Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sectional and Scrumptiousness!!

As always, the weekend was packed and flew by too quickly.  Saturday was senior pictures for Jordan, picking up a new lawnmower at Lowe's, getting my nails filled while Michael took ten minutes to walk around the mall, then he made his scrumptious lemon chicken for dinner. 

This morning found us putting together the new mower, filling it with oil and gas, grabbing the cord to start and....nothing.  Arrrggg!!  After feeling around the mower, it became apparent there was a gas leak in my sturdy new Troybilt.  We called Lowe's and they told us to bring it back and trade it in.  Yesterday there were about a dozen of the same mowers on the shelf and today there were only two.  Wow!!  Thankfully they put one aside for me.  Michael and the boys then loaded up the mower (full of gas!) and we returned it to Lowe's.  When we returned home, Michael and Sam put it together and voila!!  The sound of the purring motor was music to my ears. 

Sam then mowed the front and back yard while Jordan, Michael and I worked on cleaning the back porch.  We then moved furniture from the living room to the family room, transporting the ugly recliner to the garage and moving the brick leather couch to the back porch.  It actually looks darn good there and will be much better after we get shades to protect it from the rain.

We were ready and set for the new sectional to be delivered today...between 3pm and 7pm.  We hung out and waited, and waited, and waited some more before it was finally delivered about 6pm.  We are all in agreement that it looks wonderful!!  We then moved some of the furniture around to mesh better with the sectional; I'm very happy with the new look!!

Stubbins enjoying the new chaise section of the sectional!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday and Senior Pictures

Today we spent two hours watching Jordan get his senior pictures taken by Joanna of J. Han Photography.  Joanna works out of Tacoma but previously lived in this area.  She takes pictures in a variety of locales (our choice and hers) then she edits the pictures and give us the disk for us to order pictures ourselves.  All for $100, which is my kind of bargain!

We met Joanna at the high school to dicuss the picture plan.  Jordan has a few spots picked out for the shots, including Kelso High School and the Mt. Brynion Cemetery.  Joanna also suggested the Kelso Train Station, which was an excellent spot.  She and Jordan also wandered around downtown Kelso to find unique and interesting nooks and crannies to take out-of-the-ordinary photos. Jordan's first outfit was camo pants and his green military jacket. 

After the train station, we made our way to the cemetery.  Jordan changed into outfit No. 2, which was a black short, black weathered leather jacket, hat and leather gloves.  Jordan called this look very "noir."   Michael and I stayed behind in the car in order to avoid any pissed off spirits while Joanna and Jordan ventured throughout the graveyard.  I'm anxious to view the finalized pictures of this locale!

We ended up at Kelso High School, where she spent another 30 minutes taking pictures around Jordan's alma mater.  Jordan made his final change into jeans and a hoodie, which he wears on a typical school day. 

I'm happy to say that the weather turned out to be perfect (no rain!) and I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures Joanna took when she sends me the disk!

At the train station

Photo opp in the cemetary

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Bigger Meaning of No

It's hard being a mom.  And a dad.  I'm currently going through a period of transition and growth in my life regarding my boys.  In most two-parent homes, there's a disciplinarian and there's the "soft" one.  Well, in this one-parent household I'm the soft one.  But I'm trying to be the disciplinarian.

This means bringing in a little of my management mojo from work and mixing it up with my pushover nature at home.  I'm learning to understand the importance of consistency and consequences.  You come home late - there's a consequence.  You skip school - there's a consequence.  These consequences won't make you happy, son, and you'll try to fight them but it's what I have to do, what I must do to make you responsible. 

And you know what?  It works.  I should have been doing this a long time ago.  The kids have been fairly receptive to my new method of discipline and parenting.  I've learned that because I'm the one in charge, I don't need to give elaborate reasons as to why I say no.  I simply say no.  Or I say no friends over unless I'm home.  Or they need to be home by 8:30.  And they do it!!'s been a welcome change!  It's also given me more ease and relaxation because I'm not being manipulated or worked over or barraged with endless pleas or requests.  There is no negotiation - I set the rules and they are followed; if not, a conversation and consequences takes place.  And that's okay - it doesn't make me a bad mother, or a bitch, or filled with guilt.  It's life and what I must do as an effective parent.

Of course, I'm trying to lose bad habits and learn new techniques, which is a growth experience for me.  I'm in as much a learning phase as my boys; it hasn't been easy, but I now see what a great payoff this will bring, not only for me but for my soon-to-be-men.

Thank you to my Michael for being my sounding board and backbone during this period of time in my life. Your input has geared me toward being the best mom I can be to ensure my kids are successful!!

TGIF Divas!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stab, Grab and Go

Red.  I'm just not red.  I was missing my blonde hair so I capped off my weird day by adding blonde back to my hair, using the trusty Clairol frosting kit with cap.  The main problem was my trusty metal crochet hook could not be found so I was forced to use the plastic hook provided in the kit.  Arrgg....this slows me down so much as the plastic hook requires me to work gingerly to stab and pull strands of hair through the cap as opposed to the quick stab-and-grab method used with the non-breakable metal hook. 

After yesterday afternoon perhaps I was looking danger in the eye by coloring my hair; however, I'm happy to announce my hair came out looking fabulous.  Back to the blonde and looking forward to much better day than Monday!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cops and Cakesters

Ever have one of those days when everything just goes wrong?  This afternoon I experienced one of those days!

Before I left work I engaged in a debate with one of my fellow co-workers.  He thought he was right, I thought I was right, and the conversation dragged into the abyss until the conversation was over.  Thankfully, my workday was over so I walked out into the sunshine and hopped into my gleaming car, ready to drive home.  I put in my Bluetooth then hit the freeway.  My Michael called and we began chatting.  It was almost time in the conversation for me to vent about my work debate when the phone went dead.  Dang!  I charged it last night so I don't know why it was dead.

I continued on my way until I was about two miles from home.  All of a sudden, a cop was behind me, flashing his lights.  Dammit!!  Of course I knew immediately it was due to my speeding, or perhaps it was due to my new chrome shining in the cop's eyes.  I pulled over on the freeway and the cop walked up and stated I was going 83 in a 70 mph zone.  Oops.  I handed him my registration and license, which he took back to his car.  While he was reading his radar gun, I frantically searched for my insurance card.  Dug through my purse, through the glove box, and through every crevice in my vehicle.  Thankfully I found my temporary card along with my in-car phone charger. When Mr. Cop came back, he didn't even ask for my proof of insurance; he simply handed me my $93 ticket, stating he lowered my speed to 75 mph.  Whew!  A small monetary break is better than none!

I buckled up and returned to the road.  I continued on to Target to pick up a few items, including my new guilty pleasure, Oreo Double Stuff Cakesters.  They are to die for....seriously!  Unfortunately, when I entered the snack aisle, the Double Stuff was gone.  The shelf was empty, as was the pit in my stomach while I ached for a taste of the cream filling.  Oh life, why are you so hard for me?

When I returned home, I entered the warm house.  The very warm house.  I had just put in a new air filter to the system on Sunday; I inspected the breaker, the heat pump, and every possible situation that may have caused the air to stop working.  Couldn't find a darn thing wrong so I gave up the fight for cool air.

I then proceeded to change my clothes, lay on my bed with my fan turned to high, and called Michael to vent.  I think he could tell I just wanted to spew out everything that happened this afternoon and, being the wonderful person he is, he listened.   I sat on my bed, overly warm, on the phone that was plugged in to charge, and saddled with a speeding ticket with no chocolate in the house to quench my blues.  However, his ability to thoughtfully listen to my ranting was an awesome antidote to my afternoon dilemmas!

My lessons for today?  Accept another's opinon, charge my phone and keep the car charger handy, obey the speed law, keep the cooling system serviced, and, above all, keep Oreo Double Stuff Cakesters in the house for emergency situations!

Diva with a Bluetooth!

I broke down this weekend and purchased a bluetooth for my phone.  Gone are the days when I use my cell phone while I commute, quickly hiding it each time I saw a cop (or a car that remotely resembled a cop - luggage racks can be misleading!)  After finally figuring out how to properly put it on, I practiced using it last night before charging it.  Today will be my first commute using the high tech device that will prevent me from a big dollar tickets.  Yes, a rebel no more but at least I'll be safe!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jake and Michael Bond!

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood today!!  Blue sky, warm and sunny!!!  This afternoon found us cruising to Long Beach, WA, which Michael had never visited.  My goal was to make sure he visited Marsh's Museum, bonded with Jake the Alligator Man, and stood next to the World's Largest Frying Pan!! 

After Marsh's we wandered around downtown Long Beach, sharing an elephant ear and browsing the t-shirt and candy shops.  It was perfect beach weather and I was happy to be with Michael when he crossed off Long Beach from his bucket list!

First Visit to Marsh's

Michael bonding with Jake

Long Beach Tourist all the way!!

Fit to fry!!

We Be Pimpin in the 300

Saturday found Michael and I cruising over to the neighborhood tire/wheel shop to have my new 20-inch tires and chrome rims installed.  A few weeks ago we had browsed the shop, then ordered the tires and wheels, then waited, and waited, and waited for them to arrive.  They were finally installed yesterday and damn they look good!  In addition, the car rides mega smooth now...with the previous wheels and tires, it seemed to shake on the freeway.  That problem is now long gone, plus the car seems to be more quiet on the road.  And the best part is the purchase was at an excellent discount as Michael knew the owner and has purchased wheels/tires in the past from him.

After the installation, we made our way back to my place where we washed the car and proceeded to shine the chrome throughout the whole vehicle.  With the sun shining, my car looks damn fine - a real whip!!

Next purchase - a cool license plate holder!!!

Tire/Wheel Shop

My pick

Yowza!  Finished upgrade

A Makeover for Top Model

Big changes are in store for America's Next Top Model!

Host and producer Tyra Banks, 38, has fired her panel of experts, The New York Post's Page Six reported Friday. They were reportedly informed Thursday morning that their contracts would not be renewed for Cycle 18.  Banks later confirmed that photographer Barker, 39, runway coach Alexander, 53, and creative director Manuel, 39, will be leaving America's Next Top Model via her official Facebook page.

"To my Nigel Barker, Miss J, and Mr Jay: Thank you for all of our years together on America's Next Top Model," Banks wrote. "Working with you is always an absolute pleasure. Excited for what the future holds for us."

Let's hope this improves the program, which I used to absolutely live for on Wednesday nights.  Unfortunately, the last two cycles - All Stars and now British Invasion - are fairly lame.  Part of that is due to Tyra herself, who has become more of a caricature of herself and slightly wacky - more so than normal.  I had high hopes when she brought in Vogue's Andrea Leon Talley but now he's gotten the boot, replaced by bitch extraordinaire Kelly Cutrone.  Perhaps the end has finally come to Top Model, or something much more entertaining will arrive in its place.  Next season will show!!

Farewell Nigel, Ms. Jay and Mr. Jay

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Summertime in the City

Tonight for dinner I made Summertime Orzo and Chicken, a recipe Michael recently made for me.  It is yummy!!  Plus it is fairly quick to make, which works for my busy life.

Summertime Orzo and Chicken

3/4 cup uncooked orzo pasta
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-in. pieces
1 medium cucumber, chopped
1 small red onion, chopped
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley (I like Italian parley)
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup crumbled reduced-fat feta cheese (or queso if you wish)

Cook pasta according to direction.  In a large skillet, cook chicken over medium heat until it is no longer pink.

In a large bowl, combine the cucumber, onion, parsley and chicken.  Drain pasta, stir into chicken mixture.  In a small bowl, whisk the lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper.  Pour over chicken mixture, toss to coat.  Serve warm or cold,  Just before serving, sprinkle with cheese.

And It's Not Even May Day!

Son Jordan surprised me with these flowers on Monday.  He actually took this picture and sent it to me while I was on my way home from work.  Those boys may drive me crazy but times like this makes me think I'll keep 'em!!

Another Day, Another 77 Cents!

Sister Luna sent me some recent info regarding the proposed Fair Pay Act.  She knows I get so frustrated, especially as a single mom, when I see continuing information that males are paid more than females in the workplace.  Hey, I've experienced this personally so the fight continues!  Part of the link Luna sent me included a comparison for each state which outlines the median pay for full-time employees by sex.  Gee, for Washington, my home state, women earn a median of $40K compared to the median for men of $52K.  There's nothing else I can say that will emphasize the reality than these figures.

Women Can't Afford Unfair Pay Today
April 11, 2012       
American women who work full time, year round are paid only 77 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. This gap in earnings translates into $10,784 less per year in median earnings, leaving women and their families shortchanged. The wage gap is even more substantial when race and gender are considered together, with African-American women making only 62 cents, and Hispanic women only 54 cents, for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. Although enforcement of the Equal Pay Act as well as other civil rights laws has helped to narrow the wage gap over time, it is critical for women and their families that the significant pay disparities that remain are addressed.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pancake to Pumpernickel

Sunday found Michael and I visiting our regular spot Elmer's for breakfast.   There is something about the fruit-topped German pancake that I simply cannot resist!  After breakfast we stopped by a pet store so he could pick up some feeder goldfish for his Jack Dempsey and Convict fish.  It was fascinating watching the bigger fish swarm the little goldfish - you knew the goldie's days, in fact minutes, were numbered but you just can't turn your eyes away.  The biggies were given eight fish; there were three left when Michael suggested we talk a walk to the Ulta store.  Yes, the Ulta store - this man knows what lurks in this Diva's mind!! 

We ambled over to the strip mall, hitting World Market first.  I love wandering through the aisles, browsing over the oddities and strange food items.  Some I couldn't resist, such as the chocolate sesame crunch bar, pumpernickel pretzels, and a bag of round, flat fortune cookies.  After World Market we went next door to Ulta; Michael relaxed in a salon chair while I wandered around, picking up odds and ends such as the BOGO Ulta lotion and a new bottle of Jonathan's Silky Dirt for my hair (spendy but lasts forever.)  Once done, we walked our way back to his apartment (to see that only a chunk of one goldfish was left) then drove to my place for dinner with the boys.

And here it is Monday again - I've been absent from work for a week so I'm anxious to return to see what excitement awaits me. 

When the Cat's Away......

Here's a little picture I received while I was out of town for work.  My best bud Bobby working at my desk, filling in for the Diva while she was gone.  He looks pretty comfortable in that chair....I hope it's still my office when I get to work this morning!

Have a great Monday!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Me and the Dog Have a Hair Day!

It started off with me helping Michael trim my Stubbins.  He was becoming quite the hairy, matty mess and it was time for a shave.  Stubbs is such a good little pup, sitting still (most of the time) while we shaved and trimmed his little body.  Once done, he was given a bath, wrung out, towelled, and wrapped in a doggie shirt to keep him warm.  He has a little more pep in his step now and looks, dare I say, fabulous!!

Inspired by Stubbster's makeover, I decided to add a little variety to my life by becoming a red-head.  Well, more of a brown/reddish head; due to my job, I can't return to the flaming tresses of 2010 but I am able to wear a more subtle version.  I picked up my dye of choice, L'Oreal Preference in Light Reddish Brown, and spent last night coloring my hair.  I've colored my hair so often that there is no longer a shock factor when I remove the towel from hair.  Last night was no different - my hair turned out looking pretty darn good!  Stubbs and I were prancing around the house like two Divas - he being my mini-me.  Although our hair no longer matches!

A little lighter due to all the existing blonde in my hair

As Garbo Said "I Vant To Be Alone"

Between my daily life of commuting 1.50 hours, handling 570 employee requests and demands, fielding work and personal email, sending and responding to text as well as phone calls, returning home to make dinner and assess family situations as well as laundry, watching the boob tube for my favorite fashion shows, then spending time with my boyfriend on the weekend, there are times when I simply crave solitude.  I yearn for a few hours of quiet, of spending my time handling mundane tasks that may simply include painting my nails, reading a magazine, zoning out to my thoughts, or even having a few one-on-one conversations with God.

According to an article, The Power of Solitude, new research suggests that we remember information better when we go it alone. Even as subjects in this study sat back to back unable to see one another, the mere suggestion that the other person was performing the same task was enough to diminish recall. The researchers explain that we’re inherently “distracted” and “’multitasking’” in the presence of others – attuned to their responses as well as the task at hand.  (Maybe this explains why I can be so creatively energized or eager to organize when I am alone with simply my thoughts to keep me company.)

In a world gone wild for wikis and interdisciplinary collaboration, those who prefer solitude and private noodling are seen as eccentric at best and defective at worst, and are often presumed to be suffering from social anxiety, boredom, and alienation.  But an emerging body of research is suggesting that spending time alone, if done right, can be good for us — that certain tasks and thought processes are best carried out without anyone else around, and that even the most socially motivated among us should regularly be taking time to ourselves if we want to have fully developed personalities, and be capable of focus and creative thinking.

There is even research to suggest that blocking off enough alone time is an important component of a well-functioning social life — that if we want to get the most out of the time we spend with people, we should make sure we’re spending enough of it away from them. Just as regular exercise and healthy eating make our minds and bodies work better, solitude experts say, so can being alone.

We use alone time to process our relationships and recalibrate our sense of self. Solitude confirms that we’re more than the sum of our reactions to other people and encounters. In solitude, we return to center.  Solitude reminds us of what is essential to our identities. It inspires deeper deliberation and allows for the perception of more subtle sentiment. It gives us the chance to take inventory and hear the messages that fill our day. In doing so, we can hone in on what is vital to our well-being and what we will take with us to return to the world.

If it means I'm an eccentric or social misfit, I'll take it.  Sometimes a girl just needs a few hours of solitude for an inner lift as well as to make her able to tackle her world!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Text from Hilary

The Today Show this week mentioned the site Text from Hilary which is hilarious!  Take a look for the rest of the funnies!

From Ducks to Doctors

Just when you think you are experiencing an uneventful trip, something odd occurs.  Yesterday my trip from San Jose to Portland was delayed; we ended up having to walk out to the tarmac and board the Oregon Ducks plane.  Not only was the plane colorful but the flight was as well.

The plane was packed; unfortunately, the air vents did not produce much breeze so it was stifling inside the plane.  As soon as the flight attendants began serving the complimentary drinks, the plane began experiencing a serious case of turbulence.  It bumped, it jumped, it twisted and turned, so much so that the attendants halted the beverage service. 

Once the plane settled down, the stewardesses tried to resume drink service.  The turbulence began again, worse than before, and thus no pop or pretzels would be had for the rest of the trip.

We began the dissension to the Portland airport when all of a sudden someone from three rows back yelled "Is there a doctor on board?"  This was something right out of the movies!  I felt I was in Airport 2012!  A woman continued to holler "he's not feeling well - is there a doctor?" and the flight attendants began surveying the passengers.  Two rows in front of me there was actually a doctor, who made his way to the man.  Apparently the passenger had passed out (perhaps due to the massive turbulence or lack of vent air).  When we landed, we were instructed to remain in our seats until the medics could board and administer treatment to the passenger.  An ambulance was next to the plane and there was a scurry of activity both on and off the plane.  Thankfully, we were soon released from our seats, depart from the flight, using the plane stairs to the tarmac (which never happens in Portland) and make our way to baggage claim. 

It was a long day and I was very happy to see my Michael for a ride home.  From a fire alarm in the morning to medics in the afternoon, it was an unexpected and eventful day!

TGIF!!! is your one stop for Myspace Graphics
Friday Comments

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stay Calm Folks - It's Just a Drill

Just as I wrapped up typing my blog, packed my bags, and was on the phone with my Michael, a fire alarm sounded in my room.  It suddenly blasted out directions to leave the room and take the stairs out to the front of the hotel.  At least I was dressed and ready to go!  I quickly grabbed my purse and bags, took a fast scan one more time around the room, and hightailed it to the hallway.  I happened to be on the fifth floor so I lugged my suitcase, carry-on bag, and purse down the stairs to the lobby, which was filled to the brim with guests making their way outside.  Shortly thereafter the fire truck arrived; I'm happy to say this was simply a fire drill not a real emergency.  I was also very proud of my co-workers in Texas as they made the guest evacuation organized and efficient. 

After the drill, I grabbed the shuttle and made my way over to the airport.  My connection was in San Jose so here I sit typing while I wait for my flight to Portland.  It will be good to be home - and to see if my boys followed the rules I set out for them when I left for the week. 

The Sun Sets on Texas Trip

"A tad on the cool side" with a temperature of 64 degrees was how the local news reported the weather this morning in Texas.  Cool side huh?  Sixty four degrees in Washington means swimsuit weather!

I bid adieu this morning as my bags are packed and I'm ready to go, hopping the shuttle at 9am for the airport.  Last night I was lucky enough to hit the Grapevine Mills mall for some much needed retail therapy - it was huge!  I felt as if I'd walked five miles, booking it through all of the shops.  However, only one bag, well actually, one bag packed with four other bags, made their way with me back to the hotel. 

Goodbye Texas!  Perhaps we will meet again one day when all of my time can be devoted to leisure and recreation rather than work!!
Grapevine Mall Entrance - Yay!!!

Football sculpture in front of mall

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Enjoying Texas Y'All

Monday found me on the road to Portland to catch the flight to Dallas.  The excitement of the freeway included  passing a Joker and Catwoman car on I-205. 

The plane took off from Portland to Texas right on time Monday morning.  It was a packed flight so thankfully we arrived early to Dallas.  After some initial confusion about the whereabouts of my ride to the hotel, including at one point when I knocked on a car's window and asked "are you waiting for me?" (he wasn't), my shuttle found me and delivered me to the hotel for check in.  I met up with my peers, ate dinner and chatted, then it was up to my room for bed.

Today found me rising bright and early (two hours early due to the time change) in order to spend all day on my butt in a training class.  There is nothing worse than sitting, eating, sitting, eating some more, then, as the class is dismissed, the decision is made for everyone to ride together to eat once again!  Yikes!  I hope I won't have to purchase an additional airline ticket to cover my butt on the ride home!

Tonight the group of us made our way to Hard 8 BBQ Pit for dinner.  It was warm outside and even warmer inside restaurant.  We made our way into the door and were immediately shuttled into the pit BBQ line.  The pit master asked what we wanted; it was hard for me to figure out exactly what kind of meat was in the pit but he didn't seem to keen on answering a non-Texan's questions.

I ended up with a pork chop, bacon and jalapeno wrapped chicken nugget, mac and cheese, coleslaw, corn on the cob, and cobbler.  Hey - if I was going to try Texas barbecue I was going to indulge myself!  Normally not a big fan of barbecue, it was all very tasty, including the Hard 8 sauce.  There was so much food - I tried some of this and some of that but it was way too much to eat.

Serious pork chop!
We all climbed back into the shuttle hot, full and bloated but it was an excellent dinner.  I'm hanging out at my hotel room now, watching some shows on TV that come on early, such as Conan O'Brian - I haven't watched him in ages because he comes on too late for us West Coasters!  Tomorrow will be another day of training and eating; however, I'm praying for an early release in order to indulge in my favorite hobby - shopping the mall!  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jam Packed Weekend As Always!!

Saturday found Michael and I packing in a variety of errands throughout the day.  After breakfast we hit Target then made our way to Gresham to stop at his apartment before looking at rims and tires for my Chrysler.  My silver 300 is going to look pretty sharp once it gets new 20 inch tires and chrome rims, especially when it's at a discounted price.

After the rim shop, we cruised into Portland to visit Michael's friend Stacy from high school at her cupcake trailer.  Oddly enough her cupcake shop is called "Meaty's Cupcakes", somewhat of an oxymoron.  Apparently Meaty was her daughter's nickname so she named her trailer in her honor.  The cupcakes were huge!!  We couldn't resist picking up a dozen for the boy's to enjoy when they arrived home on Easter.  (Okay, okay, I had to test the frosting as well!)

After cupcakes, we asked Stacy where we could find a good snack.  She suggested panuchos from the taco truck in the same lot as her trailer.  Neither of us had heard of these but decided to go for it and made our way to the taco stand.  The panuchos consisted of two homemade corn tortillas filled with black beans then topped with chicken, lettuce, tomato and pickled onion.  It was super tasty and only cost $1.35!

Taco Truck and Panuchos
Big cupcakes - yum!
Meaty's Cupcakes

After our panuchos snack, we drove over to America's Best Eyeglass Center to find new eyeglasses and contacts. They were running a special - two pair of eyeglasses for $69.99 and a free exam.  I normally wear contacts and hadn't purchased new glasses for years.  Michael was in the same boat.  During my exam, I complained to the eye doctor that my bi-focal contacts weren't working correctly.  She suggested that I wear one contact in my left eye and none in my right.  I'll be able to see the distance but then be able to read since I'm nearsighted.  The clinic gave me two tester lenses but I went ahead and ordered two boxes.  This will save me in the long run especially since I will only need to wear one contact at a time. 

Similar to my new sectional

After the glass place, we made our way over to Mor furniture.  I really wanted to get a sectional for my living room; Michael and I had browsed at the furniture store in Kelso but the one I liked cost a pretty penny plus I had to pay for delivery.  However, Mor furniture had a Midnight Madness sale going, which couldn't be beat.  I found a nice sectional that included a chaise and large ottoman; I received an additional $150 plus 5% off, then free delivery and set up.  A much better deal than buying local!

It was a very long but productive day.  We made it home safely then got up early to pick up the boys from the Portland train at 10am.  I'm looking forward to a peaceful sleep before I leave for my trip to Texas on Monday!!!

Happy Easter 2012

A few holiday pictures for your viewing pleasure!