Friday, April 27, 2018

Lotsa Lakes and Laughs

Lots happening but if I can write on my blog once a week I'll be happy.

Let's see, Sunday afternoon I made my way to Lake Sacajawea for a meet and greet.  We were meeting at Lions Island and it was a beautiful, sunny day. Parked my car, then started walking toward my destination. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a older man, white hair sprouting out of a bandanna and scraggly white hair shooting out of his face. He was dressed in biker leather which was emblazoned with Vet logos, American flags, and the like. Lord, please don't let this be the man I'm meeting. I slowly walked by and he said "just going for a walk?"  I said yes then asked if he was Lake Guy. I almost fainted with relief when he said "No."
Yeah not my type

At that point anyone in the world would have been a step up from that oddball.

Thankfully, the real Lake Guy was funny, charming, and friendly.  We spent over two hours walking the lake and talking about everything under the sun. He's been in the same job for 22 years, owns his home, has ambition, and was a gentleman.

Monday after work we met for dinner. Wednesday we drove to Kalama to check out an antique store run by the wife of his best friend, who unfortunately passed away three years ago. I happened to be Facebook friends with her and her shop, although we had never met. Sweet lady and the store was awesome.

After the shop we strolled around Kress Lake, then we had dinner together. Was a lovely evening.

Thursday Sam stopped by after work and brought me a Nipp's burger for dinner. So I've made out like a bandit for dinners this week!

On Wednesday I arrived to work and found a nice surprise - a card for Admin Professional's Day and a $25 gift card. Now that I'm not a boss, it's cool to be on the receiving end of these gifts!

And here it is the weekend once again!!  Bummer the rain is back but such is life in the Northwest!

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