Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Thunder in the Clear Blue Sky

My window at work overlooks the freeway....well, through brush and trees.  However, there is view enough to see if traffic is cruising along or dragging.  Today during my normal workday, I was typing along when I looked out my window and saw a huge puff of smoke or dust shooting into the air.  Then, there was a tremendous amount of noise akin to thunder.  Being that it was a sunny, clear and warm day, a miracle had to occur for thunder to sound.  Hmmm, I thought to myself as I returned to my typing.  A few minutes later, red and blue lights flickered on the freeway - police and ambulance had arrived and the freeway was at a standstill.  At that point, I ventured from my office to see what was going on.

Apparently, a semi carrying a load of logs overturned on the freeway, which caused the cloud of dust along with the thunder noise.  The following picture is from the freeway camera, which shows the extent of the wreck.  This occurred around 11am; southbound freeway was blocked for a few hours, cars were then detoured while the freeway was closed.   Close to my quitting time at 4pm, I was happy to see traffic was moving; however, when I made my way to the freeway, it was very slooooowwwww going for several miles. My 45 minute commute took me double that time to get home.  Ugh....but at least no one was hurt in the wreck.

Arriving home, I cancelled my normal trip to the gym in order to get outside and enjoy the warmth.  Tossing on my shorts and tank top, I then pulled out the lawnmower to cut the backyard.  Alas, no gas so my next trip was the gas station.  Once home, the next hour was spent mowing the backyard in the 90 some degree heat, which resulted in a serious sweat situation!  My plan was to cut the front yard as well but that shall wait for another day.

Here's to more summer weather this week!!!

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