Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Another Annual Picnic in the Books!

Today was a very long but fun day as it my company's annual picnic.  I got to the park about 9:30am and stayed until 7:15pm.

There were bouncy houses, snow cones, burgers, ice cream, music, and lots of people!  My Mike and his stepson Phillip drove up to enjoy the festivities.  At first I wasn't sure if Phillip, who has some challenges, would have fun but was happy to see he spent most of his time in one of the bouncy houses with a smile on his face.

Last night I painted 8 rocks and had my coworker's daughter hide them so they could be found by attendees.

The best news was that Mike and I ended up with a pair of Mariner suite tickets!  One of the gals won them but since she isn't into baseball she gave them to us. Score!! The game is against the Red Sox and we are thinking of going the day before to stay and enjoy the city.

Got home around 8 and this girl is beat!!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Seaside and Summer

Couldn't ask for a better weekend for our girls trip to the beach!  Friday was hot and sunny as we made our way toward Seaside. I rode with Janel and Sally, Mary, her sister Peggy, and April all rode together.

First stop was Astoria, where Janel had to check on her injured dog at the vet.  As we waited in the car, a lady came out of the vet's office with her tiny chihuahua. Her dog, Poncho, was all dressed up including hat and goggles. The lady said she and her dog coordinate looks every day. Welcome to the Oregon Coast folks!!

Following the vet, we stopped in downtown Astoria to look at the little thrift stores. It was getting so hot we made our way to a tavern nearby, The Chart. Some of us tried bloody marys but I ordered a red beer. I'd barely taken a few sips when, during a particularly animated story, I hit my glass with my hands and it fell over. Bummer! Went to order a replacement and a regular sitting next to me said he'd buy it for me. Wow - nice!!

We asked where they served the best bloody marys and the Chart bartender pointed us to Mary Todd's bar.  Before leaving, I left our bartender Tyler one of my painted rocks.

We arrived and ordered the drinks from our bartender Bjorn. Cool guy, marys were good, and left him a rock as well.

Done there, we continued on to Seaside. After unloading our items at Sallys duplex, we then went for more drinks and dinner at Avenue U cafe.  Not bad food but the service was pretty lacking. Definitely not rock worthy.

After dinner we stopped at Safeway for groceries then the liquor store. I picked up a bottle of cucumber vodka; later, I made a drink with the vodka, sparkling lime water, and lime twist. Very good but needed a little more sweetness so I poured in a splash of 7up. Yum - just the right balance.

Friday night we spent around the dining table playing a dice game. I had never played it before but wound up in second place. Our next dice game I came in first. 😊 Whoop whoop!!

Stayed up way too late Friday night. Stumbled out of bed Saturday morning with one thing on my mind - coffee.

Once we were all ready, we made our way to downtown Seaside. It was gearing up to be a very, VERY, hot day, especially for the beach. Our first stop was Pig N Pancake for breakfast. Apparently that was everyone else's idea as the place was packed. Our waitress ended up earning my last painted rock.

Following breakfast, we wandered the Seaside strip and made our way to the promenade, thinking we would go to the surf. However, by the time we got there, it was so stinking hot, ie 95 degrees, we decided not to go that route.  We were all so beat and hot we made our way back to the house.

At the house we broke out a new dice game and drinks.  We spent the afternoon doing that, talking, laughing, and generally hanging out.

Around 7pm we made our way to the Bigfoot restaurant for dinner.  I'd been there before and the food is good. I was feeling so full from the drinks and bloated from my period, which has been hanging on to no end, that I ended up having a spinach salad.

Dinner over, back to the house to relax.  Can't remember what we did other than more talking and laughing.

This morning we were up, celebrating our last day with coffee then red beer. I didn't even bother to shower or put on makeup this morning. Left the duplex around 1pm to head home. Our last stop was The Berry Patch diner where we had a late lunch/early dinner.

Was an awesome trip and just might become an annual tradition. Could not have asked for better weather or a better group of gals to share good times.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Oh Beach It's Been Too Long!

Totally spaced on this trip but was reminded today I've got plans to go to the beach this weekend with the girls.  Better make sure it's ok to take Friday off from work!

It's going to be five of us heading to Seaside. Two good friends and two whom I've known for years and years but don't see very often. One friend owns a rental duplex so we will be staying in half of it for the weekend - the half with the hot tub!!  I have a feeling a good time along with some trouble will be abrewing!!!

Here's to the beach and good friends!!!

Such Babies!

Was looking for a file on my flash drive today when I ran across the following picture. They had to be maybe 5th and 6th grade.  Aren't they cute?  Sam thinks this would be another opportunity to recreate the past and take new pictures in the same pose. I have to agree!!

Special Appearance in All Flicks

This guy has been stalking me!

Saw him for the first time in Inglorious Bastards a couple years ago. Never saw him again until recently. Now every movie I watch he's popping up. Bourne Ultimatum. Lilacs and Lavender. Captain America III.  And more I simply can't remember.

Daniel Bruhl - keep your distance as I'm getting burned out from seeing you all the time!!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Captain and the Cat

Oh weekend how I love thee!

I received a gift when I went to Mr. B's last night - a key to his house.  Shit's gettin real!

Last night I was introduced to Captain America - the movie. Mr. B is an afficianado of superhero flicks so figured I'd go outside of my box and watch some.  We watched the first and second one, although I was nodding off during the end of No. 2.  Still doesn't compare to a good Judy Garland musical!

He had to work today so after grabbing an espresso I made my way home and started painting two rocks for a gal at work - her request. A camera and my version of Grumpy Cat.

It's now going on noon so best be hitting the shower.  Let's all make it a fabulous Saturday!!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Miserable Men

Instagram includes a group of photos titled Miserable Men that I follow. It's a bunch of pictures of men who are waiting for the shopping to be over.  I've seen quite a few of these men in real life, most recently at the Lloyd Center. 

Romance Burning Up But So is The Milk

Progress - Things have been going so great with Mr. B aka Mike that it's time to meet more of his family. I've met his brother and, briefly, his mom. Tomorrow night I will be meeting his mother in law, mom to his wife who passed away.  She is actually a therapist whom I heard speak many years ago at a women's expo.  Then Wednesday night I get to meet his stepson, who lives with him.  Kinda nervous but kinda excited too.

Mike has met my sons but I've yet to unleash the rest of my family upon him, although he is looking forward to it.  We will take baby steps, leading up to the grand finale of the annual family Christmas party.

Burned Milk - I saw a recipe the other day for mac and cheese made by cooking pasta in milk then adding cheese without straining the pasta. Looked yummy and since I only had a veggie salad for lunch, figured I'd go for it.  Big mistake.

Put the milk on to heat then headed upstairs to change my clothes. Arriving back to the kitchen, the milk was boiling.  I quickly turned it down then added the pasta. Hmmm did the milk burn?  I didn't think so.

Well, I was wrong. The dish came together pretty well but there is a lingering taste of burn. Bummer.

Monday Funnies

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Happy Birthday Grampa!!

Today would have been my Grampa Martyn's 100th birthday.  Such a unique, wise individual!  Happy birthday Grampa!!

Thoroughly Enjoying Myself!

Busy weekend like always!!

Yesterday I was able to fit in a manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax, all of which were badly needed.  Then headed over to Mike's place.

The good news?  Had yummy Papa Pete's pizza for dinner. The bad news? Mike doesn't drink coffee so there was no coffee pot in the house!  Crisis!!  Easy fix though because this morning I got up and cruised over to Mr. Bill's coffee drive through to get a nice 24 oz., quadruple shot of espresso.😊

Later in the morning ran home to get cleaned up then we hit the road for the Lloyd Center.  Our first stop was to grab lunch at the food court as I was starving!  Then we wandered the mall to see what specials could be found.

The Rue 21 store was going out of business so I scored three pairs of shoes for $5 each.  More wandering then scored 75% off at Bath and Body Works so loaded up on lotion, soap, shower gel, and a hot chocolate scented candle.

Cruised by one of my favorite stores, Debs, and it was closed, gone, defunct!!  Bummer!  They always had good sales and clearance.

Done with the mall, we made our way to Goodwill.  Ended up finding a scenic beach picture along with some Food Network dvds so that made me one happy gal.

We cruised home after Goodwill and now I'm sitting here relaxing while Mike makes dinner. The man enjoys shopping, even if he's just waiting on me to browse, and he enjoys cooking. I have definitely found a keeper!!!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Grateful Surprise

Came home last night to the surprise of my kitchen being clean! Son Sam had stopped by to raid the fridge and decided to help his mom out by cleaning. Totally put a smile on my face.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hiring a Yard Fairy

Well the lawn has worn me down so I've given up and hired a company to groom it. Met with the owner tonight and set up an initial mowing, weedeating, and general clean up. Then they will keep it done every month so I don't have to worry about it.

Makes me think perhaps I should hire a house cleaner once a month?  Cleaning the bathroom is right up there with mowing the yard!!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday Romantic Surprise

Arriving home after work, there was a surprise waiting for me on my front porch - two heart balloons tied to a card.  For me?  How awesome!

I gathered the items up and brought them into the house. The card was heartfelt and lovely from my Mr. B.  So romantic!!  It's been a long time since I've had such an unexpected gesture done just for me.  It was the highlight of my Monday!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

I Want A 5 Day Weekend!

Sunday already?! Why do weekends go by so fast?

Spent loads of time with Mr. B on Friday and Saturday.  It wasn't doing big stuff just lots of little things together. He took me to brunch yesterday where he works so I could meet his crew. One by one they came over to our table and seemed downright giddy to meet me. It's clear he is a well liked guy and they all seemed tickled to death that we are dating. We later stopped by his place so he could fix the Life's A Beach sign I picked up at the Peninsula garage sale last Friday. The guy knows how to fix things - score!!

Congrats to nephew Reese who graduated on Saturday. Hard to believe he is that old!

Yesterday Sam and his crew stopped by to say hi so that's always a treat. Everyone calls me Mom and it was hugs all around.

Last night Mr. B offered to make me dinner but my cupboards were bare so we went out instead.  After dinner we went to Winco so I could stock up on food. Well, maybe not stock up but add something to the nothing I had.  Can't tell you how nice it was to have a helper along for the bagging and unloading of the groceries.

 Last night we watched the live action Beauty and the Beast movie. So good.

Today is a working day for Mr. B so I made myself a hair appointment to get this wild bush colored and trimmed.

Have a great Sunday everyone!!