Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Chapter Closed on 2019 Christmas

Yesterday made my way to Milwaukie to spend Christmas Eve with Steve and his family. Marie went along for the ride and we met up with her aunt and uncle a couple of exits before Steve so she could spend the day with them. Continued to Milwaukie then onward to Oregon City to his sister Teri's for dinner.

Arrived early and were able to relax before everyone else arrived. I just love his family - just a really great group of people. We had a huge dinner, which included Waldorf salad, a dish my mom used to make.  The salad was made with Cosmic Crisp apples - the first widely-grown apple variety in Washington. It went on sale for the first time on December 1, 2019.  And that apple was pretty damn good!!

Also tried a Bourbon Moscow Mule - ginger beer, lime, and Bourbon. Had a bit of a kick to it - idea was tasty but never had much of a liking for Bourbon and that opinion has remained unchanged.

After dinner we played the White Elephant game, which was a hoot. Gifts such as Trump toilet paper, a portable bidet, Darth Vader clapping lamp, and a toilet bowl fishing game were among the selections. Thankfully my number was toward the end so I wound up with a unicorn coffee cup, memo pad, and pen - a score in my eyes.

Next we shared gifts with the person for whom we drew. My gift was for Steve's nephew's girlfriend. Ended up stalking Facebook, grabbed a pic of them at a Duck's game, and made a canvas picture for her. She loved it.

Steve's niece had me; my gift was a dreamy candle along with body scrub and lotion. I gave Steve a canvas print (yes, was on a roll with the Walgreen's canvas pics) of him on a boat in Astoria with a big salmon catch. He loved it. Steve gifted me with a beautiful Pendleton woolen scarf and a lovely card.

Party over, drove to pick up Marie then on the road for home. Arrived about 11pm but didn't fall asleep until 1am.

This Christmas morning slept in then spent time getting the house ready for company and cooking the food. Jordan, Candy, her son Jeffrey, Sam, Kaitlyn and Khloe all arrived for gifts and dinner. So nice to have both my boys together. Everyone enjoyed their gifts, ham dinner was successful, and the long day came to a close about 9pm.

Another Christmas down for the count. Now looking forward to bringing in a brand new decade - 2020!

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