Friday, August 31, 2018

Crazy Hats and Holiday

Thursday was the last day of Spirit Week at work - at least for me since I took Friday off. It was Crazy Hat Day and of course our team rocked it!

Along with a crazy hat, I've got some crazy undereye bags happening! Need to rethink my concealer.

Headed back to Lincoln City last night for the long weekend. Arrived about 7:45 pm due to the Portland traffic. Actually made it through Portland fine but hit a snag in the Tigard area. Slow moving so I set no arrival time records.

Have a super Labor Day weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Spirit, Superheroes, and Surf

Work has been pretty entertaining this week.  They are currently having Spirit Week with a different dress up theme every day. Monday was decades day, which I promptly forgot. Tuesday was superhero day so three of us decided to go for it. I dressed up with what was on hand - Batman clothes thanks to Sam's ever ready supply of Batman paraphernalia. His cape was way too long so I had to cut it shorter, which did not win me points from my son because it had been the "perfect" length for him.

Today was Twin Day. We decided to go the triplet route, dressing up like our coworker, including fake beards. It was too funny, so much so that we won the prize for best costume. 

Tomorrow is crazy hat day. Not quite sure what I'm going to wear but will scrounge something up in the morning. Then right after work I'll be hitting the road to Lincoln City to spend a long holiday weekend with Beach Guy.  Can't wait to have some R&R at the beach!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Gray Be Gone and Gifts

So excited to be getting my hair colored today! I've been hobbling along the last several months by home dying my roots and it's not looking good i.e. brassy! Today at noon my hair goddess Abbie will be weaving the diva back into my hair and my fabulousness shall return.

The best part? Beach Guy surprised me with a gift to not only pay for my hair job but to splurge on myself . Yesterday after work I cruised to Vancouver Mall to spend this mad money on some fashion. Never had a beau be so generous before and you know what? I like it!

As someone who has always been a giver it's a learning experience to be the receiver. And there is no sense of entitlement coming from him - just the satisfaction that he makes me happy. I think I've found myself a keeper. 😉

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Beach Escape When You Least Expect It

I could get used to this!!

It's rare to find another human being with whom you laugh so hard you almost wet yourself. Someone who actively listens to everything you say. Someone who shares of themself and doesn't pass judgment. Someone so intelligent, so quick-witted, and thought provoking that they challenge you to keep up the pace. Someone who treats you like a queen.  I've definitely been feeling this way with Beach Guy.

Case in point. Saturday I was trying to attend the work picnic at the Tacoma Rainiers game. I couldn't get anyone to go with me so I threw in the towel, packed up, and headed to Lincoln City. Spent the rest of the weekend enjoying life with Beach Guy and loving every minute of it!

Perhaps I'm infatuated, in lust, or just twitterpaited - who knows but I'm having the time of my life!

I've also been spending my time glued to Netflix watching "The Making of A Murderer", a documentary about a wrongfully convicted murderer. Finally finished it up tonight. Awesome tale of the justice system. Now on to some lighter fare, perhaps America's Next Top Model.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Beach Bonanza

Hard to believe my vacation is over and it's Monday again!

My week in Lincoln City was fabulous!  Beach Guy was funny, kind, intelligent, and generous. He paid for my whole vacation - motel, food, drinks, and entertainment.

The motel was a cute, 50's era remodeled group of bungalows. We spent our days picking up Dutch Bros coffee, then servicing the hot tubs in multi-million dollar vacation homes (his business) finishing by 3 or 4 to enjoy the evening.  Really learned what dirty pigs humans can be after looking at what some had done to the hot tubs.

Sightseeing around town, cruising to Depot Bay and Newport a couple of times. Ate at several hot spots - Tie Dye Pizza, Mexican, Snug Harbor, and Gracies, among others. Wandered around the shops in Newport then sat back and people watched for a bit.

The biggest thing we did was talk, and laugh, and talk, and laugh. One night we stayed up until 4am simply sharing life stories.  Definitely comfortable with each other!

Decided to avoid Portland traffic on my way home by taking the coastal route home. Took a little longer but the drive was scenic.

And here it is Monday again! I'm looking forward to another beach trip in the near future. 😉🌞

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Vacay Oh Yay!

My vacation started today!!! 

Unfortunately Lynn and I's Thelma and Louise trip had to be cancelled due to an outbreak of fires in our destinations.  Really a bummer.  However, Beach Guy stepped in and booked me a hotel room in Lincoln City for the whole week!  I'm taking off early tomorrow for my trip and it's going to be fantastic!

It has been so refreshing to hold lengthy conversations with someone who is my intellectual equal. Damn he is intelligent and I'm eating it up. Sense of humor too which goes a long ways. I have a good vibe about Beach Guy.

Last night Sam took me to Chinese dinner along with his friend Jacob. Tasty and I wound up so full. Jacob went to China last year so he regaled us with stories from his trip. Enjoyable evening.

May not be posting during my beach trip but that's okay! Looking forward to a great adventure!