Thursday, September 19, 2019

Green Plastic Bag World

Oh it's been a whirlwind, life changing, big ball of activity over the last week.

With Sam's help, moved in to Marie's. She had started painting my room which meant I slept in her bed and she slept on the couch the first night. Painting continued, then ripping out closet organizers along with wood to paint the closet. The past two days she has been finishing the closet and hanging curtains. In a nutshell, this means my numerous bags of clothes and shoes are still in the back room and I'm living out of green plastic bags!  However, I see a light at the end of the tunnel and my room should be finished by this weekend.

Living with a roommate will also be a learning experience. We are somewhat like The Odd Couple - she's Felix and I'm Oscar. She's a bit on the OCD side when it comes to organization and cleaning. I'm following her lead as it's her house.  So becoming a bit more neat and tidy - wash my dishes after each meal, pick up the bathroom when done, and that sort of thing.

Last night Marie was gone feeding the cats at our friends who were in Vegas.  They have a country home filled with apple trees, deer, and a breathtaking view.

While she was out, I took my Chantix pill - the quitting smoking has been going great - on what I thought was a full stomach. Was relaxing in the recliner when it suddenly hit me that I was going to be sick. Jumped up and ran to the bathroom but alas didn't make it quite in time. Following the literal upheaval, it was time to clean up the mess on the floor, on the lower wall, on the toilet and God knows where else. I was going fast as I wanted it done before The White Glove got home.  Whew - finished in time and carried my bagged clean up mess outside and tossed in the garbage.  If you think I was covering my tracks, you are absolutely correct!

She arrived home shortly thereafter and I let her know I was sick but didn't tell her the extent of my illness -

Thought I got away with it but alas, tonight she asked me if I had gotten sick on the floor. Uh yes but why do you ask? She said the floor was sticky. Just can't get away with nothing can you?

Stubbs has become quite settled in his new home. He and Lilly are somewhat buds and he's enjoying his time here. It's a plus that Marie is here all day so he doesn't have time to miss his mama.

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