Monday, December 19, 2022

FIFA Fakers

Experienced for the first time the FIFA World Cup of Soccer. Manny is big into soccer, especially since he played it in his younger days.  As for me, have never watched it or been a fan. However, after viewing several 2022 World Cup games, it's clear the players should not be winning matches but instead be awarded Oscars for their acting!

Could not believe the sheer number of "injuries" on the field, be they accidental, intentional, or self-inflicted. These guys were jumping into each opposing player then falling to the ground, holding back tears as they gripped their legs, arms, or faces. They looked pitifully toward the referees with cries of penalty, faces contorted with pain. Replay is shown and it was obvious no physical contact was made. Miracuously, the player is healed, bounces up, dries his tears, and returns to the game.

These injuries were not one-time events. These choreographed scenes were repeated over and over in all the games by all the players. They had their fake injury moves down to a science!  Manny said this behavior is par for the course for soccer games. 

Soccer games still aren't my cup of tea but they are definitely entertaining!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Haul Out the Holly!

Last weekend the Shepard family party, held at Arlene's place, went off without a hitch. Always wonderful to catch up with the siblings and cousins, although there is never enough time to fully fill each other in on our activities. We need to hold a gathering such as this on a quarterly or bi-annual schedule to catch up.

Food was awesome and abundant. I brought taco dip and spinach dip along with cardamom bread and cardamom shortbread. Tons of leftovers along with goodies, which included Arlene's addictive, homemade carmel corn.

As always, we played the white elephant gift game. Wound up with a lighted lantern that fit perfectly with my standing snowman.

Unfortunately, it seems germs were shared too as I wound up with a winter cold the following Monday. Took a few afternoons off from work to nap and am on the upswing now.

Friday the 16th was the annual  company employee party in Tacoma. Sipping mimosas, rode the party bus to the convention center with the Portland office. Abundance of swanky food, open bar, and raffle prizes. When the opening ceremony started, a couple of big wigs ran through the crowd, shooting bills with air guns.  I wound up grabbing $105 so that was exciting and made up for not winning a raffle prize! Cheered sis Erin on when she was selected as a member of an elite group of high performers. Way to go little sis!! Was a fun event but boy was I tired when we were dropped off by the bus upon our return.

Christmas is almost here, which means finishing the shopping for gifts. Have done quite a bit of Amazon purchases this year and need to submit my final, guaranteed delivery before the 25th items. Also took 12/23 to 12/27 off from work so this will give me time to finish shopping then time to recover!

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 2, 2022

Nativity and UberEats!

Last weekend went through the boxes of holiday decor and spread some cheer throughout the living room. After being in storage for three years, I was happy to see only a couple of tree ornaments were broken. 

Set up the tree then dug out the Goodwill brand new nativity set, which reminded me of mom's, found a few years ago for $5. Googled the display and found it goes for $249!  The bonus was the set included every character,  even baby Jesus! Sadly one king lost his head but that was an easy fix with E-6000 glue. 

Wrapped the barn in lights, added the animals, angel, kings, shepherd boy, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Just love it! 

The great news this week was I received a surprise $200 gift certificate from one of producers in appreciation of my work. The bad news? It was for UberEats! Ugh. Put my thinking cap on and used the funds for grocery store delivery along with antifreeze from an auto store. 

The hummingbirds have been out in full force once the weather turned cold. One in particular seems to have just discovered the feeder and has staked it out as his own.

Speaking of cold, woke up Wednesday to the sight of snow!  Normally take Sam to work but had to bow out due to all the white powder on the road. Happy to report it melted quickly.

Poor Manny has been sick with a winter cold. The couch has become his second home where he's kept himself entertained by watching the FIFA World Cup. I've been using hand sanitizer and Lysol to ward off the germs. 

*Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Overtime, Veggies, and Holiday Blues

Reviewing my picture gallery, it looks like I've been doing nothing!  But in actuality,  I've been working a lot of overtime. Lots of projects, end of year renewals, and just time-sensitive stuff to get done.

Besides work, my only recent craft work has been three clay gnomes I made and painted. That's it. Well, and last week Abbie colored my hair by adding some fall streaks of brown and burgundy with my blonde which gave it a little oomph and covered the grays.

On Thanksgiving we spent the day at Manny's daughter Monica's house. Tons of food, great people, and no cooking for me! Tonight made lasagna then went out to the garage to scope out Christmas decor. Dug out the tree and a couple of boxes but decided to wait until tomorrow to begin prepping for December 25.

One of my latest dietary accomplishments was figuring out a healthier version of my favorite Country Folks Deli veggie sandwich. The ingredients are so good but the bread is a bit overwhelming. Hmmm what to do?  Assembled sliced cucumber spread with a mix of cream cheese and Dijon coarse mustard, added clover sprouts, Havarti cheese circle, slice of Roma tomato, chunk of avocado then stabbed it all with a toothpick.  It was perfect!! Tasted just like the sandwich.  Forgot the red onion but I'll add that next time to give it extra oomph.  😋

Tomorrow morning I'm meeting Lynn's son at her condo to go through some items, mainly her clothes which she had gifted me. That girl had style!  It's going to be weird to be back in her place without her there.

It's rough during the holiday season. Mom, Dad, and Grammie all passed in December, Lynn now gone, the weather is dark, gray and rainy. Hopefully adding the Christmas decor will boost my spirits.

Goodbye November and hello December!  Is it 2023 yet?

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November Already?

Happy birthday today to my Mom. Miss you every day!!

Last week Sam went to Disneyland with his friend Tyler and his family - all 41 of them! Here are some Disney pics he shared.

Sam has been to Disneyland a few times before with Tyler as you can see from their coordinated ride pictures.

Created a Dollar Tree Christmas display during my time off from work.

Traveling to Tacoma tomorrow for a work symposium. Not fun to drive that far but will be fun to see my co-workers!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happy Halloween 2022!

It's been an eventful Halloween season!

Last weekend went to a Halloween/Jimmy birthday party at his girlfriend Lexxi's parents. Lots of food, drinks, and costumes! I dressed up as a punk rocker borrowing spiked bracelets and lace gloves from Candy. They even had a huge Budweiser pinata filled with candy, booze bottles, and lottery tickets. Lots of laughter!

Friday night Manny's friend Tom invited us for dinner at the local Elk's club. To my surprise, it was a Halloween party; unfortunately, we didn't know so there I was in my street clothes, darn it. Taco bar and some darn tasty drink specials. Ran across one of my friends from high school which was a pleasant suprise.

Saturday night Jordan and Candy invited us to join them at their regular Halloween hot spot, The Evergreen Tavern in Rainier. A few years I joined them and won first prize as a crazy cat lady. Sam decided to attend so I ended up putting a new zipper into his friend Tyler's Spiderman costume so he could wear it. I rocked it out as an 80's chick. Always had short hair so it felt weird to now have length to tease and spray my do for the 80's perm height! 

Jordan was dressed as a serial killer butcher and Candy as a sorceress. Jordan made his mask from scratch, which included one of those plastic open mouth devices and fake hillbilly teeth. We had a great time!  Sang karoke, enjoyed jello shots, and laughed as Jordan and Sam performed their brotherly antics. In the end, Jordan won first place and Sam third so it was exciting! It's always entertaining when both boys are together!

We were leaving the Tavern around midnight when I ran into another one of my high school friends who was just arriving. Too coincidental but this area is a small town!

Spent today recovering from a sleep hangover. Just felt tired so separated naps with various movies. Manny spent time in the kitchen making a braised roast with veggies and it turned muito bom!! The broth was so savory. 

Took last Friday, Monday and Tuesday off for vacation so I wouldn't lose the time at end of the year. Grabbed a few Christmas items from the dollar store so will spend some time crafting.

Have a magical Halloween all!! 🎃💀👻 It's going to be Christmas before we know it!