Sunday, February 10, 2019

Bring On the White Stuff!

Oh the trials and tribulations of returning to the gym! 

Last week started back to the gym and began working on arms. At first it was okay then the pain set in so much so it was torture simply picking up my phone. Ended up downing ibuprofen and Tylenol and wound up with a gut ache on top of pain filled biceps. Been smothering my arms with an Icy Hot generic type of Ben Gay, which leaves me with pain relief but also a strong medicinal smell.

And then there is Snowmaggedon. Lots of build up for tons of snow but ended up with just a dusting. The weekend isn't over yet so unbearable inches of the white stuff could still happen.

Yesterday the arms were tolerable  so cleaned the kitchen then made ham and bean soup along with a Pinterest recipe of peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate chip bars cookies.  Jordan and Candy stopped by to visit so they were sent home with a good portion of the bars.

Later Sam stopped by to give me my birthday gift - he swapped out my crappy leaking washer and faulty dryer with his set which he didn't need. Made me so happy to be able to have a washer that doesn't leak!  Made my heart warm when he was moving the old out with the new and I'm so grateful he spent his Saturday night taking care of his mom. Sent him home with leftover soup and the last of the cookies.

Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow on the ground. Let's see if this plays out into something big.

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