Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Doldrums and Detectives

Oh it's been a long week so far.  I've been dragging, no motivation, and even the crafting bug hasn't bit me.  Today was a bad hair day, feeling fat, and getting old kind of day when bam it hit.  Yes, my period. Come on...I'm pushing 53 so why do these still come calling every month?  At least that explains my doldrums.

On a side note, when Aunt Flo comes to call, don't hit the sales rack at Macys - after work, makeup rubbed off, battling a weepy allergy eye, with flat hair - and no matter what, don't try on clothes in a dressing room with a 3-way mirror.  Ugh!!  Nothing like throwing your self-esteem right down the toilet!!

Tonight I will try to hit the hay early, soak up some beauty sleep, and tackle tomorrow, which is my Friday.

On a side note, I'm currently watching the first season of HBO's True Detectives, with Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughy.  Pretty entertaining and good mystery show.

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