Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Clearing Out the Closets!

Now that my oldest son is living elsewhere, this has left an empty bedroom in the house, which I’ve been conveniently ignoring.  Perhaps there was a twinge of longing for son Jordan to return home; however, I conceded to fate and finally the time arrived for action to be taken to solidify my child’s departure from my home.

A few weekends ago Michael bagged up Jordan’s clothing and cleared out a few other items in his room.  Our first thought was to use it as a spare bedroom along with my own personal closet, freeing up space in my bedroom.  That idea was dashed when Sam moved his belongings into Jordan’s old room.  We still ended up with a spare bedroom but now this one is filled with both boys’ castoffs.

This past weekend Michael and I emptied out the closet in the spare room and piled up the extra items and bed against two walls.  We then moved all my clothing (including five bags of apparel given to me by co-worker Kim) and my shoes into the spare room so I could begin using it as my dressing room.  It’s a bit of a wreck at the moment; however, last night I proceeded to clean out all of my clothes, tossing in a pile the items I don’t wear, won’t wear, are too big, are too small, outdated or simply ugly.  It’s a very hefty pile!  And I didn’t even begin on my shoes yet! 

Yeah, a clothes pile like this!

Last night I also tried on donated tops and shirts in order to determine what to keep and what to include in the donation pile.  Crisp white shirts, brightly colored tanks, and sparkly tops flatter my figure; peasant tops, small waist/large hip pants, and beige clothing quickly went into the “not for me” pile.

Along with sorting, I also organized my new closet from one end to the next.  Pants, skirts, tanks, cardigans, sweaters, tops, and finally dresses all hung in a line.  Alas, one closet wasn’t enough so the logo work wear, outside jackets, and party attire were returned to my bedroom closet, tucked into a corner. 

 Also over the weekend Michael and I moved the dresser, with TV on top, into the closet, which has definitely made the bedroom more spacious.  Sam was volunteered into bagging up the extra clothes today and taking them to the garage.  Tonight I look forward to organizing my shoes in hopes that I can easily find each matching pair when I get dressed in the morning.  My vision is to soon have this spare bedroom/Diva dressing room organized and repainted in the near future.  It may not be a closet in the style of Mariah Carey, but it will work for me!




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