Thursday, January 31, 2019

Another Birthday in the Books!

Another birthday bites the dust!!

Yesterday co-worker Pam surprised me with flowers and a balloon. So sweet!!

Also received a ton of Facebook and text messages with birthday wishes so that warmed my heart.

Went to dinner at Parkers with Steve last night. Was a lovely evening. Tried out a crème brulee martini - not bad but boy it packed a punch!

Today we are going to Arch Cape. Decided to take today as well as Friday off in order to enjoy my favorite sand and surf longer. This morning got up, trimmed and bathed Stubbs as he is going with us. Due to this, I'm currently laying on the couch trying to recover from all the dog hair that flew into my face and up my nose.

Hapay birthday to my long-time friend Lisa today!!

Here's to a relaxing weekend and using any senior discounts that come my way!!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Creeping Quickly Towards 55

Saturday found me at Walmart picking up some creamer. Ended up buying 4 long sleeve tshirts - black, red, burgundy, and white for $1 each. Score!

At noon stopped off at hair goddess Abbie's house to get my hair color done. Toyed with the idea of getting an A-line bob but threw that idea out the window when I realized I would miss my longer hair that I've worked so long to grow. Color looks fantastic!

Saturday night was the highlight of the weekend! Had a birthday party with the kids and friends at bestie Lynn's to celebrate. Outstanding food, drinks, and cake. Bestie outdid herself preparing homemade lasagna, spinach dip, salad and cheesy bread even though she is still battling the cold that is hanging on for dear life.

After dinner we played Cards Against Humanity.  Funny and offensive but with 11 of us it was a hilarious time.

It was really one of the best parties I've been to in a long time. People talking with each other, laughing, sharing history, and just enjoying each other's company. Thank you Lynn for an awesome evening! ❤

After dinner we did gifts then cake. I've got the leftover cake here at my house - may just have to pitch it as the frosting keeps calling me!!

Here's a little video I took of my third son Jimmy. Too funny!

Today at work they celebrated the January birthdays with tirimisu cake and it was yummy!

Happy birthday to Sam's girlfriend Kaitlyn today!!

Steve will be taking me to dinner on my birthday this Wednesday then to the beach house Thursday through Sunday. Can't wait as I've been craving the surf and sand. Stubbs will be tagging along so he ought to have a grand time.

Here's to celebrating rather than dreading 55!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

It's A Dog's Life

Here's a pic of my Stubbs laying in the sun yesterday. Oh to be a well fed dog and simply enjoy the sunshine!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Bowling and Blowing My Nose

Been going through some stress in my life but happy to report things are on the upswing!

Probably due to the stress, along with ill co-workers, my cold has returned, although not as bad as the holiday crud I suffered. Been downing the Mucinex to overcome the congestion and it appears to be working. Did discover, after tummy flips, sweaty mouth, and dry heaves, that Mucinex must be taken with food.

Last weekend went bowling with Steve, which we've never done. You can definitely tell he has come from a professional bowling family the way his ball hooks to the center. He shared some tips which gave me the leverage to break 100 on our two games.

This last Wednesday met up at Mary's Bar & Grill with Janel, Sally, Mary, and April, my beach buddies from two years ago. Alas, was feeling lousy due to The Cold 2.0 so sipped hot water and lemon. Due to excessive sweating, head throbbing and weepy eyes, wasn't able to visit long but was fun to catch up in the time we had.

Over the holidays jumped into watching all six seasons of Downton Abbey.  It was beyond superb and was so sad when it ended.  This week watched all nine episodes of American Crime Story: The Assassination of Giani Versace. Awesome story and greatly acted, although wasn't quite buying Penelope Cruz as Donatella Versace.

Now here it is the weekend. Pulled myself out of bed and had enough gumption to not only clean the kitchen but bag up and store the Christmas tree!  Laundry is on the agenda for my second act!!

 Here's to life looking up, colds being banished, and happiness raining upon all the coming week!!