday, I spotted a pair of sweat pants that definitely called my name!  I'm A Diva is in small, gold print on the front and in big huge letters across the butt!  I ended up cutting off the legs to make them into shorts and they are oh so divine!  Please forgive the poor picture, which seems to resemble a very full Depends. 
Diva sweats....not a diaper!

I had to make a pit stop at Michael's today; while browsing the aisles, which is laden with Halloween decor, I ran across the most adorable outfit for my Stubbins - a dinosaur costume!  Isn't he cute??!!  He loved it too!!
Dinosaur Stubbs chewing on his favorite Aflac duck!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh Luuuucccyyyy!!!

I had to stop at the Chehalis Walmart before continuing my way home after work.  Unloading my groceries into the car, I looked up at the vehicle next to me and YIKES!  Sitting in a van  was a wacky Lucy on speed head wrapped on to the passenger seat!  No body, just the head!  Serious nightmare material!  It seemed to be an obvious, car-pool lane trick; thinking it over, it seemed quite unsettling if it wasn't for that reason.  Only at Walmart!!!

The Boys are Back!

The boys arrived home in one piece today.  Due to railroad construction, they were forced to ride a bus home but they weathered through it.  Thanks to Michael for picking them up and escorting them home.  I asked Sam to send me a picture of them because it seems like it was such a long time since I had seen them,  Thankfully, they look the same!  It was great coming home with them back in the house!  We all had dinner together, heard about their adventures, and shared some of ours.  Happy night!!!

Pasta and Punk Hair

 One of my favorite local restaurants is closing and I'm so bummed!  It's been in business for 29 years....I remember meeting my BFF Lynn there for lunch when we were both single career gals.  We almost always ordered the pasta salad of the day along with sun tea - yummy!  Their desserts are divine - peanut butter chocolate pie, fresh strawberry pie, and cookie bars.  Once in a while I'll stop by and pick up pasta salad to go - brings back memories plus still tastes awesome.  I'll miss you Judy's!
Miley Cyrus cut her hair - big time!  At first I was a little shocked to see such an extreme cut on her but you know what?  Why not?   Why not go for something radical, punk, shaved?  Kudos to her for taking that big hair step, although it will be a bitch to grow out!

Christina Aguilera also changed her hair...kind of.  She added ombre purple highlights into her bleached blonde hair.  Looks good but hey, even I have had purple in my hair.  Not as daring as Miley but still a nice touch.

The boys are back in town today!  Received confirmation about 3am this morning that they were on the bus back to home.  It's been over a month so I'm anxious to see how they've held up after a month in the bright, hot, sunny weather of Spokane. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Barbecue and Birthday Bonanza

As always, we were very busy with activities over the weekend.  Saturday found Michael and I cruising to Olympia for a barbecue at my boss's house, which included my co-workers.  He grilled carne asada while his wife supplied the pico de gallo, guacamole, spicy salsa, tortillas, rice, and assorted other goodies.  We ate, and ate, and ate before rolling ourselves out to the car and on our way home.  Lots of laughter and relaxation!

Sunday was my man Michael's 49th birthday!  He unwrapped presents Sunday morning, including a holder for his collection of shot glasses (which was hell to find.....I searched over five stores before getting a tip from Diva Lynn that the holder could be found at, of all ironies, Michael's!)  We then made our way to Gresham to make a pit stop at Michael's apartment before hitting Ulta.  Yes, I know it was Michael's birthday but I've had an Ulta gift card from him burning a hole in my pocket since May.  He hung out in the car while I browsed the shop; I ended up purchasing Roberto Cavalli perfume, which scored me a $50 pink travel bag...for free!  I also picked up a new Stila eyeshadow kit - I received a trial size packet of it in my Birchbox, which sold me on the Stila brand.  The shadow stays in place all day long!

Departing Ulta, we filled up the car and gave it a quick $5 wash then made our way to Cascade Station to have late lunch/early dinner at Famous Dave's.  We had eaten their the night before our Phoenix trip and it was finger-licking good.  While the food was still yummy, it wasn't as good as our previous visit.  At the end of my meal, I made a covert visit to the bathroom under the guise of washing my hands.  My true intent was to surprise Michael with a birthday treat.  Our waiter said he'd take care of it then delivered to my 49-year a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with fudge topping.   It was a sweet surprise for my sweetie!

After eating, we made our way over to Michael's old stomping grounds at a community gym, where we met up with a couple of his friends - Big Tim and Big K.  It was nice for me to put a face to the names I hear so much about and yes, they were both big!! 

Wrapping up Portland, we made our way home to Kelso for the rest of our evening.  We thoroughly enjoyed our weekend and he definitely enjoyed his birthday so all in all it was a great success!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Play Ball!

As part of a team building event, Monday found me, along with the other leaders from work, leaving work early to head north for a Tacoma Rainier's game.  We expected a shuttle to pick us up; however, we didn't expect the stretch Hummer, which was an event in itself.  Lots of pretty lights, aquarium screens, and a fireplace were all included on the ride. 

Once we got to Cheney Field, we spent the next hour or so performing customer service training.  Unfortunately, the suite in which we were situated was extremely warm....toasty...sweaty....humid.  Not comfortable and the powers that be at the field couldn't fix it.  After the training, we ate a dinner of hot dogs and burgers, which definitely did not meet the expectations of my resort co-workers.  No one is a greater critic of hotels than current employees of a remarkable lodge! 

We were then able to make our way to the dugout and field before the game began, where I snagged tons of pictures of the field, the stands, and the ball players.  In addition, the assistant director of engineering was lucky enough to throw out the first pitch for the game.  To top it off, the prime view of Mt. Rainier was spectacular at the ball park!!

After hanging out and enjoying the game to the third inning, I hitched a ride with a co-worker back to the lodge.  There was simply no way this early morning gal could stay until after 10 for the game to end, resulting in a return home after midnight.

It was another memorable moment in my working history and well worth the Hummer ride!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Glitterin and Grillin!!

This weekend included Michael and I rising early on Saturday to mow both yards, trim trees, and break out my new edger.  The edger was interesting but I found much more satisfaction in brandishing the large pruning shears as we trimmed trees in the back and front yard.  Step mom Arlene stopped by to say hi which gave us a chance to sit in the shade and chat. 

Following over four hours of yard work, we cleaned up then made our way to the mall so I could get my nails filled.  No time for a pedicure but the owners were nice enough to give me a $5 off coupon for a pedicure next time.  I had my nails painted with Zoya mint green polish from last month's Birch Box delivery; neat color but I wasn't sure it was me.

Following my nails, we met up with Arlene to break bread at El Compadre, Castle Rock's local Mexican joint.  It was a nice end to a very warm and busy day.

Today after breakfast we stopped at Fred Meyer's so I could pick up additional corn on the cob, on sale at 10 for $4.  I picked some up last week, husking and freezing 30 ears.  I picked up another 10 ears today for dinner tonight along with adding to my freezer abundance.

After grocery shopping, we came home and decided to enjoy the great outdoors.  Grabbing two frozen Dally's drinks, I broke out my new Walgreen's reclining lawn chair to sunbathe while Michael relaxed in the shade.  Stubbs of course had to be in the mix; he ran around in the heat so much he was panting to beat the band, so much so he even chowed down on two small pieces of watermelon! 

Following our R&R outside, Michael broke out the grill for ribs.  I put corn on the stove then sat outside to fix my nail polish.  The mint green was just too much; at first I daubed various colors on it then decided to throw in the towel and remove it.  Inspired by the Galaxy Nails at Polish and Pearls, I painted my base nails a shimmery black then patted on top bright yellow, blue, and gray glitter then topped it with glitter-flake.  Very unique and Michael likes it so it's a win-win polish change!!

Here's to a warm and productive weekend!!!

Michael at the grill

Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF!! It's Friday! It's Friday!

Friday is finally here, although I must say the week flew by pretty quickly.  The boys have delayed their return until Tuesday, so another weekend will belong to me!  The weather forecasted is in the 90's so who could ask for more??  Have an awesome weekend Divas!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bring on the Horns!

On Monday I had to celebrate my return to work by having lunch with my co-workers at Mariachi Allegra, the neighborhood Mexican restaurant.  Spotting a Corona-outfitted trumpet player in the corner, I couldn't resist getting my picture taken!  Nothing makes the day go by faster than having a good laugh, especially at your own expense!!
Oops, should have hidden my hands!