Friday, December 30, 2016

Fire Cider Surprise

One of my co-workers left me a gift that I opened Monday. It was a bottle filled with "Fire Cider."  I had hoped it was akin to Fireball but alas that was not the case. He included some background along with a recipe for the concoction.

Apparently Fire Cider is a steeped mixture of all sorts of ingredients,  including vinegar, horseradish, cayenne pepper, herbs, and vegetables.  The brew is fermented then strained, producing a cloudy liquid that is supposed to be full of antibiotics and potent powers to boost one's immune system.

I brought the brew home Tuesday night. Wednesday morning I was battling allergies so I figured it was time to try it out. The directions said to start off with one-half to one shot and move up from there.  Oh why not go for a full shot - what could it hurt?

Whoa total blast off!!  That stuff was beyond spicy!  Also had a funky flavor that held on for several hours, sort of like a pickled dirty, sweaty sock with a kick. Not sure it cured my allergies but definitely took my mind off of them because I was dealing with a putrid mouth full of burn!

The directions state a shot - or several - should be taken every day. I have not worked up to a second shot I was so scarred by the first one.

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