Monday, May 28, 2018

Holiday Weekend and Willow Grove

Fishing has been on the forefront this holiday weekend.

First off, half day Fridays for the summer started last week, which was so awesome! Saturday I spent fishing on the Cowlitz - no bites but was enjoyable. Lost two spinners but wound up finding a large lure so it was a wash in the end.

Sunday Lake Guy (LG) and I went to Willow Grove early to try our luck. The weather was sunny but looks were deceiving. I wore leggings, t-shirt and light jacket and froze my patootie off! Plus no fish for either of us.

Today I was up at 4:50 am - WTH? Obviously dreams of the big salmon or steelhead were on my mind. I called LG to get him up and we headed out to Willow again. This time I wore leggings, tshirt, fleece pullover and a vest to keep out the chill.

Quite a few fishermen there today.  We ended up chatting with a newbie; LG spent some time schooling him on the ins and outs of river fishing. Just as he's been helping me to learn, he was happy to help this guy who didn't have a clue what to do.  LG ended up getting a Chinook but unfortunately it had the back fin so wasn't a keeper. No bites for me or either of us so we went home empty handed.

Ended up getting home and took a nap. That fishing is hard work!

I'm also on the tail end stages of a cold sore. Such a drag!!! Been slathering it with ointment for the past 5 days and I'm ready for it to be gone!!

Been watching Netflix and Amazon movies on my phone. Tonight I watched a documentary titled "Alison" about a South African woman who in 1995 was raped, stabbed, throat cut, and disemboweled but who still survived.  Made her way to the road holding her neck and stomach together where she was found and taken to the hospital.  Identified her attackers, went through court, and put them in prison. Just an awe inspiring story of a woman's strength and miracles in action.

Tomorrow is Monday, er Tuesday once again. Gonna be a short week!!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Happy Birthday Jordan - May 23

Happy 25th birthday to my oldest son Jordan Pulaski today!! Twenty five years ago you blessed us with your arrival 3 weeks early and my life has never been the same! My son, you are a one-of-a-kind, intelligent, creative, and thoughtful person who always makes me laugh until my sides ache. Have a wonderful birthday my Jordy and I love you! ❤

Monday, May 21, 2018

Fishing and Frying

Yesterday was awesome!

In the morning I met Lake Guy at his house and we headed to Willow Grove to do some salmon/steelhead fishing on the Columbia. He hadn't been to Willow Grove for a few years since his best friend passed. They were diehard fishing buddies and he misses his camaraderie and humor. When we got there, he set up our very large and lengthy poles, including a bell on the end to notify us when a fish was taking a bite. He brought out his best friend's bell, which he hadn't used yet, and clipped it on his pole. It was so sweet yet so sad that I ended up having a moment. Thankfully I had my sunglasses on so he was none the wiser when my eyes were leaking.

I had dressed warm but the sun came out so I shucked off my sweatshirt and was stuck with a long sleeve shirt. Did not want to deal with a farmer's tan so had him slice the sleeves off with his filet knife. No half sleeve tan but did wind up with burned arms, neck and nose.

Lake Guy wound up reeling in a very hefty steelhead. I on the other hand had one hit but didn't land a single fish.

We stayed out there several hours, came home, then ran out to Kress Lake late afternoon to try our luck there. What do you know but this diva landed the first and only fish we caught! Paled in comparison to his catch but was still a keeper!

It was a great day not only to fish but to get to chat to know each other better. Only issue I had was figuring out a way to conceal my clown red nose this morning as I prepped for work!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Breakfast Burritos, Bites, and Babies

This morning after cleaning the kitchen, showering, hair, makeup and clothes, I whipped up some breakfast burritos and dropped them off  to Sam and Jimmy. They had called to see if I wanted to do breakfast - too much going on but I figured they would enjoy some homemade food, which of course they did

After that I renewed my fishing license at Lexington Hardware then later I hit Kress Lake to fish.  Quite a few people there but no one was having luck. After a couple of hours I gave it up.

However, tomorrow Lake Guy and I are going fishing at Willow Grove for steelhead and salmon.  I stopped by his house tonight and we set up a pole for me to use. The man has hundreds of fishing poles and even makes his own. I'm looking forward to catching a big one!

Tonight I went on line to check Facebook and Instagram. I've mentioned before I often receive friend requests from a wide assortment of men. I don't know them and I don't want to know them so I hit Delete.  I received another one of these requests and I must say it was pretty humorous. This kid, full of attitude, looks about 12 and is too young to be searching social media for girfriends!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Lilacs at Lunchtime

Mother's Day weekend was pretty jam packed.

Saturday night Sam and I hit the local dive bar where my coworker runs the karoke stand.  Both Sam and I took a couple of turns singing our favs - Crazy by Patsy Cline and Folsom Prison Blues for me along with a Seether (I think) song and another one that I  clueless about for Sam.  I'd have to say we both did pretty well!

Sunday morning Jimmy and Sam took me to breakfast and gifted me a flower basket along with a phone speaker. Cool gifts as long as I remember to water the plant.

Sunday afternoon it was off to Jordan's for dinner. I was still full so snacked on brownies fresh from the oven.  More gifts came in the way of a shoe decor coffee mug and a ceramic shoe with notepad and pen.  The highlight was watching Jordan imitate a Russian Jersey Shore type guy. He killed it.

This week I started eating salads. Pretty much cabbage salad with chicken and brown rice.  I used to eat that all the time and dropped some pounds so I'm returning to that diet, along with lots of water, to kick start my summer.

Still hanging with the Lake Guy, who is busier than I am!

Cut my bangs this morning. Always try to grow them out but they drive me crazy!!  Works for me and that's what counts.

Writing this on my lunch break so it's a short one. Sitting on my back porch eating my salad and smelling my lilacs which are in full bloom!! One of my favorite fragrances!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Happy Mother's Day 2018

Happy Mother's Day 2018 to all the moms:

My mom whom I miss every day.

My stepmom who has been a blessing.

The mothers of fur babies.

And my family and friends who are loving moms.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Boiled Eggs and Blooms

Last night I put some of my gourmet eggs from the neighbor on to boil then sat down to organize my Pinterest boards. I was so into it, moving pins to boards, creating new boards, and tidying up my pins that those eggs were completely forgotten. That is until Stubbs and I began to hear some cracking and popping from the kitchen. I wasn't sure what it was - a herd of mice run amok?  Someone who snuck in the back door?  Nope - entering the kitchen I realized it was those damn eggs! Water had boiled completely out of the pan!  Oooops!!

Tonight after work the snowball bush in the backyard was in full bloom, begging to be made into a bouquet. Grabbed the scissors and clipped a bunch of snowball flowers along with some lilacs.  Made a few arrangements in jars and one in a vase .

Decided to share the blooms so I dropped one jar to friend Marie and the other to the Lake Guy. Both have been under some stress so figured they would be nice pick-me-ups. And my plan worked. Each was surprised and it brought a smile to their face so that was the reward for me.

Tonight I'm kicking back watching Django Unchained, one of my favorite movies. Tomorrow is Thursday, one step closer to Friday! And this weekend is going to be in the high eighties! What more could a person ask for in life??

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Good Scores and Old Scores

I think my pheromones must be in overdrive.  Last Sunday I received texts from not one, not two, but three men I briefly dated, asking to see me. Pass - when I move on, I move on. Then yesterday I received a nice call from an old beau from many years ago. We didn't date long but when he moved to Florida then New York we stayed friends. He wound up marrying a gal with whom he had gone to elementary school and now lives in Texas.  Then this morning I awoke to a Facebook message from a high school classmate saying "hello and looking good." He also looked at and liked a ton of my pictures.  Weird!  So strange to have these dudes getting in touch with me all at once.

Saturday afternoon I spent some time with Jordan and Candy. They have a new virtual reality video game so I decided to play. So much fun and oddly realistic. Jordan had me wear earbuds to add to the fun. First off was a luge game then an ocean with shark attacks. I was freaking out!! Through the headphones I could hear Jordan saying "you okay Mom?"  Thankfully I lived through it!

Next stop was Home Depot where I was browsing hardware, electrical parts, and bits and pieces for my reclaimed metal art. Ended up running into another very brief beau whom I think of as emoji texting man. Too late to hide in another aisle so had to suffer through a hug and niceties.  As I turned to depart he bellowed "You still have my number so call me if you want." Ugh. Just as I suspected he text me last night around 11pm to say "Hi, pretty young thing - can't stop thinking about that hug."  Give it up!!  (Again, coming out of the woodwork!)

After Home Depot on to my friend Marie's house for a quick visit than over to Lake Guy's house to visit followed by dinner. We were again supposed to go fishing this morning but he again had to go into work. Bummer.

However we did get to see each other briefly today.  He had a washer and dryer that had been given to him by a neighbor. Sam was in need of each so Lake Guy picked me up and we delivered it to Sam.  Good score!

He also delivered to me a new craft project - a newspaper vending machine. Yes it's something odd but it's going to become something marvelous!

This morning I whipped up a Batman metal art project. Gave it to Sam and he was pretty happy with it.

And here it is Sunday
afternoon. Did I clean my ever present messy room? Nah although there's still time to dig in. I make no promises!