Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!!

Had a great dinner with my Blue Jacket Divas Friday night.  I also gifted them with one of my craft projects - painted cups.

Today, Steve and I had the best intentions to clean out the garage however, that didn't happen. We chose sleeping in along with me battling a potential cold so we skipped it. On top of that it began snowing again. Ugh.

This afternoon we headed on up to Lynn and Jay's so he could pick up his new fix it project from them - an old 4 wheeler.  When the snow started hot and heavy we left their abode, stopped at home, then headed to Parkers for a New Year's dinner.

Tonight we are ringing in the new year by relaxing at home. At 9pm the neighborhood fireworks already started so it will be a noisy evening.

Happy New Year and here's to an awesome 2017!

Gee, look at the height on my hair bump!  In 2017 I'm bringing the bouffant back apparently!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

End Of Rush On Dying

Ok it's time for the icons to quit dying. John Glenn, George Michael, Carrie Fisher followed the day after by her mother, Hollywood legend Debbie Reynolds!!  Enough already!!

Fire Cider Surprise

One of my co-workers left me a gift that I opened Monday. It was a bottle filled with "Fire Cider."  I had hoped it was akin to Fireball but alas that was not the case. He included some background along with a recipe for the concoction.

Apparently Fire Cider is a steeped mixture of all sorts of ingredients,  including vinegar, horseradish, cayenne pepper, herbs, and vegetables.  The brew is fermented then strained, producing a cloudy liquid that is supposed to be full of antibiotics and potent powers to boost one's immune system.

I brought the brew home Tuesday night. Wednesday morning I was battling allergies so I figured it was time to try it out. The directions said to start off with one-half to one shot and move up from there.  Oh why not go for a full shot - what could it hurt?

Whoa total blast off!!  That stuff was beyond spicy!  Also had a funky flavor that held on for several hours, sort of like a pickled dirty, sweaty sock with a kick. Not sure it cured my allergies but definitely took my mind off of them because I was dealing with a putrid mouth full of burn!

The directions state a shot - or several - should be taken every day. I have not worked up to a second shot I was so scarred by the first one.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!  Tme seems to move so quickly and it's hard to believe 2017 is almost here.

Christmas Eve found me taking Sam to a few stores before heading over to Steve's for Christmas Eve dinner. Was so nice to see his family, especially his mom who is battling cancer.   She is looking really good.

About 9 pm we headed back to my place then stayed up til 1am watching movies and visiting. This morning when I tumbled out of bed around 7:15 I made the coffee and started prepping for dinner.  Ended up making a run to Safeway, the only grocery store open, so Sam could pick up some items. Back at home, Jordan and Candy showed up and we opened presents.

The prime rib was still cooking when Jordan and Candy left as they didn't feel good, which was a bummer.  Sam's friend Jimmy stopped by and stayed for dinner, which we ate about 2 pm. Prime rib turned out excellent - very juicy and pink.  I cooked the middle to 127 degrees but next time I think I may stop it at 120.  Love me the rare meat.

All that food and staying up late led to a 2 hour nap!  And I enjoyed every minute of it.

Tomorrow I work the late shift so I get to sleep in and perhaps hit the after Christmas sales.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bird Wednesday

Here's the highlight from my dreary day today - a little yellow bird in the tree outside my office window.

Doldrums and Detectives

Oh it's been a long week so far.  I've been dragging, no motivation, and even the crafting bug hasn't bit me.  Today was a bad hair day, feeling fat, and getting old kind of day when bam it hit.  Yes, my period. Come on...I'm pushing 53 so why do these still come calling every month?  At least that explains my doldrums.

On a side note, when Aunt Flo comes to call, don't hit the sales rack at Macys - after work, makeup rubbed off, battling a weepy allergy eye, with flat hair - and no matter what, don't try on clothes in a dressing room with a 3-way mirror.  Ugh!!  Nothing like throwing your self-esteem right down the toilet!!

Tonight I will try to hit the hay early, soak up some beauty sleep, and tackle tomorrow, which is my Friday.

On a side note, I'm currently watching the first season of HBO's True Detectives, with Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughy.  Pretty entertaining and good mystery show.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Making Room for Teddy

The big teddy bear has now taken up residence in my living room. Actually, he's hogging one whole portion of the sectional!  As I move into the living room, he kind of startles me as if it's a real person sitting there.

Tonight I was charging my phone, which is plugged in next to him, so I was forced to use him as a pillow while I was on the Internet.  At least Stubbs hasn't tried to tear him up.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Food, Family, and Fun Make For A Memorable Day

Not only was it a grand Shepard family party today, but it was a white Christmas due to the snow!!

Big kudos to Lynn for organizing the event, cooking up a storm, and Jay for manning the meat. Spinach dip, salmon, elk, pork, a fab potato dish, salads, and a yummy pineapple jalapeƱo dip made by Jordan and Candy.  On top of all that was pumpkin, apple and pecan pie. Yummers!!!

Along with seeing most all of my family members, the highlight was playing the gift game. When it was my turn, I opened up a HUGE teddy bear along with two knives. Well, before I could sit down, it was stolen from me. My next choice unwrapped was an electronic thermostat device, which was also taken. I ended up with a huge box of chocolates as my game prize.

However, Steve came to the rescue and on his turn grabbed the bear and knives. Since it was the third steal, Mr. Bear was mine to keep!!  Of course Steve kept the knives. A win win for both of us.

I also handed out gifts to everyone, most being emoji pillows. Easy, inexpensive gifts but a big hit.

One more highlight was Jordan gifted to Grandma Arlene a picture of Grampa. He worked so hard on that picture and it was a gift completely made from love. I'm proud of my son for his sweet, caring heart.

The party wound down and we rolled ourselves out to the car. Arriving home, Stubbs wasn't quite sure what to make of the bear but he warmed up to it quickly.  I'm afraid I've lost possession of my gift prize.

Another annual party down in the books!!  It makes me want to set up a beach house trip in the summer to spend more than one evening with my family so we have more time to catch up!!  A few hours is never enough.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cocoa and Concrete

This morning I made some more truffles....actual full chocolate ones. The ones I previously made were based off of cake mixes and butter. The ones this morning were made of chocolate, cream cheese, and butter and covered with unsweetened cocoa powder.

After making those, I wrapped gifts and drank coffee. After lounging around, my next step was to clean off the back concrete slab behind the garage.

I recently changed insurance companies and they sent an appraiser to look around. Well, early in the summer Sam tore down an old gazebo, did some landscaping, and basically filled up the slab with a bunch of shit.  The appraiser said it needed to be cleaned up, which it did, although in the middle of snow and winter wasn't exactly my idea of fun.

Perhaps my overdose on coffee gave me a boost so I threw on a jacket, boots, and hat, grabbed my shovel and began to work.  Two hours it took of shoveling to clean that mess up.  It was literally back breaking work!  I even sprayed it clean with the hose. All this in the middle of the cold and snowy weather.

I'm downright pleased with my accomplishment!  So nice to take care of an on-going problem and see a task finished!

Stay At Home Thursday

On this note I'm staying home today!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dig Out The Plum Lipstick - Winter is Here

It has returned...the snow that is. Thinking there is going to be some studded tires in my future.  Left work at 4pm to make sure I made it home before dark and before the snow became too crazy.  

The snow hit the Portland area first. Steve called as he was driving home from his duck pond and said he was traveling 3 MPH and had been for over an hour.  He heard all the tow trucks were out on runs because of all the wrecks.  Not a pretty sight.

When I got home my little Stubbins looked chilly so I wrapped him up in his motorcycle jacket.  Precious!!

Been sitting here browsing Pinterest.  Searching for makeup tips, I ran across some "winter" makeup ideas. Really??  Just a wee bit on the heavy handed side.  Wish I could pull off dark lipstick but it just never works - too aging.

Need to wrap some gifts but instead I'm going to continue viewing bad makeup and finish watching tonight's movie "13 Hours."

This the Season for Parties

Last night I attended a Bible study Christmas party.  Life has been too busy for me to join in on the regular Tuesday night sessions but they invited me to the party and I couldn't resist.

For dinner we had a baked potato potluck followed by a gift exchange game. I ended up with a nice bracelet and pair of earrings.

One of the gals brought her dog dressed up in a pair of jeans. Too cute!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Pink at a Bargain Price!

So I picked up for cheap from Ross a gray burnout velvet cardigan type top to wear to the annual family party.  Dug around in my closet for a tank to wear with it but couldn't find the right thing.  Stopped off at Joann's after work to take a looksie at the fabric because a tank top would be easy to sew.

Browsed the shiny, the glittery, the sequinned, the stretchy, the loose, the rayon, the lycra, and all the rest in between.  Finally settled on a gorgeous stretchy pink velvet at $9.99 per yard - a little high but I had a 40% off coupon.

Took it to the counter to get a yard.  As the clerk unrolled the fabric, there were some stains at the bottom. He unrolled some more and still more stains. We finally found a section where the stain was minimal at the very bottom.  Due to the spots, the clerk gave it to me at the damaged price with 75% off. My yard of fabric ended up costing me $2.09 - score!!

Came home, followed a current tank as a pattern, and sewed the shirt.  Turned out perfect!  Nothing better than having a sewing project turn out great as opposed to wasted effort and fabric.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Truffles and Tin Roof

Yesterday morning my hairdresser rescheduled my appointment to today so I decided to hit work for a few hours so I'd be prepared for Monday.  Surprised my team member who works on Saturday with a Starbucks coffee.  Giving little surprises is one of my most favorite things to do.

Yesterday evening, while watching A Streetcar Named Desire, I made 4 batches of truffles for the upcoming family Christmas party.  Birthday cake, chocolate coconut, cookie dough, and brownie flavors. Rolled them all out last night then this morning, while watching Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (yes, it was a classics weekend) dipped them in coating. Look good huh?

Can't wait until 3pm to get the gray gone!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Go Hawks!

Ok this turned out much of better than that cork disaster. Now just to find my letter stencils so I can put his name on the chair!!

Snow Equals Bad Crafting

I was beginning to doubt the snowstorm when it hadn't hit by 9am. I showered then made my way to Michaels and Goodwill. Finally around noon it started snowing. Was going to stop by Walmart but with the blizzard coming down I decided that wasn't such a good idea so continued on home.

And boy did it snow!!!  Housebound, I ended up painting a sitting stool for a Christmas gift then decided to create a wine cork tree.  One of my co-workers gave me a big bag of corks and, stuck at home due to snow, figured it was a good time to create something.

Yeah should have rethought this one. Took forever to hot glue the corks around the Styrofoam cone. When done - ugh.  Did not meet my expectations.  This is going to be an exit stage left project.

Tomorrow may lead up to another day off from work if the snow doesn't melt.  This weather really puts a cramp in my routine and leads me to hideous  crafting!!

Cancelling the Commute

Big storm due to start any time so decided to hedge my bets and stay home today.

Cleaned the kitchen then made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Sam stopped by to borrow a ladder so I sent him on his way with a bag of still warm muffins for himself and his co-workers.

Here's to making it a productive day even if I end up being house-bound!!

20 Years and Missing You Still

So hard to believe it's been 20 years ago today that we lost you, Mom.  The holidays always bring you to mind - our stocking stuffed, gifts wrapped at midnight, and your amusement when we tried to wake you at 3 am to unwrap what Santa had left us.  You were funny, silly, goofy, and beautiful.  The older I get the more I turn into you which is the best gift I could have ever received.

I miss you still every day my loving mom.  You continue to be my angel every day!  ❤❤❤

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dreaming of a White Thursday

Thursday is going to be a very bad day.  On the upside, it's a bad day for commuting but a great day for hanging at home watching the snowfall. I will not tempt fate and drive to work if the weather predictions are accurate.

Tonight I finished a personal writing project I had put off for far too long. It involved self-reflection, honesty, and soul searching.  Happy to have that task complete!

Also painted my nails a soft pink with glitter on the ends. Dang it makes my fingers look long!

Here's to everyone having a peaceful night!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Perhaps A Mouse Blog is in My Future???

Happy to report the roads were clean and clear both on the way to work and the way home!!   Made my commute much more relaxing.

What doesn't make my commute easy is the tingling I've been feeling in my left hand when I drive. Appears to be the early warning signs of carpal tunnel syndrome, which I've never experienced after so many years of typing.  But perhaps the driving has pushed me over the edge.  Thus I stopped off at Target after work and picked up a wrist support bandage.  Going to try it out at night and while driving to see if it can slow down the tingling.

I've continued to poke my head into the garage to see if there is any mouse activity.  Nothing so far, well at least from where I could see from the door without stepping foot into the danger zone.  On that note, I'm continuing to receive either quaint little mice stories or trivia about mice or vermin.  One I heard from bestie Lynn tonight was about mouse liquor.

Yes you heard that right. I had to Google it for a better understanding of why mouse liquor even exists.  I found the following description:

"What would be the most disgusting substance you could imagine flavouring your wine with? Well, I'm sure baby mice would not come too far off? Baby mice wine is a traditional Chinese health drink, which is brewed by drowning alive baby mice, maximum three days old, in rice moonshine and letting them ferment in the bottle for about a year. According to local Chinese belief, mouse wine is a cure to just about any illness imaginable, including asthma and liver problems among others."

If you are sucking down a bottle of mouse wine, just having asthma and liver problems would be the bright spot in your world!  

Of course I have to include a picture.  If you don't want to see it, exit now.

Seriously, don't look further. This is your last warning!

There you go!

Hoping for a Regular Workday

No snow on the ground when I woke up Monday. However, on my way to work it started snowing.  I made it to exit 60 when I saw the traffic stopped amid snow all over. I took that as a sign to exit and return home.  Found out later the jam was due to a FedEx truck that jackknifed in the road.

Got home, cleaned the kitchen, then made two leatherette pillow covers for the couch. At that point my allergies were killing me so I took my contact out, used some eye drops, and popped a Benadryl. I then spent time on the couch napping and watching movies.

Finally the drugs wore off and I had some energy back so I cleaned the fishtank.  What a pain!  Plus two of the fish had babies so it's filled with tiny fish.  Sam's friend Tyler put those two spawn devils in the tank so I'm going to notify him to remove all those babies. Otherwise, they will be sentenced to death by flushing.

I also finally removed all my bazaar items from the car.  Yes lazy me had left them in there for a month. They are now taking up space in my dining room because, although it was 99% my imagination, I'm still leery of the garage.

Now here it is Tuesday. No snow on the ground and I'm praying for safe travels during my commute.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, Messup, and Mice

Monday morning is here and thankfully no snow - yet. Very wet and cold outside which is still concerning.

Yesterday afternoon after Steve left I stopped off at Walmart to pick up a few groceries, including ingredients to make broccoli cheese soup, similar to Quiznos which I love.  After browning onions in butter, seasoning, adding cream then broccoli it was too grainy. Perhaps the error was adding in some instant potatoes as a thickener.  Even blending it all together wasn't a solution as it remained similar to cream of wheat. I tried to eat a cupful but between the consistency and the color (orangish brown and green) it wasn't happening. The whole pot of gruel went straight into the garbage and my dinner consisted of toasted olive bread.

As an update to my mouse situation, apparently it was all in my mind. At my urging, Steve investigated the garage in search of vermin.  He found nothing - no dead mouse bodies, no nibbling of the poison, and no rodent droppings.  While I'm very happy about this I'm disturbed that I imagined the whole episide. But I'm growing braver - last night I went into the garage and grabbed a few Christmas items to set up in the house and the porch. And lived to tell the tale!

Here's praying for a week filled with mild weather and creamy soup!!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Burlap Bags and Burgers

Relaxing weekend so far.  Steve came over Friday night and we went to Nipps for dinner.  We then made a pit stop to see Sam at his place before heading home.

Today we stopped at Pier One as I had a return.  Then over to Sportsman's Warehouse before hitting Bob's.  Yes, shopping is a compromise but I did find one silver lining. Bob's has burlap coffee sacks for $2.49 each!  Great price so I picked up three for future projects.

After Bob's we stopped by a thrift store I had never visited...and found out for good reason.  Junky, stinky, and odd clerks. However, I did find in the rubble a glass container for $2.50 so it wasn't an entirely worthless trip. I ended up adding some blue vase filler, glittered wicker ball and lights to it for a festive look.

We then wandered Commerce before heading home. Steve took a nap and I returned to get my nails done. Returned hone, made dinner, and spent the rest of the night relaxing.

Only cloud on the horizon is the threat of snow for Monday.  Oh please rain - snow makes for a horrible commute to work and I've got things to do!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday, Freeway, and Footstool

Friday here at last - whoopee!!  Here's hoping my commute is faster than yesterday when the following wreck slowed me down.

Last night I painted a blue jar with alcohol ink and glitter acrylic paint. I'm calling it my "Ode to Mom" jar as blue was her favorite color.  Hard to believe she's been gone 20 years.

Last weekend I attempted to cover a couple of the Starbucks metal stands. First off I made a padded cushion to set inside the shortest stand. That didn't work so well so I covered it over with more fabric, attempting to achieve a footstool. Jury is still out on that.

The next one I simply covered it with the faux gray leather fabric. Looks good but not sure where to use it.

I picked some sparkly glitter branches up from Michaels for 70% off.  I wanted to put some behind the tv.  Last night I searched for an appropriate container, which was an experience in frustration. Trying to find something big enough but not too big, small enough but not too small - it was wearing me out.  I ended up using a mason jar stuffed with paper towels crammed inside a peanut canister. Then set it on top of several books for height behind the boob tube.  Looks good but still needs a little more height.

Here's to everyone having a great weekend!  And let's pray that the weather stays warm as the news says there will be snow on Monday. Noooo!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Weirdness in My Life

There have been a few weird occurances in my life lately. First off, I stopped at the bank window last Friday to get some cash. The teller was friendly and chatted a bit. She gave me my envelope of money and I drove over to Macys.   I grabbed the envelope to put the cash in my wallet and it felt heavy. Opening it up, there with my cash was someone's debit card. Ashley...hmm same name as the teller.

I promptly returned to the bank and handed back her card. How very strange. Made me wonder why she had her card out while working unless she was Internet shopping. She said thanks and I was on my way.

Tonight there was a much more major occurrence.   Got home from work, changed then made my way to the garage. I've been needing to replace the bulb in the garage but haven't so I grabbed my flashlight. I opened the door and flashed the light around. Next to the door on a shelf is an open bag of bird seed. I heard some noise and it was some seed falling out of the bag. I slowly shined the light into the bag. Swear to God I saw a tail.  Mouse!!!

I quickly slammed the door and ran inside. Started hyperventilating, crying, and a wave of anxiety set in. I do not like mice. I abhor mice.

Immediately texted son Sam for help; thankfully he said he'd be right over. I then texted farm girl sis Julie, bestie Lynn, and Steve for advice.   Julie said suck it up and buy a cat along with mouse traps laced with peanut butter, Lynn echoed Julie's advice, and Steve offered to come help.

At this point I'm shaking. Sam and his buddy Jimmy showed up and ventured to the garage while I cowered in the family room. Sam hit the bag a few times, rolled it up, double bagged it, and took it to the trash. He said there was no mouse in. But of course that's what the mouse wants me to think, to give me a false sense of security.

Talked to both Lynn and Steve to get me off the ledge. For some reason they both felt compelled to tell me their personal stories with mice. I think their point was to show they were still alive and well and I have nothing to fear. At least, I hope that was the reason other than to impart visions in my head from which nightmares evolve.  I did put two towels under the garage door to the house to ensure that furry rodent devil would not have access to enter.

Sam volunteered to set up traps tomorrow in the garage.  What a good son. I have now regained my composure and all is right in the world. Well, at least enough so I was able to make dinner and hide out in the living room!

A final message to the rodent in my garage (because I know you are still there):

I don't know what you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for a warm place to sleep, I can tell you I don't have one for you.  But what I do have is a very particular set of anxiety that I have acquired over a long period of time. Anxiety that makes me a nightmare for mice like you.  If you leave my garage now, that will be the end of it.  I will not look for you. I will not pursue you.  But if you don't, I will look for you.  I will find you.  And I will kill you. Or I will have a psychotic break in the process.

Giving Love Another Chance

Perhaps I'm fickle, perhaps I'm an eternal optomist, or perhaps I'm a die-hard romantic, but for whatever reason I'm taking the plunge to give love another try.

Steve contacted me on Friday and wanted to meet to talk about our relationship. To be honest I've missed him. I prayed about our relationship, for wisdom, guidance and strength. Then boom he text me to talk.

I sat down Saturday morning and made a list of the good, the bad, and what I need from a relationship. He came up bright and early Saturday and we talked, and cried, and talked, and laughed, and went over the list in detail, examining each item. He is willing to give 1000% to make our relationship work.  I searched my heart and decided to give love another chance.

So here's to starting this Monday with hope and a positive attitude.  And taking it all one day at a time. ❤

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Day With Laughter Is A Great Day Indeed

Nothing puts me in a better mood than being with my two sons. They are each very humorous in their own right but together they put me in stitches.  Such was the case today while we celebrated Thanksgiving at Jordan and Candy's house. Great food and tons of laughter made for a special day.

A Little Holiday Amusement

There's a Nap in my Future!

I went to bed at midnight and this morning I woke at 4am!  And I'm not even hosting Thanksgiving!!

Last night I was of course crafting.  I dug out the CD player and listened to and sang along with, very loudly, Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella - twice!  This morning I'm repeating that same process with Michael Buble as I clean.   Good times.

Here's to everyone having a wonderful Thanksgiving today.  I have much to be grateful for this year, least not that I'm having dinner at Jordan and Candy's place which means there are no dirty dishes in my future!