Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bunnies At The Beach

Another long and eventful day.  Steve left at 4am to fish with a guide friend. I slept in - well, until 630 am - then got up, had my coffee, and painted a crab.  Showered then made my way to Warrenton Goodwill then TJ Maxx.  Spent the rest of my day wandering the Astoria city center - lots of art, antiques, and oddities.

One more pit stop at Ross than back to the beach house, arriving just after Steve, who had caught a salmon.  We were both beat so we went into Cannon Beach for dinner at Fultano's Pizza.  On the way back we spied numerous bunnies, a staple in town.

Will be making my way home tomorrow to recover from my vacation. And begin crafting with all the items picked up during this trip!

Move Along - Nothing to See Here

With no cable TV at my house, watching the television at the beach house would be a treat. Or so I thought.

At home, I normally watch movies, especially older classics, along with boxed seasons of Top Chef, Game of Thrones, and most recently 24.  Lots of times I listen to music and on several occasions I've listened to absolutely nothing while I was immersed in crafting.

Cable tv is not the treat I thought it would be. The idiotic shows. Reality programs geared toward the simple-minded.  The mass commercials. Trump and Hillary on overload. The news blaring disasters, crime, and negativity.

No thank you!  After a year of no cable, I see I have nothing to be jealous about regarding TV for the masses.  I think I will stick with Hitchcock and Carl Grant.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Long Day In My Happy Place

Well, there ended up being a small leak in a pipe that had to be fixed at the beach house today. Which meant no water for a time. I took a spit bath using my bottle of Aquafina, got dressed, and began painting a tile while Steve got parts and fixed the pipe.

Once done, we headed into Seaside. Although I made two holes-in-one at the mini-golf, I ended up losing by one point!  We followed that up with a mean game of bumper cars followed by me hitting a few shops. Along with some starfish, I brought back a pair of pink and gray Seaside sweats along with a tee to match, which I'm wearing right now!

Our last stop was at the Cannon Beach grocery store, where I scraped my arm on the car door.  In one day my adventures have landed me with two blisters, two chafed calves, an arm scrape, and two very sore legs.

It's crab for dinner tonight along with a berry tart.  Yum.  Just popped some Tylenol to soothe my aches.

We also need more blessings -Steve's mom Kathy received some bad health news so please say a prayer for her.

Blue Sky and Blisters

Up at 5 am today hoping to find treasures at low tide. However, too dark for me to venture on the beach so waited until 6am to start my trek.

I wore my rubber boots and they were awesome.  Cruised toward the end of the beach way out by the surf.  Uh oh - ran into a bypass of water that appeared to prevent me from going forward. Hey - I've got my boots on so I foraged ahead. Discovered the boots weren't quite high enough to breech the water as the surf and sand poured onto my feet. Ugh.

Continued on my way, picking up numerous sand dollars and assorted shells. I reached the end and turned back.  At this point the water and sand in my galoshes were rubbing my bare skin raw.  No choice but to continue on, feeling the beginning of blisters on my heels.

My only distraction was the absolutely beautiful blue sky above. It's going to be a wonderful day if the sky is any indication.

Two-thirds of the way back, I made my way to the rocky bank. For three days I've seen a mangled, rusty crab pot on the bank that was bound to be mine. Yes - it was still there. Rolling up my bag of shells, I stuffed them into the front pocket of my sweatshirt, along with my phone. Pulling the hoodie sleeve over my hand, I gripped the heavy metal and trudged toward the beach house. Dang that thing was heavy, or perhaps it was the combination of shells in my pocket, dragging the sweatshirt to my knees, my feet and calves being scraped raw due to those #$%& rubber boots!!

Finally the end was in sight. Slowly up the steps I went, towing that mangled, rusty, tetnus-riddled crab pot along, stopping every three steps to recuperate.  Made it!!  Dropped the pot, tore off the boots, and ran cool faucet water over my aching feet.  Ahhhh....such sweet relief.

Sitting here recuperating with my coffee, blistered feet perched on the ottomon.  Is 9am too early for a nap??

Monday, August 29, 2016

Can't Help But Take These Tests!!

Interesting little tidbit from a Facebook test today.

Multiple Blessings at the Beach

Got my walk in on the beach this morning, cleaned up then hit a few shops in Cannon Beach, including a fab wine and cheese shop where I picked up dill goat cheese, petite bris, and rustic crackers which made a yummy snack for lunch.

After my cheese indulgence we took a drive to the south.  Steve knew of some hot spots for driftwood, which meant scouring down a hill in Nehalem to score some choice pieces.  We made a pit stop later down the road where I spied a buoy - score!!

During one of our stops, we found a blue plastic tube hidden in a guardrail. Inside was a Nevada pin and a note with dates and usernames listed.  Weird but then I realized it must be related to the GPS geocaching game.  How funny that we accidentally stumbled on to a treasure!  We added the date and our names, put it back in the tube, and returned it to the hiding spot.

Trunk full of treasures we continued on, stopping at Flamingo Jims in Rockaway Beach to browse the tourist items and outdoor garden art. Next stop was a marina to stroll the slips, view the boats and pick up crab. Last stop was Pirate Cove in Girabaldi for an awesome seafood  dinner before returning to Arch Cape.

Long day!  Been sleeping like a baby due to beach walks and lots of activity.  Tomorrow will bring a trip to Seaside for a rematch of mini-golf and to hit the vintage stores.

Best news of today was God answered our prayers and little sis is in the clear with her health!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Gorgeous Day!!

Turned out to be a beautiful day today at the beach. Blue sky, warm weather, and calm waves.

After hitting the beach this morning (and running across a live crab which I should have snagged as turns out it was a dungenous) we made our way to Long Beach.  Browsed a few stores, hit Marsh's Museum, then stopped for lunch at Captain Bob's Clam Chowder, which is owned by the parents of a former co-worker of mine.  Good chow then on to Ocean Park, where we swung by my family's old cabin. It doesn't look old anymore as its been updated considerably.  I have fond memories of that place, playing in the sand streets, going to the beach, and spending time with my family.

We then took a short drive on the beach before heading to Osterville. Finally cruised back to Cannon Beach, where I took a break by painting a tile and a shell I had picked up from Marsh's.  Beautiful sunset tonight tonight too!

Sam surprised me with a text today showing me he had painted the front and back porch floors which look awesome!

Last but not least, good thoughts to my little sis who is going through a situation where she needs some serious prayer.  Please say a prayer for her!!

Morning Has Broken

Hit the beach this morning about 6am and was happy to see blue sky!!  Loving my walks on the beach but realizing how out of shape is my body. Last night my legs were sore from walking the sand, scrambling on the rocks, and digging for treasure for two hours.  Had to hit the Tylenol before going to bed and thankfully slept like a baby all night long!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Beach is My Happy Place!

Arrived in Cannon Beach about 10 am and promptly ran down to the beach to soak up the surf. Unfortunately there was no sun to soak up so I made do with fog and heavy mist.

Looking for treasures, I scoured the sand and surf, picking up a variety of shells, coral, and colorful objects. Wandering the rocks, I ran across a rope attached to something heavy in the ground.  Ended up returning this evening to spend 2 hours digging deeper and deeper to free whatever the rope was attached.  It was getting dark so had to give up my digging and return to the cabin.

After my morning beach walk, Steve and I drove into Cannon Beach for lunch. Ended up at a local brewery - burger for him and prawn tacos for me.  Sooo good!!

I've got the alarm set for 5pm so my treasure seeking can continue bright and early during low tide. Ran across a weathered crap pot tonight that's on my list to snag tomorrow and I may return to digging for the treasure at the end of the rope.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Vacation Baby!!!

Just saying I have 9 days with no wake up alarm!!!  Yippee!!!   Getting a mani, pedi, and hair colored today to be all ready to kick back and relax on my vacay!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Tile is Sixteen Cents!!!

One of my upcoming projects will involve an old sewing machine cabinet.  I'm going to take my time with it so it turns out the way like the vision in my head.

The top is chipped and peeling. Tonight I removed the top layer.  It needs to be sanded then it will be painted - the cabinet one color then accents on the drawers of a different color.

Once painted I plan on placing a connected mosaic of painted ceramic tiles on top. Still thinking of a theme for the tiles but an idea will spark when I least expect it!

Speaking of tiles....was over at Home Depot picking up tiles yesterday. Went to pay and of course the only registers open were the do-it-yourself ones. All of the tiles except the 16 cent ones had bar codes so I asked the young cashier to ring those in for me.  I told her ceramic 16 cent tiles. She proceeds to search for them on her work phone.  $1.69?  No.  89 cents?  No.  48 cents?  No they are 16 cents.  74 cents?  NO, NO, NO!

I finally asked her if she wanted me to go take a picture of the price from the aisle.  "Ok sure", she says. Off I go back to plumbing, take a pic of price and bar code numbers, and return. Yes, 16 cents.  Sale done and I was finally out the door!!

Tonight I painted a picture inspired by a photo from a co-workers Facebook page. It turned out pretty good so will gift it to her tomorrow. Even artist Sam gave it his seal of approval!

Tomorrow is my Friday!!  The next day will be getting hair dyed then on Saturday off to the beach for some vacation R&R!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Klutz R Us!!

It was definitely a Monday today!  First off my blow dryer dies so I have to dig under the sink to find an old one to use which thankfully I did and double thank you that it worked!

Got to work, gathered my purse and coffee, took a few steps in the parking lot and BAM!  Down I go, falling into the pavement. Ugh. Scraped up my palms and knee but nothang major, other than spilling half my coffee. Good news was no one witnessed my klutziness!

Here's to Tuesday arriving so I can put Monday behind me!

A little pallet humor to end this day on a humorous note!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Beach - The Morning After

Took Stubbs to Willow Grove this morning. Took a few pictures of what appeared to be the morning after beach fun.

Saturday morning found me, of course, crafting!  I then took a break and cleaned out an armoire in my dining room, moved all my crafting supplies to it, then cleaned the kitchen. Alcohol ink stains on the counter are a real pain to remove!!  My next plan is to move a table in from the garage to the dining room so that can be used for crafting rather than destroying the kitchen.

Last night for dinner the Blue Jacket Divas all met up at BJD Jans for dinner. Along with my pasta salad, there were ribs, macaroni salad, and Perla's lumpia  and siopao to eat.  Yummy!!  It was wonderful seeing my friends and catching up with the events in our lives.

Now today is Sunday and in four more days I will be on vacation!!  Going to get some R&R at the beach then tackle a few projects at home, unless the vibe hits and I go on a road trip.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Drinks and Degradment

Last night Sam headed out with his buddy to go see a wet t-shirt contest at a local bar. Typical 21-year old entertainment. I spent my night at home crafting and doing laundry, falling asleep on the couch before being awoken by Sam arriving home.

Sam then recapped the contest. He said there were about 15 participants ranging in age from 21 to over 50.  The ladies would get on stage and raffle winners would then shoot them with a kitchen sink type hose to get them wet. Sam expected that would be it but it evolved into trashy, grinding behavior with a crowd of men ogling the women.

At one point he said a gal was going on stage and he thought "gee she seems pretty cute and a nice type of person."  She then whipped her top up flashing the crowd, turned around and showed her thong butt to everyone. Not so nice anymore. Following her was an overly tanned, orange 50+ gal who did the same thing.

Sam said it was all too much and simply felt dirty and degrading to women so he left.  The contestant behavior and the crowds behavior was just nasty and it was shocking to see people behave that way.

When Sam said "degrading to women" I knew then I had raised a good man. He knows to treat everyone with respect.

His telling of the story was hilarious!  I finally made it to bed at 2 am but it was worth it to hear the story and get a warm fuzzy from Sam's point of view.

Stains and Shoes

Yeah this is what my life has become - stained hands and messy kitchen. But I'm enjoying it all!!

 A big thank you to Tiffany at work who surprised me yesterday with this unique shoe picture, which I promptly hung in my office!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Some Evening Alcohol

Spent some time tonight making a few more alcohol ink tiles. Quite the challenge as its like pouring water on to a slick surface. Working out the kinks but having fun in the process!

Plum and Pumpernickel - A Winnng Combo!!

Okay, it may look a little funky but my crockpot plum butter turned out really yummy.  This morning I turned off the crockpot, added about 1/4 cup brown sugar along with cinnamon, then dumped it all in the blender and let it churn. Hot stuff but great tasting.  And no prune jokes people!!!

Actually, sis Julie made some pumpernickel rye bagels this past weekend and I bet my plum butter would be absolutely wonderful on them. What do you think?  Great eye appeal huh??


Here's the recipe for my crockpot plum butter per Pinterest (I only had about two pounds plums so my batch was much smaller):

Diva Plum Butter
3 1/2 to 4 lbs plums
1/2 to 1 cup water
1/2 cup brown sugar

Pit but do not peel the plums and place in crockpot.  Add 1/2 to 1 cup water.  Heat on low for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.   Leave overnight on low - no more stirring required.

In the morning add the brown sugar and spices to your liking.  Dump all in the blender and run until fairly smooth.

That's it!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

And Two More!

Ended painting my second pallet for the front porch along with five jars to possibly place on the coral candleholder. It's now 11 so I'm finally at a place where I must stop!!

P.S. Also put a batch of plum butter in the crackpot to cook tonight!!

Some Pizazz for the Porch!!

Got dressed this morning and ready for church. Drove there and cars. Hmm did I have the wrong day? Wrong time? Read the flyer on the door and it was due to a church camp out that was this weekend. Ohhh that's right! Made my way back home and decided to tackle the front porch.

The porch project involved:

  • Painted some metal stars I had; 
  • Painted a candleholder paprika as it looked like coral;
  • Glued Beach letters to an extra piece of wood; 
  • Had Sam and Jimmy help me clean off and sweep the porch; 
  • Spruced up the bench and my thrift chair with pillows and throws; 
  • Drug a shutter box from the garage, covered it with kitchen towels and a glass container with shells; 
  • Painted the front steps deep turquoise; 
  • Painted Bimini Blue accents on my trunk (along with coral polka dots, thanks to Sam's input); 
  • Nailed up the Beach sign and the painted stars; 
  • Wrapped the Porch rails with some thick twine; 
  • Moved my recent pallet painting out to the porch; 
  • Ended up painting my ratty mailbox with extra turquoise paint.

Whew! Lots of work but I think it has turned out fantastic!

Another tidbit to add...I recently picked up a shell that lit up via a timer. I painted it silver and it looked pretty good although it felt a little odd...kind of waxy. Well, moved it to the back porch and discovered, after this hot weather, it was indeed wax. Poor thing melted into a ball of mush! I dug out the light mechanism and put it into the glass cylinder of shells out front.

Of course I should have taken before and after pics but what the heck - the after looks so much better!!

From Benadryl to Barbecue

Saturday started off slow enough then became packed til the end. After waking up stuffy, I downed a few cups of coffee and painted a formerly hunter green cabinet a chalky coral.  I had previously painted the mirror above it dark teal.

After popping a Benadryl, I nodded off some, woke up and looked outside and saw a ton of cars. I realized that the neighborhood garage sale was going on so that spurred me to shower then hit the sidewalk to browse the sales.  It was sooo got outside!  Ended up with some cheap dvds as well as a new  $1 tablecloth.

My next trip was to Home Depot to get new knows for the painted cabinet. Also picked up some 16 cent ceramic tiles to paint. On to my next stop of Michaels but while driving by downtown Longview spotted an event going on.  Sidewalk sale!  Lots of antiques and crafts to browse.  I ended up with a platter and vase from the free box - score along with an old $10 chair that will look great on the front porch.

On to Michaels, Ulta, then Ross before hitting my final stop of Goodwill then taking my tired self home. Stopped at the mini mart for milk then who do I run into but son Sam and his buddy Tyler. They were on their way to Tyler's dad's for a bbq and invited me to join.  Sure why not!

It was a nice gathering, great burgers and the Corona I brought hit the spot. Was a nice ending to a busy day.

Friday, August 12, 2016

On To Painting!

Ran across a few pictures when I was at Home Goods and thought "I could do that!" So tonight I painted a pic of Stubbs and placed it into an 80% off metal letter O as the frame. I also made a whale picture that, although a little messy, came out pretty well.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Unexpected Kindness

It's always nice to hear kind words, which has happened a couple of times over the last few days.
Oddly enough, when I was finishing up at the register at Home Goods, the cashier said "I just wanted to say you look incredible today - it's almost like you are glowing."  Wow, that took me aback.  I said thank you of course but it was a surprising comment, especially since I had been running around all day and wasn't feeling very glowing.  Perhaps she mistook my sweat for glow. 
Today I received a nice note from a former VP from corporate, as follows:
I want to check in. Say thanks.

You have done such a great job over the last couple of years. Really kept that ship steady and ensured our employees and assets have always been protected. I have always appreciated your steady and thoughtful approach towards everything – in many cases you are in a class by yourself. What I love most is how you put so much effort into all things in an effort to improve everything. All things are a reflection of you. You seem to look at every process and see how you can improve it and, over time, you have improved so much. And you don’t stop there. You go above and beyond with your leadership support materials always seeming to wrap around the key messages of the week into the wisdom documents. You really are incredible.

Kind words like the above give me that much incentive to spread kindness to others.