Saturday, December 17, 2016

Food, Family, and Fun Make For A Memorable Day

Not only was it a grand Shepard family party today, but it was a white Christmas due to the snow!!

Big kudos to Lynn for organizing the event, cooking up a storm, and Jay for manning the meat. Spinach dip, salmon, elk, pork, a fab potato dish, salads, and a yummy pineapple jalapeƱo dip made by Jordan and Candy.  On top of all that was pumpkin, apple and pecan pie. Yummers!!!

Along with seeing most all of my family members, the highlight was playing the gift game. When it was my turn, I opened up a HUGE teddy bear along with two knives. Well, before I could sit down, it was stolen from me. My next choice unwrapped was an electronic thermostat device, which was also taken. I ended up with a huge box of chocolates as my game prize.

However, Steve came to the rescue and on his turn grabbed the bear and knives. Since it was the third steal, Mr. Bear was mine to keep!!  Of course Steve kept the knives. A win win for both of us.

I also handed out gifts to everyone, most being emoji pillows. Easy, inexpensive gifts but a big hit.

One more highlight was Jordan gifted to Grandma Arlene a picture of Grampa. He worked so hard on that picture and it was a gift completely made from love. I'm proud of my son for his sweet, caring heart.

The party wound down and we rolled ourselves out to the car. Arriving home, Stubbs wasn't quite sure what to make of the bear but he warmed up to it quickly.  I'm afraid I've lost possession of my gift prize.

Another annual party down in the books!!  It makes me want to set up a beach house trip in the summer to spend more than one evening with my family so we have more time to catch up!!  A few hours is never enough.

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