Sunday, December 22, 2019

Haiku on a Saturday Night

Was browsing through a local community paper, The Columbia River Reader, and saw they were having a haiku contest.  Haikus are pretty easy so figured why not? 

Last night whipped up five (the max) to submit. The categories were Traditional (i.e. nature), Pop (not nature), and Lewis & Clark because the paper has  been focusing several articles on this topic.   It's not like the Lewis & Clark journey is in my wheelhouse of creativity but figured might as well toss one in the mix.

If you remember from grade school, haikus are 5/7/5 - five syllables on the first line, seven on the second, and five on the last.  Think my hand began cramping due to repeatedly counting syllables with my fingers.

First time toes felt sand
And salty wind kissed my face
My beach soul was hooked

Not the sunny days
But a blustery beach storm
That revives my soul

The above was my view on my way to work the other day so took inspiration from it, as follows:

Gardenia pink
Outlining black tree branches
Floods my morning sky

Determined Maple
Why flood yard with leaves so soon?
I just raked two hours

Strong Shoshone with newborn son
Voyage diplomat

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